Check out I'm not saying I think this, but if you investigate further then it seems strange. However I think that the American Space program (if true, as it most likely is) is very good and I feel sorry for the Astronauts that pioneered space travel (Russia) and those that first took man to the moon, and all those who lost there livesin search of the stars, when these ideas are suggested.
What is certain is that Kubrick and the Apollo 11 astronauts did make an alternate moon landing. NASA airbrushes out certain things from their photo's, never has a straight answer, calls anything resembling a ufo water crystals, and has put out obvious manipulated photos of the moon. This is fact and it should be well known. Did you know that they even have a 20 second delay when showing live television that is used to control what information gets out? Oh and they taped over the first moon landing ever because of shortage of tapes, or just plain out can't find the originals, lol.
In a film called "something funny happened on the way to the moon" you get to see the Apollo 11 astronauts making the earth seem further away while making their way to the moon and the date doesn't add up with their trajectory. In many photo's you can see photo tampering done in the exact same way Kubrick did 2001. Here's a nice article:
I don't know if all manned missions were faked, I really don't know. But maybe the initial moon landing was or was atleast done in a studio just in case of failure. I see that as being more plausible. I don't care about the shadows, the waving flag, maybe that's how it is on the moon, I've never been there. It's the way the moon dust acts that I see as something otherworldly. I don't know how they could have faked the way that stuff moves.
If reincarnated,I'd return to Earth as a killer virus to lower population levels. -Prince Phillip
In a film called "something funny happened on the way to the moon" you get to see the Apollo 11 astronauts making the earth seem further away while making their way to the moon and the date doesn't add up with their trajectory.
yes of course they were faked. physical life can not travel in space its scientifically not possible. you should rewatch or watch The Shining, that movie is actually about Kubrick himself faking the moon landings.
WOW! this thread has been going on for ten years. That's amazing. I personally don't think the moon landings were faked. I can't say for 100 percent certain they actually went. However would I put it past NASA, and the US government to lie about actually going to the moon? I would not be surprised at all.
I heard a story that NASA actually got the whole "fake moon landing" story going it's self. The reason being is because they found structures on the moon from some past civilization. They didn't want the general public to know. So they leaked a bogus story about the moon landings being faked. To divert every ones attention about the real nature of the moon landings.
One can't say for certain, but it sure is fun to speculate, and discuss all the what ifs.