Who would have thought that the OP wished to attract comments that were not about the movie. While perhaps her involvement may have been seen as a slap in the face to many we now know that her stance was correct. Today we are hoodwinked by Presidents and administrations about other nations who had things they do not have. Just how many wars have been started due to possibly downright lies.
Jane was not a flower power child but did indeed have a look and a body that I certainly would have liked to dangle in front of a jealous crowd. I was 21 when this first appeared and had worn a Crown topped badge for five years already having been a [child soldier] for a while before advancing into proper military service. I am grateful to the then Prime Minister Harold Wilson not accepting the outstretched hand offered by the US to join them in this [invented] fiasco that would be comedic if not for the deaths it caused. We should be very grateful that VIETNAM as a united land has not seen fit to ostracise the US of today. Odd that the destruction rained down upon Japan and Vietnam has allowed relatively calm post war political relationships.
This movie was really titillation and it got my tits ilated. I even married a girl who was a little like Fonda facially, Short, [6 inches shorter than fonda but then I am one inch shorter than Fonda as well] small breasted, blondish, and very pink. Of course this would be my downfall in the years to come as that is what all her lovers my then wife's that is must have thought. It is a little comforting to know that the Fonda look has not been maintained but the number of marriages may be similar.
For the role of a fantasy piece of nonsense she was a good shoe in. Roger Vadim has had a pleasurable life [the lucky B.] Jane was not a great actress for her main acting days and may well perform better in her more recent roles but she was definite eye candy for me and would put the Pamela Andersons in the shade. Her venture into politics may be misjudged and misguided for the time but we now know that we have men respected then who are in reality War Criminals and the voices who shout loudly at Jane were the WILLING tools to make something so. The same mentality is at work even today and giving weapons to people who would love to use them even within their own communities to go abroad and murder with impunity is not even causing a sense of shame.
Yes we have a problem coming in a big way. Can we all defend our shores in an honest manner? Well as long as the US has so many bible thumping fairy tale preachers believers Islam will be able to cause a problem. It does not really cause a problem for those who have grown up and do not need excuses to HATE other creeds or lifestyles. I do not understand the other lifestyles and Jane will always attract me more than lets....say ELTON JOHN who has just sat and waited for a phone call inviting him to debate homosexuality with Vladimir Putin. He did get a call but that has become amusing news.
Jane is still one good looking lady and if she has had work done her surgeons must be desired by many people. It has worked for her.
The genuine soldiers who were really only looking out for their mates with no illusions about the rights and wrongs will not harbour as much hatred for Jane as those who may well have had other agendas.
NO problem with an even greater ICON now a MUSLIM who pretended to be so educationally BACKWARDS when taking his compulsory military service exams. Cassius Clay.