What I think:
There is no good or evil in History. It all depends on one's own point of view.
I am NOT saying that I believe that what the Nazis did was correct, but they (or at least, some of them) did.
If they had won the war (and thank God they didn't) would we be discussing how evil the Nazis were, or how Adolf Hitler liberated and strengthened Germany?
AGAIN, I am NOT saying that I believe that what the Nazis did was correct, or morally right in any way.
And you are right, farmerbrown_3, they absolutely loathed the Jews. And the Jehovah's witnesses, and the Romanians, and the communists, and the socialists, and the handicapped, and the homosexuals, etc.
However, I think that most of this hatred generated from the need of having a scapegoat, or in this case, a herd of them. Hitler led, and others followed blindly, looking for the light at the end of the tunnel that never came.
And although I understand the point that is being made by saying that evil comes with a charismatic face, the people that follow that particular "evil" wouldn't think of themselves as evil, would they? They'd think, "Hey, this guy sympathizes with us, he seems to know what to do to get us out of this mess, let's follow him!"
In other words, they'd feel that the rest of the world was against them, which in the case of WWII, would make the Allies "evil."
Which brings me back to the point I started off with:
There is no good or evil in History. It all depends on one's own point of view.
The "tower of babel" is not language - it's the tragic stupidity of human beings to pass judgment...
Nicely phrased.
Using that same quote, I think that it denotes that this thread is rather pointless: There are those who will judge the Nazis as a whole as evil; those who will claim that only a few of the Nazis were evil, while the rest had no choice; or those who will not take a standpoint at all and see it from a completely neutral view; or ________________.
(add your own view)
Stepping off from the Podium of (Attempted) Neutrality, I'd have to say that the Nazis have to answer for countless heinous and revolting crimes against humanity. Those who were truly responsible for the whole movement did not receive just punishment, for what kind of earthly retribution is there that can possibly correspond with those abominations?
Stepping back onto the Podium, were the Nazis evil? That question cannot be answered honestly.
Were they responsible for evil things? According to normal human morality, Yes.
Since they are responsible for evil things, does that make them evil? I suppose, but only if they agreed with the Final Solution.
Which brings me to my last point.
We cannot see the Nazis as a whole, because from that view, they were just a political party. But when we see them as individuals, I would say that only those who were conscientious of what they were doing and realized that they were causing pain and death to fellow human beings AND CONTINUED TO DO IT can be seen as evil.
But then again, they didn't see the aforementioned groups as humans, did they?
Their "excessive pride" for their own race caused them to see other races as inferior, or even "sub-human," in the case of the Jews.
Which makes this such a powerful quote:
[quote]The "tower of babel" is not language - it's the tragic stupidity of human beings to pass judgment based on superficialities. quote]
Although if I may add to that, I'd say that it's the tragic stupidity of humans to pass judgment
at all. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thank you for putting up with my rant.