MovieChat Forums > Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Discussion > Stop Objectifying Female Politicians

Stop Objectifying Female Politicians

Even as a lib, I don't particularly agree with a lot of AOC's statements (I was particularly annoyed with her recent outburst regarding a religious ad during the Super Bowl. What was that about? I'm a progressive, pro-abortion, anti-homophobia/anti-transphobia, atheist, and even I don't understand why anyone would feel compelled to complain about an ad that asks Christians to be nice to their enemies).

Still, however one feels about AOC, one only has to take a cursory glance through the topics on her page here, to see that a lot of men are objectifying and demeaning her on account of her sex. That's just unacceptable, and a clear example of certain types of men arrogantly and ignorantly throwing around their male privilege.

I wouldn't objectify or body-shame a female Republican politician, so why do some of you feel obliged to do so to female Democrats? It just makes you look even more pathetic and small in comparison to the person you're demeaning.

By all means, have intelligent and thoughtful discussions about her politics, and critique her platform and her various statements (which, as I say, I don't always support; for instance, as a leftist, I think she was a hypocrite to attend the Met Gala, and even worse in trying to deny that hypocrisy by wearing an 'Eat the Rich' dress, as if she wasn't a paid-up member of the elite attending), but don't be a misogynist jackass and attack her simply for being a woman.



I know nothing about this woman but your post made me laugh 👍
