Favorite quotes or scenes

Let's hear some of your favorites. Here's one of mine:

The prison scene with Dr Klan (this is the best I can remember it).
Klan "These are men who do care, but don't drink!"
Prisoner "Hey, I don't care"
Other prisoner "Yeah, and I don't drink"
Klan "Do you care?"
Prisoner "No"
Klan "Guard, put this man in cell number one and get him a drink!"
Guard "What do you want to drink?"
Prisoner "I don't care"



The popcorn you're eating has been pissed in, film at eleven.


My favorite scene was the "Zinc Oxide and You." For those of you in school today, you may not realise it but that was EXACTLY the kind of crap they would put on a movie projector during science class in 6th grade while the teacher when out into the yard to smoke ... or something.

Just like the bad school movies they are parodying, the zinc oxide movie tells you nothing about Zinc Oxide, except that it's in a lot of things. (The safety trigger on your son's gun!) The purposeful film scrapes and mis-alignment of the frame only makes it more authentic.

Although I was laughing hysterically when I first saw this film (yes, I saw it in the theaters, in the 70's), when it got to the Zinc Oxide section, I nearly wet my pants.

KFM is just about the perfect parody of everything that was just horrible about the 70's.


"That brassiere you're wearing!"

I saw it in the theater when it just came out and I just about spit my popcorn on the guy in front of me!


1 of my favorites is the line that the Astrology Girl says right before she is killed. She said "If Your A Taurus, Be A Florist". I know it's not the best line in the film, but it's one of my favorites.


The entire Willer commercial has me in stitches every time. "You've just sold your last incense.....time to pop open a Willer"

"You're only reincarnated four or five times in life.....WILLER"

Human Beings...Wow


My favorite scene is when the lady throws the hamster over her shoulder and then the bear kicks peoples asses haha. what a funny movie


the scene where all the ninja's are doing tricks but once in a while you see some ninja do a slam dunk in a basket. Totally useless, totally funny!


Bears and ninjas?! We didn't watch the same movie... (lol)

I nearly wet myself every time I see the part in "A FISTFUL OF YEN" when the main character crushes Buttkiss, and when he gets back up, he mouths in slow-mo: "What the.......... *beep* LOL!

NOW INTRODUCING: Yo, *beep* that *beep* name!
-"Brooklyn Zoo" - ODB



rex kramer, danger seeker.

a fistfull of yen:

man1: a terrain so rough, so trecherous, no country will claim it.
man2: worse than Detroit??
man1: i'm afraid so.
man2: GASP!!

the only thing faster than the speed of light is the speed of dark - canibus


"- the guard who couldn't see Loo, even though he knocked everything over and pretty much ran in front of him "

HAHA yeah that's friggin' hilarious! he just runs in front of him and he just can't see/hear him!!


The thing I laughed the most at was the dead kid floating face down in the pool, his family playing happily around him, in the United appeal for the dead skit.
"We were able to include him in our daily activities" *lol*


"It's 19 minutes after the hour, and now it's time for our daily feature, The Astrological Report. A quick reminder: these reports are not intended to foster a belief in astrology, but merely to support people who cannot take responsibility for their own lives."

"Carol! Put down that knife!"
<man watching film> "KNIFE??"

"...and the capital of Nebraska is Lincoln!"

Fistful of Yen:
- I think my favorite part of the entire movie is when Loo is watching the students practice martial arts, and he sees a bunch of students practicing throwing hats to decapitate statues.
<Loo talking to guard dog> "What was that? This is not a chawade. We need total concentwation. Now try again."
- Guard #1: Hung Lao. Guard #2: Long Wang. Guard #3: Enormous Genitals.
- The parts when Brutkis gets back up after the finishing moves from Loo. I like everything that's been said already, but I also love the sound that plays when Brutkis gets back up.

"Despite millions of dollars of research, Death continues to be our nation's number one killer."

Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker. That skit was genius.


That IS funny as h--l. Mine is.

"Herro, this Dr. Khan. Sorry we are not at home right now. Reave a message at the sound of the bip. You have our gratitude." <BONG!>


In "Fistful of Yen," that busty blonde walking in the ultra high-cut cheongsam. Where did they FIND that leggy goddess??!!
