MovieChat Forums > Zulu (1964) Discussion > Zulu is a horrible, racist film

Zulu is a horrible, racist film

It glamourises the mass slaughter of black people with only spears. The evil British invaded the black man's homeland and then they try to take the moral high ground over the Zulus defending their territory.

This is a nasty racist film, when you see racist propaganda like this it's no wonder half the world hates the British.

I'm British and if I wasn't British frankly after watching this I would hate the British too.

We live in more enlightened times now, but films like this are a sad reminder of what this country was once like. I hate how some people refer to this as "Best of British". I hope they're not suggesting slaughtering natives is "Best of British".



"On the contrary, natives are still being slaughtered in Iraq and Afghanistan under some pretext or another."

And Ironically...Just like in's the 'natives' doing most of the slaughtering...


It's sad that you think this way as the Zulu's in the film are actually portrayed as fearless and very tactically astute soldiers. It just shows how the PC brain washing that has taken place in the UK over the last 10 to 15 years has affected people.

It's a great film, well told and you have your facts completely wrong as pointed out by other posters.


If one truly wanted to make a film simply glamorizing the slaughtering of black people with only spears, it would look a great deal different than Zulu. The film is a triumph.

As I watch it I have a great deal of respect for the bravery of the Zulu warriors. They were simply outmatched. The British were better armed (obviously), better organized, and better trained. The British had amongst the most disciplined, battle-hardened (not necessarily these particular soldiers, but the British Army in general) infantry on the planet. That is the reason why for a long time, the sun never set on the British Empire.

The OP seems to view the Zulu as innocent victims of white oppression. Seems quite typical of the PC liberal crowd, no doubt one of the 'Occupy Wall Street' bunch. Do you feel the same sympathy and compassion for the countless thousands that the Zulu conquered, subjugated and enslaved, before running afoul of the British Empire?


What we need are soldiers going through LA and whipping-out the Crips and Bloods.


I agree. Those horrible racist Zulus and other black imperialists virtually exterminated the bushmen, the original inhabitants of all of Southern Africa. Oh! Wait a minute, you are talking about the British! Sorry.


Are you being sarcastic? Actually the Zulu DID drive away and conquer the Bushmen, killing many of them. Colonisation is ugly but it's as old as human history, give the chance any nation would do the same.


Done that. Still think Zulu is a great film!



The same goes for pretty much every other "historical" film ever made.



Get real! If you were there, they'd spear your *ss then chop you up, & eat you after they killed you. Back then the Zulus were very much like the Klingons you'd see on Star Trek. I don't even think the Zulus hated the Europeans, as much as it was about making sure NO ONE infringed on their territory, regardless of race.



"glamourises the mass slaughter of black people"

when does it glamorize this? this is one of the most anti war movies ever made


You are aware that the Zulus conquered a whole swath of southern African and subjugated hundreds of thousands right? Then they went across the border into British Natal and stole cattle and threatened natives (who were technically British citizens) and White settlers. Gee no beep, of course the British went to war with the Zulus.


A lot of what you state is of course correct, vis a vis the Zulus. However, in 1879, kwaZulu was not part of Natal, and was a separate native kingdom, posed a constant threat, not only to neighbouring white settlers but to other natives near Natal and in Cape Colony. Britain, to simplify it, made a pre-emptive strike,even although Ceteswayo did not seek a war. After it all, nonetheless, the threat had gone. As you rightly said, the Zulus had displaced many thousands and had waged their own "shock and awe" tactics across southern Africa, sowing terror amongst other native nations. No winning hearts & minds for them! Thankfully, the Zulu Nation became friendly allies of Britain, and as recently as the late 80's, Baroness Thatcher held many discussions with Mangosuthu Buthelezi, the Zulu Chief Minister, regarding the then future of South Africa. We shared much common ground in how we wanted a future South Africa to look, and take shape.


"British Natal"? Is that outside Birmingham? South Africa was not British so claiming that the Zulu invaded British territory is spurious. That said they fought Welshhhhh soldiers so I was on their side. ;O)

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


when does it glamorize this? this is one of the most anti war movies ever made

Correct. Anyone with half a brain would watch this and feel appalled for both sides and the carnage that unfolds. Some people should stick to watching Scooby Doo, seriously.

Duty Now For The Future



I actually this film shows a great side to the british, by making the film it shows that we are not afraid to admit to the world when we were wrong. The British Empire did many atrocious acts, but that was a long time ago now, it's in the past and we have moved on. At the time of this war the USA still allowed slavery, many horrible crimes were committed by various countries.


I actually this film shows a great side to the british, by making the film it shows that we are not afraid to admit to the world when we were wrong. The British Empire did many atrocious acts, but that was a long time ago now, it's in the past and we have moved on. At the time of this war the USA still allowed slavery, many horrible crimes were committed by various countries

On balance, the British Empire was not wrong. It did more to spread freedom, parliamentary democracy, rule of law, science, and technology over the globe than any other Empire in history. Was it wrong to found some of the greatest nations in the world such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S.? Was it wrong to build roads, bridges, ports, canals, rail roads, schools, colleges, universities, and hospitals? Was it wrong to end the practice of burning widows in India? As for the slavery issue, Britain did not invent that institution, but it did lead the world by abolishing the slave trade in 1807. Throughout 19th century the Royal Navy worked to end slavery. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait didn't abolish slavery until the late 1960s. If not for the Empire, the world today would be a much darker place. So stop apologizing.


Was it wrong for Britain to invade other countries and kill and rape their people? Yes it was.


Was it wrong for Britain to end widow burning and the killing of female infants in India?


Was it wrong for the British to strap Indians to the ends of cannons and blow them to pieces?


Yes it was wrong for the British to strap indians to the ends of canons and blow them to pieces. Anybody who says otherwise is intellectually dishonest.

Yes it is wrong to invade a country and subjugate their people and even rape their women. After that evil regime is kicked out, the good citizens of that country should then unite in peace and accept each others areas.

Wonder if that crosses your mind when you are travelling on a train through America. Or, do you think to yourself "This is great this. We did right in kicking the Native Americans off this land to build this railway. We were equally right to kick them off the rest of the land we agreed they could have when we discovered oil,gold and silver. Raping their women and killing their children in the process. That General Custer was a real hero, let's celebrate him!

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


Still wringing your hands about the 'Native Americans'(---who it might be said, were Nomads who went places & evicted, enslaved or exterminated the 'natives' who were already there--)eh? Ignoring the actions of said nomads against each other. Next it's you're going to tell us that they lived 'one with nature'...Are you including the Spanish or the Portuguese in your little rant? You mention "Custer"---Do you even know any Spanish, Portuguese or Ibero-American 'Indian fighter'? Or do you overlook them? If that is the extent of your 'logical' thought (or lack thereof), then it's off to the 'ignore' pile for you....


Simply pointing out that no body is innocent.
Do you really expect me answer your question regarding Spanish,Portuguese or Ibero-American 'Indian Fighter'. I'm not the one focused on blaming one nation for atrocities.
Have you learned how to pronounce Acheron yet?

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


Why are you following me around wears-alan? For those who don't know, wears-alan is angry at me because we got into an argument on the Alien message board about whether the Dallas character is a moron or not. And since he's a butthurt imbecile, he now spends his days following me around.


I#m not. You are the one who is trying (and failing) to invoke an argument. Like said, keep taking those pills

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


Lol you keep following me around because you're butthurt. I think you're the one that's taking pills my dimwitted friend. :)


Following you around?
I believe it is you who keeps contacting me. In fact it is you who remembered me, not the other way around. I didn't remember you until you prompted me. Guess you getting your butt kicked on the Alien board hurt you more than you are prepared to admit my dimwitted friend :)

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


Have you learned how to pronounce Acheron yet?

It's either Asher-on or Aker-on;

Then I saw it's a river in Greece so it's probably:


Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?



It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


But at times it's better if another country conquers and rules another country. Mexico was better off when Spain ruled them.


God damn, it would have been awesome to have been a British soldier back in the days of RAJ!


if you rebel yes


Quick death at least.


Come off it, the British empire made the nazis look like a birthday present. Slavery, mass slaughter, famine, pestilence and megadeath are Britain's imperial legacy. The institutional monuments and nice schools were built on the bones of millions of people.

Understanding the British Empire by Ronald Hyam might give you something to think about.

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


tsk-tsk-tsk....feeling bad about your lack of Melanin, laddie? I'd put the Mongols, Moors, Persians A-rabians and even The Aztecs over anything the British did---both in sheer scale & in the body count & the sheer mercilessness--but for modern times, I say your heroes, "Homo Sovieticus" takes the honors.


Cut out the racist sneering and do your homework, the C20th mass murderers were mere amateurs compared to the C18th and C19th empire builders. Ask the Irish, the highlanders and the Indians, Siberians, Plains Indians, Australasians and Africans.

Exterminate All the Brutes: One Man's Odyssey Into the Heart of Darkness and the Origins of European Genocide by Sven Lindqvist.

Poverty From The Wealth of Nations: Integration and Polarization in the Global Economy since 1760 by Professor M. Shahid Alam.

Slavery, Atlantic Trade and the British Economy, 1660-1800 by Kenneth Morgan.

Britain's Empire: Resistance, Repression and Revolt by Richard Gott.

The Blood Never Dried: A People's History of the British Empire by John Newsinger.

Forgotten Wars: The End of Britain's Asian Empire by Tim Harper.

Here's something to be going on with.

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


Cut out the racist sneering and do your homework, the C20th mass murderers were mere amateurs compared to the C18th and C19th empire builders.

Not a chance. Not even remotely close.

Ask the Irish, the highlanders and the Indians, Siberians, Plains Indians, Australasians and Africans.

None of which were wiped out or were even sought to be wiped out.

Exterminate All the Brutes: One Man's Odyssey Into the Heart of Darkness and the Origins of European Genocide by Sven Lindqvist.

Nothing the white man did in Africa in the 19th Century approached the black on black genocide in Rwanda in the late 20th century.

Slavery, Atlantic Trade and the British Economy, 1660-1800 by Kenneth Morgan.

The British actually abolished the trans Atlantic slave trade.


Is squeethy being a silly boy again? Put him on ignore & drive on; let him suffer from his 'melanin guilt' while Tamerlane builds a pyramid out of the skulls of him & his mates....


Is squeethy being a silly boy again?

LOL, judging from his posts here, yes.


Melanin envy is a terrible affliction, innit?


I stopped taking Squeeth seriously when one of his posts claimed that all American presidents were Napoleonic imperialists. I was curious how this appellation applies to, say, Warren G. Harding or Jimmy Carter, but that thread got buried before I could ask.

"Do you know what lies at the bottom of the mainstream? Mediocrity!"


Sometimes I feel sqeeth is a parody troll---he always comes across as that Rik Mayal character from 'The Young Ones'.


All empires were pretty much evil mass murderers. And the British empire with all its scorched earth policies,thievery,rape,etc is no different. The European colonialists killed over 100 million. And as someone once said,"If you want to see what Western Europe would look like without colonialism,check out Eastern Europe". They became rich off slavery,opium,monopoly on stealing other countries resources,products,etc. If they were to pay back reparations to all the countries they terrorized. Western Europe would have to pay trillions.

- Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Fascinating! Does that mean there are Persians, Spaniards, Portuguese, Turks,Uzbeks, Mongols, Ay-rabians, Zulus, Assyrians etc, etc who make a living badmouthing their empires ad nauseam & teach these their younglings in Highschools & Colleges how horribly crappy their countries are? Is there a Darius Zinn, Temujin Finkelstein or a Tamirlane Chomsky out there? Or if you ask them they are actually proud of the great empire their forebearers forged?


Well most people that didn't live through most of the old history usually read romanticized versions. There is always some idiot going on about if this country didn't rape and pillage that country they wouldn't have this and that. BS. Nobody needed to do these things. How did most people get gunpowder? Yea its called trading and learning from other countries instead of invading and raping. But there is nothing we can do about the past except be more honest about it and correct the problems it has caused in the current era.

- Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Ah well...MY Grandparents (being both Armenians & Greek from Asian Minor) certainly remember the Ottomans....


Nothing the white man did in Africa in the 19th Century approached the black on black genocide in Rwanda in the late 20th century.

I think the Belgians gave it a pretty good go in Congo.

Also whites had their part in setting up the historical situation that led to the Rwanda genocide.


We could also mention the Herero and Maji-Maji.

"Do you know what lies at the bottom of the mainstream? Mediocrity!"


Gott a Marxist Newsinger a Trotskyist Just saying.


Come off it, the British empire made the nazis look like a birthday present.

Is that why most ex British Colonies chose to remain closely tied to Britain and join the Commonwealth and continue to have good dealings with the British right afterwards?

Ask the Irish

Of which a great many went to England. Hell, we even gave them the city of Liverpool, which they still more or less own to this day.

LOL, you don't willingly emigrate to a country that makes the Nazis look like a birthday present.......yet large numbers of Irish people moved to England in the 19th and 20th centuries after the famine.


Slavery ended in the US in 1865, unless you want to count the Emancipation Proclamation which took effect in 1863.

"As long as there's, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without the rock and roll."


and only 100 years later, black people were allowd on the bus!
what a time to be alive!
