Episodes that are difficult to watch
I’m not referring to the ones that have, shall we say, dubious entertainment value (like The Swedish Tiger). I mean the episodes in which the characters behave badly, or a difficult point in history is revealed.
For example, one of my choices would be A Special Mischief. Of all the Elizabeth episodes, this one really makes me dislike her. She bullies Rose into joining her by threatening Rose's job. She behaves like a coward—telling Edward & Ruby not to say a word to anyone *and* going to Julius to get her out of the mess she’s gotten herself into (how could she possibly explain to her parents-or Sir Geoffrey-the reason for Rose being in prison?).
And then at the end: Elizabeth knows that Rose has been utterly humiliated by her prison experience, yet when Rose asks Elizabeth to never do anything like that again, Elizabeth hesitates.
It’s a well done yet difficult episode for me to watch because of the prison scenes and because Elizabeth never truly learns to appreciate Rose, in the manner she deserved.
Comments? Which episode would you choose?