Check out I'm not saying I think this, but if you investigate further then it seems strange. However I think that the American Space program (if true, as it most likely is) is very good and I feel sorry for the Astronauts that pioneered space travel (Russia) and those that first took man to the moon, and all those who lost there livesin search of the stars, when these ideas are suggested.
Do people who believe conspiracy theories stop to consider the complexity and complicity required to pull them off? The Moon landings were 50 years ago. The task would have been highly complex. There would have to be many complicit people needing to stay silent for the rest of their lives. There would have to be no evidence left to trace. Think about it, people! 9-11 would have to be even more complex with even more complicit people.
All this talk of some omnipotent and malevolent "illuminati" controlling World events is just a convenient black box requiring zero critical thought.
Conspiracy believers tell themselves that they’re the ones who see the lies, and the rest of us are gullible sheep. This is just another convenient way to dismiss critical thought and begs the question of who exactly is the gullible one.
I disagree with the point that it'd be impossibly difficult to keep those who were involved quiet for 45 years. There are many reasons why more people would not speak out (if it's in fact a hoax, that is). The first is the obvious difficulty of going up against the reigning power and authority. Needless to say you'd have to be prepared to give up everything to call NASA and the USA government a liar, and few are brave enough to do so. It's a huge claim - calling Nixon a liar is a child's play next to it. Second, unless you're a big shot overseeing a large part of the operation, your direct involvement is not crucial enough to be able to call the whole moon landing a hoax. Most lower level peons could only make a statement with any authority about some small aspect of the operation they are directly involved with. Beyond that it's all conjectures and won't be given serious considerations. As for the crucial part for which he has first-hand knowledge or evidence, chances are that it can be explained away or refuted by others with broader scope of responsibility as well as backings of other staff. In other words, it's not as easy as one might think to blow a whistle because, for the most part, they are in no position to do so. The third point is that, even if one had a irrefutable evidence, we should remember that he'd be only as effective as the media allows him. No matter what he says, if the mainstream media does not cooperate, he'll get nowhere. He'll be that proverbial "tree falling when no one's around to hear it". One might put it on the internet and attract some attention, but we all know how the internet is a giant trash dump with more garbage than useful facts. The fourth is that, it's not like none of the people on the project ever came out with revealing information. People did come out (Bill Keysing was one indirectly involved with the project and there may be others) and the result is what we have now. The whole notion that no one came out whistle-blowing all this time is bogus.
Of the many arguments debunking the hoax theory, I think this particular one about no one speaking out is one of the weakest.
Bill Keysing was one indirectly involved with the project and there may be others
Keysing resigned from Rocketdyne, having been a service engineer for 8 months, in 1963. NASA had only decided on the mode for a moon landing 10 months before he was out of the industry. He wasn't involved with anything to do with Apollo.
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not only were they faked....but they were faked for a completely different reason...ready for this...are you sitting down?....wait for was physically impossible due to the firmament...aka van allen belts etc....btw....we all live on a flat earth(non-globe)....seriously....go to flat earth clues not think you can change the world....rather...change the way you think about the world!
Probably the only intelligent species in the Universe that can believe in all mighty being that nobody has seen or can prove it's existence, and at the same time doubt everything, even the greatest endeavor in species history, when they left their home planet, and landed on the Moon.
To the three stooges on this board, flyingswan, bobvious, postbaguk, jleslie48, heresjay and TWilk - honorable mention to jaywindley for his arguments against the moon landings... Years have passed and I hope you have all come to your senses. Realize the truth, that we have yet to go to the moon. In accepting this truth you shall free yourselves and expand your mind to accept the world around you is all lies and propaganda.
To a brave warrior roska-posti on another board fighting for the truth, carry on warrior! Soldiers like you expose Nasa for what it is -- the biggest money grab on the planet.
Perhaps one day we'll go to the moon... UNTIL THEN!!
Prove we never landed on the moon sir PowerSoul...aka *beep* if you haven't realized, our chase for the stars in this country...the U (United) S (States) of A (America) is all about moving forward, having citizens connected and motivated to performing brilliance for a country they love and they only care to bring the TRUTH to the world AND we just want to prove to the world that persistence is key to achieve your largest and wildest dreams as long as they is a reason.
Whether or not we landed in 1969 under the appropriation of funds provided by John F. Kennedy when he was President in 1962 and then cofirmed by Lynden Johnson...those funds led to the development of the present we know today that is 2016.
Go to sleep you Puppet and keep believing the lies that the media portrays as facts. Propaganda at it's finest -- we went to the moon 6 times without incident, passing though the Van Allen's belt.
Let me remind you, in normal space travel "Low Earth orbit" which is all we've accomplished there have been numerous deaths and accidents. I will remind you of the Space Shuttle Colombia disaster, and the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. Normal routine missions which ended in tragedy.
According to Nasa We went to the moon 6 times with the computing power of my calculator with no incident and had astronauts hopping around like bunnys. Check out a space mission today -- the astronauts are in suits that look like the michelin man with barely any maneuverability. But in 1970 they were able to sprint on the surface of the moon......
To my previous point, the VAN ALLENS BELT is a lethal radiation zone that we as human cannot SURVIVE through. We must past this zone to reach the moon (which we supposedly been to 6 times)
Here is a quote from Nasa you gullible fool:
"“NASA is still seeking to develop technology to safeguard humans for spaceflight into radiation-laden space within and beyond the Van Allen Radiation belts, and the protection provided by our magnetosphere.”
“Until that technology is available, our exploits into space will continue to be well below the beginning of radiation belts so intense, Van Allen called them a SEA of DEADLY RADIATION.
What we can gather from this statement is that the Apollo mission was nothing more than mere Fantasy. A tool to beat Russia in the space race and laughable video at that -- which gets edited and modified from their original versions.
Here is another quote from Nasa:
"As we get further away from Earth, we will pass through the Vann Allan Belts, an area of dangerous radiation. Radiation like this can harm the guidance systems, onboard computers, or other electronics on Orion. Naturally, we have to pass through this danger zone twice, once up and once back. But Orion has protection, shielding will be put to the test as the vehicle cuts through the waves of radiation. Sensors aboard will record radiation levels for scientists to study. We must solve these challenges before we send people through this region of Space."
From 1961 until the present we have maintained a distance of at least 1000 thousand miles well below the Van Allen Radiation Belts. So until we get past this obstacle, we're stuck in low earth orbit. I CAN IMAGINE IT NOW, NASA claiming a radiation belt caused by a sun SOLAR flare is preventing us from returning to the moon -- and you muppets will believe it.
Every lunar flight had incidents that could have caused it to fail, they were never "without incident".
Why do you think the CM and LM needed more than the computing power of your calculator to go to the moon and back? Most of the heavy duty computing took place on Earth.
The requirements for a spacewalks and walking on the lunar surface are different. There is no need to use the same suits.
NASA is planning long distance and long duration flights, not the same short duration flights that took us to the moon. Longer flights require more protection.
Al spacecraft have to be built to protect themselves from the environment they travel in, the Orion is no different.
The VAB extend from 400 to 35000 miles above the Earth for the most part. The South Atlantic Anomaly goes down to 130 miles. The Space Shuttle and ISS have passed through this area.
Gemini 11's orbit went as high as 740 miles; into the VAB.
Sibrel's video "A funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" was full of stupid claims. Here are some of them.
They (USSR) had logged 500% more hours in space than the USA. This was only true until 1965.
Had the unmanned Soviet lander not crashed it would have brought back the first moon rock. It was unlikely to beat Apollo 11 back to Earth and could only bring back moon dust, not rocks.
Press coverage of NASA activities is entirely government controlled. Non-government cameras also covered the event.
The Van Allen Radiation Belts extend from 1000 to 25000 miles above the Earth surface. The VAB extend from 250 to 35000 miles above the Earth.
Every space mission with humans on board except for Apollo remained below the VAB. Gemini 10 went 850 miles into space, well within the VAB.
Solid lead shielding is required to travel through the VAB. Lead shields particle radiation poorly.
The Saturn V rocket can't lift off with lead shielding installed. Any kind of shielding can be used, the only limit is weight and effectiveness.
The Apollo spacecrafts shielding was less than 1/8 inch of aluminum. It also consisted of other materials
JFK set the IRREVOCABLE goal of landing a man on the moon by the end of the 1960's after the first American astronaut spent 5 minutes in space. JFK did try to cancel Apollo and work with the Russians; they refused.
The technology required to launch the Saturn V rocket and an ICBM is 95% similar. Most ICBM's use hypergolic or solid rocket fuels, not the kerosene and liquid hydrogen fuels
The Soviets put the first animal in space. The USA beat the Soviets by several years with a V-2 carrying flies and frogs. into space.
The sole goal of Apollo was to be the first to plant a flag on the moon. They also took photos, performed experiments and took home lunar samples.
NASA launched the TETR satellite to simulate flight data coming from the moon. TETR was in low Earth orbit and could not simulate signal from the moon.