She was born to play Zelda and of course is already a huge favorite in fan castings for the role. She has also been told about it and would love to play Zelda in the movie.
Here is hoping they make the right choice and cast her.
A biological man is born a man and will remain a man for the rest of their lives.
It doesn't matter the amount of dresses, boob implants and pills they take... Chromosomes don't lie.
There's nothing wrong with it, you can be a man and still dress up and put make-up and change your appearance as much as you want, it's cool. Just don't force other people to call something by what it is not.
XX vs XY. You know what this is, right?
It's science. No matter how hard you want to believe in something, doesn't change the science. Sorry.
I don't need to educate myself, I know how these things work. Don't use that empty statement to justify your ignorance on the original point of a man dressing as a woman.
Sorry but you are wrong. Sex and gender are not the same. Sex refers to “the biological and physiological characteristics of males and females, such as reproductive organs, chromosomes, hormones, etc.” Gender refers to "the socially constructed characteristics of women and men – such as norms, roles and relationships of and between groups of women and men.
If sex and gender are different then the concept of gender roles can't exist. Going back to my Batman example: humans have set aside how we are supposed to look (aka social construct). We don't accept people walking down the street wearing a frog costume as normal behaviour, but we still look and should consider them human. If that person wearing a frog outfit felt that they were a frog.
Having a penis isn't a social construct, it's biology. When a trans person gets their penis cut off, they say they are in the process of having "gender affirming surgery", not "sex affirming surgery". However the catch-22 comes in when they change the terminology on having that exact same "gender affirming surgery" by calling it a "sex change". Two different terms, with the exact same result. As the old saying goes: if genitals don't define gender, then how does removing them affirm it?
When we see medical stats that say something like "1 in 3 males will develop...", do we go, "but how did they identify?" If a man transitions to a woman, does that mean their chances of prostate cancer are now at 0%. Obviously not.
If we are what we identify as, then it's literally limitless and gender holds no definition. If you say a woman has a face and hands, I could then be a smartass as say that's the same definition as a clock.
Cool? "Cool" is irrelevant. Biology is indifferent to coolness or its absence. Biology exists in the real world, not the fantasy/delusion world of mental illness. This person is a man. If stating that fact makes me uncool, it really doesn't matter or change the fact.