New Doctor Who

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

BBC really want this show to die, don't they?


Viewing figures aren't everything for the BBC. It's a publicly funded channel.

If this gets London's yoofs off the streets on a Saturday night and watching Dr Who rather than stabbing each other, then surely that's a good thing...


Won't they have to steel TV's before they can watch it?


As far as I'm concerned, Doctor Who ended in 2010 with my favourite Doctor, Tennant. I don't acknowledge Smith, or Capaldi, or certainly not Whittaker, and definitely not this git!


Dr Who ended with Tom Baker (as far as I'm concerned)



Baker broke my little heart as a kid when he fell from that pylon, never watched an episode since :)



Dr Who ended with Tom Baker (as far as I'm concerned)

Same here - although Pertwee is my all-time fave.


The racist and homophobes will be really upset when they hear this.


Why homophobes? Is he gay?


Yes. And he plays one in his breakthrough role in Sex Education


He's kept quiet on his sexual orientation, and Wikipedia doesn't mention it, neither.


So perhaps he isn't gay in himself...

Although - from what I've read - the gays like to keep gay roles "in house". i.e. they will pack hunt down on the social medias non gays who take the gay parts. And he's quite young, so he should know enough not to take a gay part if he isn't gay.


If he wasn't gay then you would have had an uproar with a straight man playing a gay. But if you simply look at what he wears in public there is little doubt he is gay. No straight man would wear some of the stuff he does. Hell some of it goes beyond the gay shit you see fashion designers push in catwalks.


Ok, I think the pictures here confirm his orientation:-


That is an epic pimple on his chest!


Perhaps not according to the post above ^

However if he is, does that mean Dr Who is a gay himself now?

There used to be that John Barrowman guy playing a gay time traveller (I think) a long time ago. Will he come back and be the doctor's gay friend?


We sure will.


You're proud of being a white supremacist?


We sure are.


Why? We've had Scottish people play the Doctor in the past ( McCoy, Tennant and Capaldi)


You're not wrong.


.....and such a great 'Scottish' name too?


Yes, of the clan Gatwa from the glen Clova


Yup....needs signing up (immediately) for the 'Highlander' reboot/remake


Good idea, never thought of that.


Your choice of words is rather silly... 'phobic' - means to fear. To disagree with someone's 'sexual orientation' isn't usually based upon fear, but upon a love & respect for how God originally designed it.



Shit homophobics say. Your god does not exist. Some fiction writer made him and his rules.


God exists my friend.

Your life here is but a 'blink of an eye' - it will be gone sooner than you think, & the true reality, beyond this 3d space & time will blow your mind.

This world is like paper maché, compared to the high dimensions, where everything is made of light, everything!***
You can choose to believe that God doesn't exist, but that won't make it so. Everything you have ever thought, said or done is recorded, you cannot hide.

Good news is, He Loves You, even though you think He doesn't exist.

'Homophobic' is a silly word, as I said, we don't 'fear' anyone, we love them, but perhaps not what they choose to do, because ultimately they will hurt themselves, take it from someone who knows.

Enjoy your week & God Bless xxx




It's okay, I know you read it x


Ok, I've seen the light after reading your post. Is that what you wanted to hear? Do you feel good now?


You don't have to be facetious TheArgentinian, ...just be honest, 'good or bad.'

Have a good week xxx


Good news is, He Loves You, even though you think He doesn't exist.

If he exists, how come he let all those little kiddies get blown up in that school in Ukraine?

All part of "God's plan"?


Wrong question.

You should be asking how could 'man' allow 'all those little kiddies to get blown up in that school in Ukraine?'

God is not the author of evil, but He will use it & turn it for good.

In addition, I'm astonished how you can watch the mainstream news and not know by now that you are being played, it's all propaganda, just like Biden, BLM, 'virus' / 'vaccines' - and now Ukraine.

Finally, it's one of the oldest and most cowardly acts of a 'military' to hide in schools and hospitals, the enemy has been doing it for decades, Korea, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Afganistan, I could go on.



Sounds like your Theophobic to me. How bigoted of you so hold such views


You're a bigoted, piece of shit, hypocritical leftist. You accuse people of homophobia while expressing your religio-phobia. Aren't you reprobates all about tolerance?


Your smartphone's touchscreen is oleophobic. This doesn't mean that your phone "fears" oil.


Silly boy.

We both know that the perverse powers that be have an 'agenda' - they use colours, rainbows, unicorns to attract the young, to make it enticing, and equally invent dumb words like 'homophobic' - which in this case - 'phobic' is clearly mean't 'to fear' - like 'agoraphobic' - it's a very clever and simple strategy, like calling someone a 'bigot' for not agreeing with your sexual lifestyle.

...but of course, the english language can also have a second, a third use for a word, and with your silly example, 'phobic' is clearly mean't as 'to repel' or 'to be resistant.'



Your attempt to backpedal, and your condescending expression doesn't change the fact that you genuinely thought homophobia referred to "fear". Otherwise, why bring up fear.

You're being as disingenous as the ppl throwing around the word, bigot, mindlessly.

lmao like you didn't edit your post. Your bullshit is still there:

To disagree with someone's 'sexual orientation' isn't usually based upon fear

no shit. homophobia isn't about fear, you weirdo.


God has nothing to do with it. Natural evolution is all you need to realize homosexuals are unnatural. How many kids do you get to carry on the gene pool with two gay dudes fucking each other up the ass? At best you probably get a little fart, but that's it.


'Evolution' is a lie.

Micro Evolution - YES = change within a species, adaptation.
Macro Evolution - NO = change of a species, a fairytale!

Darwin had no knowledge of DNA, if he had, there is no way he would have believed in such a dumb theory, the sheer complexity of DNA destroys 'evolution' out of the gate.

Or how about a caterpillar, it spends the first part of its life mulling around in a slow fashion, munching away, until one day builds it's own sarcophagus, turns on the food blender & magically reappears a new creature, now able to travel far and wide!

Such a process is impossible through 'Darwinian evolution' - then of course there's irreducible complexity...

Bottom line, believe you came from a monkey, - act like a monkey, look at how people behave today, like animals ... it's a demonic lie.

You were created in the 'Image of God' - 'Imago Dei'



You do realize that if you believe in God then you must accept homosexuals as being as normal as a straight person because if you don't accept that then you're saying God fucked up, and you certainly wouldn't be saying God fucked up now would you.


The Bible does not consider "homosexuality" normal. God allowed the Earth to become a fallen creation but blaming him for homosexuality would be akin to blaming him for the gratuitous foul language you seem completely fine with using in your posts.


The Bible isn't written by God it's written by man. Only the 10 commandments were supposedly the work of God and they don't include anything about gays. Hell they include honoring your mother and father so if mom or dad told you to go butt fuck Leo you would be bound to be a happy boy now wouldn't you. The reality is you can pull all sorts of shit out of the Bible that goes against the right wing Bible thumpers but most of you Bible thumpers never even bothered to read the Bible yourselves let alone live by it.


I agree most don´t read it or live by it, and those that don´t will be getting the Matthew 7:21-23 treatment but it doesn´t mean it isn´t the inspired word of God.


Will the Tardis have a glory hole?


Any reason to act self-righteous, eh?

You're not even an entertaining troll. You're just boring. You post the same schtick every time.


But you're totally cool with all the "woke this" "diversity that" posts, right? Those totally-not-trolls entertain you, amirite?


If there's any scenes set in the middle of space, it'll be more a case of 'Doctor Where?' Than 'Doctor Who'


Who cares? The show died long before it got woke.
And he is a decent actor. Shame really...


Wait a sec, BBC?




*slow clap*






Doctor Who The Hell Is That?


I love him on Sex Education, so I'm actually curious to see what they will do with the new Doctor.


Oh no sslssg, don’t mention his acting talent or his recent critical praise, those are totally irrelevant matters when discussing whether he should play the Doctor.

B-b-b-black!! W-w-w-woke!!! T-t-t-Tom Baker!!!! You won’t find anything more analytical than that here 😏


Wait, is Tom Baker a right wing dog whistle?

Has that been confirmed?


Oh, so you’re dog whistling? How cute.

Have fun, sparky.


Yes, but I'm clarifying Tom Baker as a new right-wing dog whistle. Can you confirm.


Strangely enough, no, I can’t confirm something I didn’t suggest. But nice try Zingermann


You literally placed him in the same category as b-b-b-black and w-w-w-w-woke.

Tom Baker deserve more respect. How could you?
