Jefferson Smith: liberal or conservative
I'm curious as to this board's perception of Jefferson Smith's political ideology?
Is he a liberal or conservative, IYO?
I'm curious as to this board's perception of Jefferson Smith's political ideology?
Is he a liberal or conservative, IYO?
Stewart Who played, "Jeff Smith", was a known Conservative, Republican. But, as far as His Character goes, He was more likely Middle of the Road, to appeal to all Political Stripes.
You are right, Stewart and Capra were conservative, but the film was written by Sidney Buchman who was left wing and blacklisted during McCartney years:
In case of the character Jefferson Smith, I think he was an ideal American, standing up against corruption. That's how I imagine it was meant back in 1939. Thats why conservatives and left wing could both work on this film, it was a "bipartisan" production and the film has appeal over political boundaries.
From today's point of view, I could see mr Smith as a left wing democrat, standing against big money, like Koch brothers and being attacked by corporate controlled media (*cough* Fox News *cough*).
That's true, but there are independent - more or less - news organisations in USA, which are run by donations from listeners and readers. Alternative media, if u like.
shareI think he would be an independent. I don't think we know enough about his stances on issues to guess if he's more liberal or more conservative.
We know he is pro-environment. Today, this is usually considered more on the liberal spectrum.
He is a big supporter of youth organizations. Specifically, he is concerned with young people who don't have an activity or place to go during the summer, perhaps feeling that these youths are in danger of turning to vices or crime. That doesn't really tell us much in terms of judging whether he'd be considered liberal or conservative today. Programs like head start and 'community organizers' are painted today as more liberal; however, in general youth organizations like Boy Scouts are lauded by conservatives, though that's not to say that liberals don't also support these groups.
He is against corruption i.e. political machines and bosses. Neither party is free of corrupt politicians.
I think he'd be an independent. The movie doesn't really detail Mr. Smith's political beliefs on a wide variety of subjects.
Jefferson Smith could not possibly be any kind of Conservative because he was honest and refused to sell out. Since he was honest and refused to compromise on his ideals, he could only be a true Conservative. If this picture was made today it would not be the Liberals who attacked it as being anti-American.
shareHis anger against corporate greed and that line where he mentions equality "regardless of race or colour" seems to suggest a slightly more liberal lean. However, I don't think anything of what he said really strongly suggests any specific affiliation, as most of the film's core ideals are something both liberals and conservatives support. That's probably why the film is successful - it doesn't alienate either group.
shareRace color or creed in the 30s was a progressive statement espoused by many liberals. Yet, I can see a man of his background wanting to hold people accountable for their work ethic. I can also see him not mind putting public money for the public good like the boy camp he wanted to set up.
shareHe is not strictly one or the other. That's what is incredible about this movie. People of all political affiliation can relate to his character.