MovieChat Forums > Green Acres (1965) Discussion > Favorite quotes from Green Acres?

Favorite quotes from Green Acres?

What lines stand out the most or are most memorable to fans on the board?


Loved it when the apple pickers came to Oliver's farm and he says "Oh, for..." and the guy says "That's right, the Ofer farm..."


soak fong

"He's a pig!"


First episode:

Oliver: My name's Douglas, Oliver Wendell Douglas.

Uncle Joe: Douglas Oliver Wendell Douglas? You've got enough names there for two fellas!


At a city council meeting,, they are discussing the parade they are going to give Drabney,,,, the war hero. Unaware he is a duck.

Someone: We should have a dignitary to lead the parade.

Someone: How about the Governor??

Someone: No,, I think it should be a man in uniform...

Someone: How about the Lieutenant Governor???


"Poople of Heeterville."


There are so many but here's one.

The situation: Haney trying to sell Oliver souvenirs of the state capital, as Oliver has just decided to take a trip to see the governor. After refusing to buy any of Haney's junk, he explains he's just there for one night.

Haney tries to sell him on staying at the Glowney House. Oliver says, "Before I would consider staying at the Glowney House, I'd sleep in a pup tent."

Haney asks, "The missus goin' with you?" "Yes."

The line: Haney responds, as he pulls out a pup tent from his truck, "Then you'll need the two-man size."

It cracked me up that he not only had all sorts of junk souvenirs, but even the pup tent that Oliver just mentioned out of the blue.


There are so many:..Anytime Lisa butchers the language: PRNDeL,."shoosting", and when she explains "we have a bottle (of booze), but we only have it for Municipal porpises"

Speaking of booze, for some reason I crack up whenever Eb & the Monroes mention what a drunk Oliver is..

My personal favorite is when Fred & Arnold Ziffel are in a bank,and the bank manager asks Mr Ziffel if the account will be in his name;

Mr Ziffel: No it's for my boy, (gestures at Arnold)

Bank Mgr: He's a Pig!!

Arnold: sqeeeeeeeeeal!!!!!!

Mr. Ziffel: Aw calm down Arnold, like I been telling you, the world's full of prejudice!


Lisa explaining how the iron is a '7', and the washing machine is a '3' and the toaster is a '5' because they have to limit how much electricity they can use at one time so they don't burn out the wiring.


When the opening credits roll across the screen and Lisa reads them and says something like "What is an executive producer?" Oliver says "What?"

If a person with multiple personality s threatens to commit suicide, is that a hostage situation


I like when Hank Kimball gets confused and says
"Hi, I'm Hank Agent, your county Kimball"


Hank: "Tomatoes are the dumbest of all plants. Did you know their IQ is hardly above what a 6-year-old child's is?"


Oliver: "He's a pecker!"


Lisa: "People don't know I'm from Hungary because I don't talk with an accident anymore."


"Arnold says..."
