MovieChat Forums > Kate & Leopold (2001) Discussion > Would you go back in time if you could?

Would you go back in time if you could?

I know, no toilet paper, tampons, computers, television, none of the things that we take for granted in 2008. But would you go back if you could? And what would you be?




Yes! Medieval England, Revolutionary War Era, Civil War Era, 1880s, 1890s, See the titanic depart, The roaring 20s, The depression, WWII, the 1950s. Any era. Just as long as I can get back easily.
My only worry would be if I was exposed to Small Pox. I'd hate to be responsible for bringing small pox back with me and causing an epidemic.


Yes, I would go back eons to get the answers regarding the origins of this planet. Of course, it would be nice to witness major human historical events, but going way back is more enlightening and answers many questions about existence.


For learning purposes of course, but to live probably not.


I would visit the 1800s but no way in hell would I live there. I mean no sanitation, no labour laws, uncomfortable, complicated clothing, and no legitimate rights for anyone except white rich males. Thanks but no thanks!!!


YES YES YES!! no doubt about it!

...And if I should confess my feelings, all I have to say is I Love Colin Firth!


Good question! What was life in New York in the late 19th century like? Since I'm from Europe, I was wondering about that while watching the movie last week. Over here, I think the reglementations were very strict, so Kate would have had a hard time…. but was the elite over there in the US a little less strict, a litte more liberal? More freedom for women e.g.?
And I was wondering in case Leo would be outcast by his uncle, what would be the ways for him to earn a living for himself + Kate? As far as I understand, he did not really work, did he? (coming to think of it, maybe him being expelled from the family would be the reason why he ended up inventing the elevator….)


I think most people would like to go visit different times, just to see what it was really like (and maybe appreciate life in this time), IF they had a sure fire way back. But, I think I would most like to go back and peek in on my own life, as a child. Watch my family and me, like a movie.


If that was the only way I could be with the man I love? Well, first off, how could I be sure that I was really going back to that particular time and place?

If I could somehow be reasonably certain (e.g., like Kate seeing the photo), it'd be tempting, but as many others have pointed out, it'd mean doing without a lot of modern stuff. I wouldn't be so worried about television or the internet or flush toilets or even social attitudes, though. What I'd be most concerned about missing would be modern medicine and modern dentistry. Many things that are readily fixable now were things you had to just live with (or die from) back then.
