what did nels see in harriet

seriously why did he marry her


Opposites attract.


Fireworks in the bedroom! LOL!!


It’s possible she did not reveal her true nature until after they were betrothed or wed or that theirs was an arranged marriage. Or perhaps, as others have speculated, she had a dowry that helped him get started as a merchant. As I understand it, women were in short supply west of the Mississippi in that era. Perhaps Nels didn’t have a lot of choice.


I always got a kick out of the episode where she asks "Am I fat" and he answers "Yes".


Famous last words!


I really like the episode in season 6 that had Nels fall momentarily in love with an Irish lass who runs a bed and breakfast, and yet we know the structure of the show would never allow him to run off with her. When he makes up with Harriet by the end, we expect it but it's still emotionally satisying.


very true


One of my favorite episodes. It wasn't overdone or melodramatic. But it was nice to see Nels just having a pleasant time with a woman. He was so starved for affection. All Harriet did was yell at him. I've often felt that the most important person in her life was Nellie.


Slim pickings.
