MovieChat Forums > Green Acres (1965) Discussion > Favorite quotes from Green Acres?

Favorite quotes from Green Acres?

What lines stand out the most or are most memorable to fans on the board?


anything that came out of Mr.Kimball's mouth.


On Oliver's and Lisa's wedding anniversary when Oliver can't remember how many years he's been married:

Mr. Haney pulls up in his truck as Oliver comes out the front door.

Haney: Mr. Douglas, may I be the first to congratulate you on your anniversary.
Oliver: How did you know it was my anniversary?
Haney: I heard about it on Coop Dingle's radio show this morning. How many years
of connubial bliss does this make?
Oliver: Didn't Coop say how many?
Haney: He may have but just then my wife turned on her diathermy machine and done staticed out 2 tubes.
Oliver: Your wife taking treatments is she?
Haney: No, she just doesn't like me listening to the radio!

The Great & Powerful "OZ" has spoken!


I am certain there was an episode where Lisa says "Arnold! You forgot your cricket bat!" Does anyone else recall this, and if so which episode?


Here's a countdown of my top 3 quotes:

3. Oliver: Mr. Haney, how is it that you always happen to show up with just what I need?
Haney: Why is it that you just so happen to need what I show up with?

2. Kimball: This slide here shows what's been eating our corn--the Bing Bug...Now this next slide...(slide changes to picture of a human baby)...shows the bug in its early stages. (Kimball looks at screen) No, that's a picture of *me* in *my* early stages.

1. Ziffel: Well, Arnold was thrilled that the governor of Hy-wy-yah (Hawaii) was a-gonna greet him at the aero-port (Arnold grunts)...and he was excited about the catamaran cruise, and the hula show...but when he found out that he was the guest of honor at the luau, he cancelled the whole trip!

Lisa: Why, what's wrong with a luau?!

Ziffel: The main course is roast pig!! (Arnold squeals loudly, running out the door)


I lost it when Oliver began his patriotic speech during a county meeting, complete with snare drum and a fife in the background, and someone interrupts, "Who's playing the flute?"


The funniest line in THIS program occurred in the original pilot show, and in fact was one of the funniest lines I've ever heard in American T.V. history. Oliver has just arrived at the Haney farm with Lisa, and begins a walk-through of
the house itself, and as he's walking through the living room, he says, "They took everything but the kitchen sink!!" Just then, as he walks into the kitchen,
he notices there's absolutely nothing in there, and Oliver says, "And they took that too!!!" Now that's funny.
