If sex and gender are different then the concept of gender roles can't exist. Going back to my Batman example: humans have set aside how we are supposed to look (aka social construct). We don't accept people walking down the street wearing a frog costume as normal behaviour, but we still look and should consider them human. If that person wearing a frog outfit felt that they were a frog.
Having a penis isn't a social construct, it's biology. When a trans person gets their penis cut off, they say they are in the process of having "gender affirming surgery", not "sex affirming surgery". However the catch-22 comes in when they change the terminology on having that exact same "gender affirming surgery" by calling it a "sex change". Two different terms, with the exact same result. As the old saying goes: if genitals don't define gender, then how does removing them affirm it?
When we see medical stats that say something like "1 in 3 males will develop...", do we go, "but how did they identify?" If a man transitions to a woman, does that mean their chances of prostate cancer are now at 0%. Obviously not.
If we are what we identify as, then it's literally limitless and gender holds no definition. If you say a woman has a face and hands, I could then be a smartass as say that's the same definition as a clock.