MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > What is something really dark from Star ...

What is something really dark from Star Wars, but gets ignored?

The Jedi, the nominal heroes of the various stories, are religious fanatics - They are deeply religious and fanatical warriors who are almost never shown questioning their faith. They are certain of their “correctness”, and operate in that manner throughout the franchise’s narrative universe.

The Jedi are surprisingly blase about a variety of moral offenses despite being religious individuals - Slavery, exploitation, murder, even genocide barely seem to register with the Jedi even though they are morally wrong in the majority of faiths. Unless the matter directly concerns them or their interests, they usually just ignore it.

The Empire didn’t have to destroy Alderaan, but did it anyway - The Death Star could made the same point by destroying one of the other planets or moons in Alderaan’s solar system. It’s unclear that a number of world which can sustain life are present in the Star Wars universe , so destroying one simply to “test” a weapon of mass destruction was either insanely stupid or simply cartoonishly evil.

Lando Calrissian had no idea what was going to happen to Han Solo and the rest of them when he betrayed them to the Empire - There was no proof that they weren’t going to be killed immediately, nor that the Empire would have honored whatever “deal” they made with him. Frankly his decision was particularly shortsighted, and could resulted in the deaths of everyone, including himself.

It’s never made exactly clear how Rey survived from being a toddler to an adult woman - While the film seems to indicate that she scavenges parts from crashed spacecraft for a living, that really doesn’t seem to be too profitable of an occupation in a universe where large military space vessels are abandoned by their former owners. She doesn’t seem to have any friends or family on Jakku and no explanation is given as how she wasn’t/isn’t exploited by the various bad actors there. A number of inferences could be drawn from the narrative, and none of them are pleasant.


Alderaan being destroyed. It's just brushed aside afterwards as if a criminal has just blown up an empty supermarket.


After the prequels all came out but before the sequels I thought that the Jedi were corrupt except for Luke which is what made him special.
