Favorite quotes or scenes

Let's hear some of your favorites. Here's one of mine:

The prison scene with Dr Klan (this is the best I can remember it).
Klan "These are men who do care, but don't drink!"
Prisoner "Hey, I don't care"
Other prisoner "Yeah, and I don't drink"
Klan "Do you care?"
Prisoner "No"
Klan "Guard, put this man in cell number one and get him a drink!"
Guard "What do you want to drink?"
Prisoner "I don't care"



"I'm not wearing any pants. Film at 11."
I haven't seen this movie since I was young (too young) but to this day I remember that line.


My favorite scenes "Sex Record", "Fistful Of Yen, and "Count/Pointercoint" which I'm surprised hasn't been quoted.

(After John Fitsimmons talks)

Sheila Hamilton: "Why John you old stick in mud. I've been listening to that *beep* of yours for months, and you can take that crap and blow it out your ass, And for good measure, sit on THIS(Flips Bird), John!

