MovieChat Forums > Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Discussion > Stop Objectifying Female Politicians

Stop Objectifying Female Politicians

Even as a lib, I don't particularly agree with a lot of AOC's statements (I was particularly annoyed with her recent outburst regarding a religious ad during the Super Bowl. What was that about? I'm a progressive, pro-abortion, anti-homophobia/anti-transphobia, atheist, and even I don't understand why anyone would feel compelled to complain about an ad that asks Christians to be nice to their enemies).

Still, however one feels about AOC, one only has to take a cursory glance through the topics on her page here, to see that a lot of men are objectifying and demeaning her on account of her sex. That's just unacceptable, and a clear example of certain types of men arrogantly and ignorantly throwing around their male privilege.

I wouldn't objectify or body-shame a female Republican politician, so why do some of you feel obliged to do so to female Democrats? It just makes you look even more pathetic and small in comparison to the person you're demeaning.

By all means, have intelligent and thoughtful discussions about her politics, and critique her platform and her various statements (which, as I say, I don't always support; for instance, as a leftist, I think she was a hypocrite to attend the Met Gala, and even worse in trying to deny that hypocrisy by wearing an 'Eat the Rich' dress, as if she wasn't a paid-up member of the elite attending), but don't be a misogynist jackass and attack her simply for being a woman.


I dont think many are attacking her for her titties. We all are in love with them and appreciating them. I hate her politics but could care less about em because she has the body of a Goddess. Why waste time debating liberal ideas when we can all unite together peacefully with our equal love for beautiful natural boobalicious boobs ❤️



Perfect response.

I, too, worship at the alter of AOC's boobs. They are undoubtedly the most wonderful thing on this whole planet.

It's sad the OP can't see that we are honoring her, in awe, and not attacking her.




Yeah, I'm with you. Not sure why we objectify ugly female politicians ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


get your eyes checked, bro

she is gorgeous


You're looking for thoughtful and intelligent discussions here? BWHAHAHAHA!! good luck with that.


And yet, funnily enough, haivng done a quick scan through Twitter, which I pretty much left about a month ago (albeit without deleting my account; I just don't post anymore), I actually find this place marginally less nasty.

This place can be a bit of a right-wing, misogynist, racist echo chamber at times, but probably because everyone is anonymous, there tends to be less judgement and self-righteousness than I find at Twitter.

The bigotry here is more basic. No one pretends to be a 'righteous feminist' when they're demeaning trans people or attacking the mentally ill here. It's not nice. It's not pleasant. But it's actually less irritating and offensive, in many ways, because there's less a sense of cognitive dissonance, with various people saying very anti-woke things, whilst simultaneously *pretending* to be woke. At least no-one here *pretends* to be 'woke'. They wear their bigotry on their sleeve, which makes for a refreshing honesty, I suppose.

The problem with Twitter is that it consists of various 'woke' tribes, who ONLY care about their OWN rights, meaning you'll find Black misogynists, gay racists, feminist transphobes, and so on. Most of the right-wingers here seem to hate *all* minorities here with *equal* venom.


I don't like the "team politics" that we have in the states right now. But I understand, it's typical human behavior to pick sides. So, I usually ignore it for the most part and just stick to talking about movies. Which should be the main reason we come in here anyways. After all, it's a movie site.

I don't like the woke movement that much and it's just a matter of time until everyone in the film industry comes out against it because it effects how they want to make movies. It takes away their creative freedom probably in a worse way than the religious nutters did back in the 40s and 50s.

But again, both sides think they're fighting for a greater cause whatever that may be. And I can live with posts like "ohh let's talk about her breasts" or "hey that politician is a jackass" etc...

Once you become a public figure, you're fair game in my view. That's the price for fame, fair or unfair as it may be, some people will love you and some will 'hate' you just the same. Although, I do think people that spend all their time talking about how much they dislike a certain politician have mental issues. You have to be careful about this on the net, there are crazy people in here and on twitter and I mean people that should be in a nuthouse. lol.


I got rid of my account years ago. Terrible place.


I doubt you had the same attitude when the left was running a merciless smear campaign against Sarah Palin and her family.

The truth is AOC is a brainless, far left radical twit and deserves any criticism she gets. She isn’t qualified to hold public office and she was partially responsible for the attempted hit on Justice Kavanaugh.


How do you know what I was saying about Sarah Palin?

But I do find it rather ironic that you regard AOC as 'brainless' and 'unqualified', and yet feel inclined to stand up for the far less qualified and clearly unintelligent and uninformed Palin.

That said, NEITHER woman should be objectified, and I no more defend doing so with respect to Palin than I do with AOC.


Oh don’t even go there, Sarah Palin is a damn genius compared to AOC, the difference is the biased, left wing media glorifies bimbo’s like AOC while smearing conservative women like Sarah Palin. The left wing media claimed that Sarah Palin should have aborted her “retard baby”, I’d like to see where you denounced that, until then you don’t have any business complaining about how libtard women are treated (which pales in comparison to how conservative women are treated, I mean hell it didn’t stop after Sarah Palin, look at how Marjorie Taylor Greene and Nikki Haley are being treated.)

I’d also like to see you denounce AOC for ordering a hit on Justice Kavanaugh.


Harvey is some type of AI experiment, not a real person.


It is an advanced type of bot that appeared here with 2 or 3 others recently. Between them they hammer out thousands of posts per day. It is probably all the same entity, but I'd be interested to know how long it's been programmed to run for and what the end goal is.




We think Sarah Palin is hot too. Guys like girls, it's how we are wired. It results in pro-creation and survival of the species. Go away.



This is the *worst* and I thought you were better than this liscarkat.

You're objectifying a woman and ironically extolling her as 'beautiful' whilst simultaneously deriding her intelligence.

She's NO bimbo. She's a smart ethnic woman who've achieved a lot, and even if you don't agree with her politics or like her attitude (and I don't agree with everything she says and does), you can't possibly deny that she's passionate, well-informed, well-read and thinks a lot about important issues.


but she does have a great rack. he told the truth.


Until you reel in your side, piss off.


Don't try to control libidos. History has shown that only leads to violence.



*Not* controlling one's libido is what arguably leads to violence.



She should stop objectifying herself.
