"It's 19 minutes after the hour, and now it's time for our daily feature, The Astrological Report. A quick reminder: these reports are not intended to foster a belief in astrology, but merely to support people who cannot take responsibility for their own lives."
"Carol! Put down that knife!"
<man watching film> "KNIFE??"
"...and the capital of Nebraska is Lincoln!"
Fistful of Yen:
- I think my favorite part of the entire movie is when Loo is watching the students practice martial arts, and he sees a bunch of students practicing throwing hats to decapitate statues.
<Loo talking to guard dog> "What was that? This is not a chawade. We need total concentwation. Now try again."
- Guard #1: Hung Lao. Guard #2: Long Wang. Guard #3: Enormous Genitals.
- The parts when Brutkis gets back up after the finishing moves from Loo. I like everything that's been said already, but I also love the sound that plays when Brutkis gets back up.
"Despite millions of dollars of research, Death continues to be our nation's number one killer."
Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker. That skit was genius.