MovieChat Forums > Barbarella (1968) Discussion > Thoughts on Jane Fonda

Thoughts on Jane Fonda

So what d'ya ll think about Jane Fonda? Just ONE thing from me: JANE DOES NOT HAVE TO REPENT one single bit about her halycon days against the Viet War....EVER!!! Peace and love to all. Comments welcome of course!

"I have seen and heard things in my life that are best left UNTOLD!"



As the late, great Bill Hicks once said:

"Muh daddy died for that Uh-mayr-uh-kin flag in Ko-rea"

"Oh? What a coincidence...mine was made in Korea!"

(for the literal-minded - I know she wasn't in Korea in the photo).

"The things I do for love..." Jaime Lannister


You're right that Nazi stands for "National Socialists." However, the Nazis weren't socialists. In fact, many Nazis were very anti-socialist and anti-communist.

Of course, fascism and communism generally lead to the same thing - lots of violence and death.

"Our adopted term ‘Socialist' has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not."

"I absolutely insist on protecting private property ... we must encourage private initiative" - Adolf Hitler

I suppose on a clear day you can see the class struggle from here



As much as some misguided people like to complain that the war could have been won if it weren't for all those damned protestors, in reality, it was probably an unwinnable war - in fact, the government had doubts about the US' ability to win from the very beginning, before all the protests started. And even in the unlikely circumstance that we had won, it still wouldn't have been a just cause - we would still have been in the wrong. Communism doesn't work, but that doesn't make what we were doing there right or reasonable.

The American government was forcing young men to kill and die in a foreign land for a very dubious cause. Patriotic people had the right to be upset by that, and to protest against it. Even many in the services were against the war.

Which is all to say, that I have great respect for those who protested against the war - they were on the right side of history - but Fonda did go too far. As did those who allowed their anger about the war and the government to also become anger towards the soldiers - most of who were simply doing what they mistakenly felt to be their duty, or who felt like they had no other choice but to fight (considering the US at the time was still in the habit of enslaving young men through the draft.)

Fonda's actions didn't help, and may have actually led to greater suffering for some who were already prisoners of the Vietcong. And that's not acceptable, in my book.

I don't think she is or was an evil person, but she shouldn't have done what she did.

I suppose on a clear day you can see the class struggle from here


The Vietnam war was an offensive war that killed over 2 million people, and you can't blame anyone for trying to stop such horrors. Fonda might not be the brightest that the US had to offer, but she did the only sane and inherently human thing, she met with the 'enemy' and found that they simply were human too, like everyone else and hence there is no point in killing anyone except in defence.

Standing up to an entire nation of hard-headed idiots and trying to convince them to stop the unspeakable horrors they were committing requires a lot of bravery and is the only truly patriotic thing to do. She spoke out and was hated by an entire nation. Yes one shouldn't 'betray' ones country, but even though I disagree strongly with communism I still think the North Vietnamese were defending their homeland from foreign intruders and even though, with that silly picture, she managed to betray her country in a way, at least she didn't do what the rest of the country did which is much worse, to betray their own humanity, decency and common sense to go on a killing frenzy.

Fonda did everything she could to stop the madness and that makes her a hero.


Just what does this thread have to do with the movie "Barbarella"??

Is there a moderator in the house?


Not a whole hell of a lot. Barbarella was before the whole "Hanoi Jane" thing.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


I think she was right about Vietnam, Korea was defo worth the effort but not Vietnam because they were not the same Stalinist mindset.



You know - The last U.S. Troops pulled out of Vietnam in 1973, coming up on 40 years ago. I don't think it makes much difference today what one person or another had to say about it then. There were, and probably still are, good arguments from either side.

We lost almost 60,000 men, with over 300,000 wounded, and close to 2000 still missing, and accomplished effectively nothing. North and South Vietnam were merged into the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1976.

Been there, done that.


Now that we've gone to war over weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist in Iraq - I heard nothing but silence from you disgusting hypocrites who don't have an ounce of principles and are nothing more than liars and knaves. Your entire generation disgusts me.

Jane Fonda is just an example of what a group of disgusting hypocrites you are.

And after a week of this being up, none of you cowardly disgusting hypocrites have a thing to say. You know what you are, although you don't have the courage to say it, being the cowardly disgusting hypocrites you are. You are full of hot wind, although it all comes from your buttocks.
