and the bartender tells Luke that droids are not welcome inside. Does anyone else get highly offended by this racism? I wish when shown on TV, the networks would censor out that meaningless but racist line. Racism is wrong and I don't care what planet or galaxy it is in
I sincerely hope he was paying back old grudges, knowing he was about to leave the planet for good, and didn't just leave limbs all over the floor every time there was a bar fight in Mos Eisley!
Still, when the town was crawling with Imperials, who are searching house to house, how stupid was it to whip out a light saber?
Yea, I guess it was done to show the viewer the effects of a light saber because of until then, we only saw Ben show it to Luke as the weapon of the jedi as his home
I'd bet real money that there's a moment in "Obi-Wan Kenobi" where Obi is in that bar, and keeps quiet when there's a brawl or an open injustice, because he doesn't dare reveal his powers or stand out in any way.
And he mutters "Someday I'll leave this hellhole, and before I do I'll show those...".
The FUNNIEST slave droid is the L3:37 from Solo (groan name lol h4x0r ... lame) who ends up proving 'itself' to be a COWARD by becoming Han Solos slave navigation slut computer instead of dying for what it believed in. Absolute gutless LOL!
I disagree with you on the droids. They should be a protected class. Hopefully when Disney reboots episodes 4 thru 6, they make it a point to protect droids rights and give them the social justice they deserve
Yes that was the best part of an otherwise bad movie - best part is it proved the droid a coward because becoming a slave is what it apparently opposed, but in the end CHOSE to become one instead of standing up for what it believed in.
Since it's never mentioned again (not even by Lando) I assume Han dumped it's nav data and scrapped the bitch piece of shit later on.
If you're being sarcastic, it's kind of funny. If you're serious, seek help.
Droids are nothing but metal and plastic parts, made to do what we say. Droids can fuck off. The bartender doesn't need to serve their filth. What is he going to do, offer them an oil-cocktail? Get out by that speeder and wait, you golden pansy. Do what master Luke tells you to do.
They matter when they're mining for moisture on a shithole... other than that, they're shit. Look at R2-Teabag in "The Farce Awakens". Useless prick until the end when his flaccid goldenrod home-skillet says "Hi" and that nutsack BB-8 came up on him.