All of them are surprisingly good-looking (surprising cos they're all in the one band, really famous and talented and all)! Well, OK, Ringo maybe not, but he's just so darned adorable! So vote now - the most gorgeous Beatle! And I'll be the vote counter if over five people are bothered to reply to this overtly superficial thread.
I'll say Paul, even though I love John too, cos he's very very very cute.
Could those of you in the cheaper seats clap? And the rest of you just rattle your jewellery
George had the dorky look in the early days, but he was definitely the best looking when he got a little older. Sort of a pre-crazy Tom Cruise thing going there (or the other way around).
Last year I said that George was the sexiest Beatle. I would like to formally retract that statement right here and now. How could I have been so blind? Paul is the only way to go, people! At his peak, which was late '67, early '68, he was the sexiest being ever to walk this earth. Just watch him in The Magical Mystery Tour or in the footage from India. It's beyond belief! What with his killer pins and his dark, lustrous hair! Gadzooks!
John comes in as a close second. The thing about him though is that he lost his looks BIG TIME in the late sixties when he started doing heroin. He lost so much weight and looked completely unattractive. John was a big guy, and he needed that extra weight on him to really look sexy. He looked amazing during the first US visit and also in the early days back in Hamburg.
Ringo is my new third place because he really did have his moments of sexiness. During the White Album sessions, for example! He was going through a rough period emotionally, but it sure didn't show physically! Nice. Plus, Ringo's intense sweetness as a person makes him all the more attractive. He seems like one of the greatest guys of all time, really.
As for George, my former sexiest Beatle, he was obviously an intensely good-looking guy, especially in '65, which I feel was his peak. But I dunno...he was way too thin for my tastes, I suppose.
Yes, I do spend far too much time pondering The Beatles and their incredible sexiness. It might be sort of funny if I were a little younger, but at 18 it's just getting to be sad. Sigh.
I get the feeling you're violating somebody's basic human rights here...
Hmm, what do all the people have against Ringo? He's sexy. Anyway, Paul is the best-looking Beatle for me, especially in 1967-1968. (Magical Mystery Tour, or when he was in India).
All of them are surprisingly good-looking (surprising cos they're all in the one band, really famous and talented and all)! Well, OK, Ringo maybe not, but he's just so darned adorable! So vote now - the most gorgeous Beatle! And I'll be the vote counter if over five people are bothered to reply to this overtly superficial thread.
I'll say Paul, even though I love John too, cos he's very very very cute.
4 me? John Lennon. hands down...although I do quite honestly have a thing for all of them. Paul? GORGEOUS! George? Gorgeous! John? Absolutely breath-takingly beautiful! Ringo? simply the cutest I've ever laid eyes on.... I really can't decide who I love more. I love em all! But John is the one who stops my heart the fastest!
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