MovieChat Forums > Green Acres (1965) Discussion > Favorite quotes from Green Acres?

Favorite quotes from Green Acres?

What lines stand out the most or are most memorable to fans on the board?


I always thought Eddie Albert (of course supported by writers and directors) had great timing when delivering his lines. He never seemed to get the whole line out before something happened to prove him wrong.


Random character: "Arnold wants to watch TV."

Oliver: "How could a pig -"

<immediate sound of a TV turning on, something like a cowboy show playing loud, followed by a shot of Arnold watching TV>

Never failed to crack me up. I don't know of any other comedy before or since that employed this kind of comic timing. My all time favorite comedy.


Tetti Tatti wrote: "I always thought Eddie Albert (of course supported by writers and directors) had great timing when delivering his lines. He never seemed to get the whole line out before something happened to prove him wrong."

Married...With Children" did quite a bit of that.


If there's a way to screw something up..."O'Commie" will find it.


Hank Kimball, greeting Oliver : "How's business, counselor ? Business Counselor ? I thought you were a lawyer !"


Not a specific quote, but rather a running gag through the entire episode: when everyone keeps accusing Oliver of being hung-over. "Boy, he sure is grumpy when he's hungover!" Oliver protesting each time, "I am NOT hungover!"


The running gags of Lisa's coffee that is like mud and when she makes "hotscakes" for breakfast. There is one episode in which Fred Ziffel uses them to reshingle his roof.


I loved it when they named Eleanor's new calf after Oliver's mother- Eunice Cow.


There's another episode where Oliver pours a whole griddle full of Lisa's hotcake batter, then cuts four holes in it with a biscuit cutter, and voila! He has a new head gasket for his Model T!


The sight gag were Oliver takes deliver of a huge crate and struggles to open it.

Lisa tells him he has to find the "sweet spot".

Of course, Oliver calls her crazy - until she places a small touch near a corner and the whole crate falls open.

Kerbal Space Program:
Failure is not an option. It's a requirement!


Fred is going to shoot Haney for the defective washing machine he sold the Ziffels, and Doris is trying to talk him out of it/take away his shotgun:

Doris: "I'm trying to prevent you from making the worst mistake you've ever made."
Fred: "You should've done that before we got married."



Oliver calls up Department of Agriculture: "I'm infested with corn borers!"

Dave Willock (as secretary to the secretary of the Secretary of Ag): "Maybe you should take a nice hot bath." [hangs up and mutters "Why do farmers call the Dept of Agriculture when they get drunk?"


Oliver: "How stupid do you think I am?"

Eb: "I don't know, we've never tested your capacity."

I'm probably butchering this next one, but...

Oliver: "That's ridiculous!"

Eb: "Well, so's hotskabobs, but there they are!"

Eb and Oliver always had the best verbal sparring on that show.

I'd put a stupid saying here but I won't.


I get tickled with every line Lisa has, with her accent and delivery, she can make the most ordinary things funny.

One of my favorite running gags was in the first couple of episodes, that went something like this:

Oliver [with great pride and satisfaction]: I just bought the Haney Place!
Everyone else [incredulously]: THE HANEY PLACE??!!?


"Oh, well," said Zanoni, "to pour pure water in the muddy well does but disturb the mud!"
