MovieChat Forums > Jordan B. Peterson Discussion > "Remember when pride was a sin?"

"Remember when pride was a sin?"

What did he mean by the first sentence in his tweet? I'm confused as to how it relates to the 2nd.

Full tweet: “Remember when pride was a sin? And Ellen Page just had her breasts removed by a criminal physician.”


Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins.

I assume he's alluding to the hypocratic oath physicians have to swear by - one of which is do no harm. You could argue that treating a psychiatric order by cutting off her breasts is criminal.



If Jordan wants to accuse a doctor of criminal harm he should accuse whatever doctors prescribed him all that xanax, or the Russian doctors that put him in a medically induced coma and gave him brain damage. "Hypocratic" is a word more fitting for Jordan's tweets


2 unrelated events although he definitely might have some complaints about his own treatment too. He is still free to comment on trans ideology, no?


I know it's spelled hypocritical, it was a pun

And no he isn't free to do that, I don't allow it


Yes you do.


Jordan Peterson seems to have made a remarkable and apparently complete recovery from his brain damage.


Haha good one


I don't understand how pride in relation to the 7 deadly sins also corresponds to doctors and their hippocratic oath.

"Pride is inordinate esteem for one’s own excellence. It is a habit or vice that disposes us to think more of ourselves than we ought."

To me the tweet seems not very well thought out as its exact meaning is not very clear. At least to me it isn't clear anyway. Maybe I'm just an idiot.


It seems to me that his comment was in two parts:

In the first part he was addressing for example Gay Pride and noting that Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. It's a bit of a cheap shot in a way although there is no doubt that some people go over the top by figuratively rubbing people's noses in their "Pride". It might have been helpful if at the same time Peterson had noted that gay people should be able to responsibly claim their place in society.

In the second part he was making a serious accusation that a Doctor's Hippocratic Oath had been breached by performing a life changing operation on a person who is suffering from a mental illness. From the stance that a Doctor has a duty to do no harm and that such an operation on such a person might well do them a great deal of harm indeed.


He's taking a jab at the Pride Movement which is a political movement revolving around fetishes and alternative lifestyles.
The tweet was lame and he's doing it for attention.
I think most of his income these days comes from the conservative speaking circuit so he has to play up the maga vibe even though he's Canadian and actually fairly middle of the road politically.


Or maybe that is actually what he believes.


The truth leans right


He verbally regretted the comment about the physician being a criminal and admitted it wasn't true. He has admitted buying into the gender nonsense, to some degree, more than me. (not surprising since it was born in his field) He may believe pride is a sin but given his history with the lgbtq movement and Ellit's role promoting it in pop culture, it seems likely he was taking a jab at them.


Peterson is interpreting that the surgeon does it because of pride and money even though he realizes it's morally wrong (Peterson thinks it's morally wrong from some absolute point of view).

He just can't accept the idea that the surgeon doesn't share his religious moral beliefs, that he is performing a sex reassignment operation in a consenting adult, operations that improve the life of people with gender dysphoria. Peterson doesn't get that it's a medical solution for a medical problem.

Peterson used to be one of the most interesting and sharpest intellectuals out there. He was absolutely brilliant. I think the coma caused a huge cognitive decline. He's not even a shadow of what he used to be. Now he feels like another more religious warmonger.


The trouble with your opinion is that Ellen Page is mentally ill and the surgeon should have taken that as a big red flag and declined to do the operation and referred her on to a psychiatrist.


Agreed. And Peterson, though still recovering from his illness, is making good progress.


The trouble with your opinion is that Ellen Page is mentally il

Gender dysphoria is not a mental illness. It just means that the brain developed as the opposite sex, and there's a mismatch between brain and body sex.

If you're a male and you suddenly have a female body, you would start to experience that distress. That doesn't make you "mentally ill". Gender dysphoria is a response of a healthy brain. That's why people who transition without gender dysphoria (because of a fetish, or a mistake, or some other reason), they start to experience it after transitioning.


Gender dysphoria is a response of a healthy brain.

"Gender dysphoria" is a mental illness and people who claim it isn't aren't helping.


What a lot of these people forget is how even after having surgeries these people still end up being unhappy with large % committing suicide also fair amount end up reverting back.

I don't believe it's 100% mental health issue something else is going on it could be chemical problem or genetic fault we have no understanding yet about but I would agree large % is mental and with how its been accepted is not helping.


What a lot of these people forget is how even after having surgeries these people still end up being unhappy with large % committing suicide

People with gender dysphoria who transition have a much better psychological state than pre-transition. It's still worse than general population, but it's better than pre-transition, which is what matters.

The % committing suicide decreases post-transition. It's still higher than general population, but we're talking 2-3 times higher, which is different for saying that a large % do it.


Provide the sources for this please.

I have never seen any genuine stats to back up these claims you are making.


Get into google scholar and search for "transsexual hrt psychological improvement". You're gonna find dozens of papers studying whether there was a psychological improvement.

The first ones I got, for example

In general, the overwhelming result is that it improves mental health and psychological state.


You have shown you clearly have no understanding what you are reading.

Fallen for claimed studies yet they provide no facts and are based of mostly questionnaires that is not science.

The sample sizes as well are tiny.


It's called cherry picking. The Woke Folk are famous for it, as well as for citing "studies" carried out by fellow Woke Folk.


Beg you pardon?

Psychological improvement after transitioning in transsexuals have been widely since Harry Benjamin in the 60s and even before that, way before wokeness was a think. And it's widely confirmed by transsexual people from all political positions.

You're just the traditionalist religious counterpart of wokes. The same they label as far-right everything that doesn't agree with them, you label as woke everything that doesn't fit your view.


First of all, his point of view is not strictly religious. Saying so is being disingenuous.

And more importantly, the surgeon is getting paid a lot of money to destroy a perfectly healthy body while doing absolutely nothing to heal the unhealthy mind. In fact, history shows that doing so will only allow the mind to get even worse.

Peterson is correct.


First of all, his point of view is not strictly religious. Saying so is being disingenuous.

Pre-coma Peterson, I would agree. Post-coma Peterson, he just became another religious traditionalist.

the surgeon is getting paid a lot of money to destroy a perfectly healthy body while doing absolutely nothing to heal the unhealthy mind

Neither the brain or the body are unhealthy. They're both healthy, but they developed as opposite sex.

Changing brain's sex after birth is impossible. Changing body sex enough for the brain to stop experiencing gender dysphoria is possible.

If you have a better alternative solution for gender dysphoria, good for you: create a company, place your solution in the market, and make tons of money. Otherwise, you're trying to prevent people from getting a treatment for a medical condition.


Brains don't have gender or sex, that was a fringe hypothesis that was debunked and you know it, so you should stop spreading lies. There are enough idiots on social media grooming teenagers for political ends.


Brains that have been made by XX chromosomes are female and brains that have been made by XY chromosomes are male. You are either an idiot, a troll or worse.


Brains don't get made by chromosomes


Good luck trying to make a brain without them !


Good luck trying to make a brain without sodium ions, but that doesn't mean that sodium ions make brains

You are accusing a person of being an idiot or a troll even though you don't know what you're talking about


Okay Mr Genius explain the exact scientific biological process by which a brain is made ( with corroborating links included ) and how it has nothing to do with chromosomes. And make it snappy, I haven't got all day.


Bro, I don't recommend that you challenge me to a debate. You're liable to get worked. One friendly warning is all you get. Brains develop from genes located on multiple chromosomes, not just the X/Y chromosomes

Again, one friendly warning. Next time I come for your angus. If your angus is left unprotected then that's on you. I will be all over it and you will have no one to blame for what gets done to it except for yourself


Oh so now you're saying that brains do get made by chromosomes. So obviously I'm not the only one who doesn't know what he's talking about. And by the way you can stick you're threats where the sun doesn't shine.


Brains get made by atoms, doesn't mean that atoms alone can be meaningfully said to create brains. The process of human brain development is way more complex than you are trying to make it seem

And ok, challenge accepted. Prepare to get worked. Mark my words, you will rue this day


Brains get made by atoms, doesn't mean that atoms alone can be meaningfully said to create brains.

Gee, thanks for putting me straight with such an educated explanation. Let me have a go at it:

Idiots get made by atoms, doesn't mean that atoms alone can be meaningfully said to create idiots. It's multi-purpose too !

Prepare to get worked. Mark my words, you will rue this day

I'm shaking in my boots. I've never been "worked" by a troll before...


Bro, this isn't a joke or even about Jordan Peterson or anything like that anymore. You have challenged me, brazenly, to a one-on-one confrontation. This is now do or die for you. You can't back out, you can't laugh it off, you are a fucking goner. I will work your sorry ass like rice krispies


Go for it Bro. But I may not be able to waste too much time on you, I have work to be getting on with.


Don't get cute with me. I am not one to be trifled with


" I warn you ! I won't hesitate to use this ! "


Brains that have been made by XX chromosomes are female and brains that have been made by XY chromosomes are male.

Chromosomes have no influence in the development of brains.

Brains develop as male or female depending on the level of hormones and some other elements like sensitivity of brain receptors to sex hormones.


Well my layman's attempt was simplistic from one end of the spectrum in that more chromosomes than the XX and XY provide the instructions for constructing the brain.

But to say that brains have no gender is an idiotic and false Woke statement. The female brain is different to the male brain from infancy and any idiot should know that because it is observable and obvious.

And as for this:

Chromosomes have no influence in the development of brains.

It is pure Woke propaganda with no basis in scientific fact.


Well my layman's attempt was simplistic from one end of the spectrum in that more chromosomes than the XX and XY provide the instructions for constructing the brain.

No. XX and XY only establishes the dominant hormone during pregnancy, and that influences the rest of the development. Hormonal problems can alter sexual development (and non-sexual one). In some extreme cases, a person with XY chromosomes can fully develop as a woman.

In some of them, you even had XY being fertile and giving birth:

The information required to develop as male or female is not in the XX/XY chromosomes, but distributed along of all them. With the right hormonal conditions, development as male or female happens independently of XX/XY chromosomes.


"Neither the brain or the body are unhealthy. They're both healthy, but they developed as opposite sex.

Changing brain's sex after birth is impossible. Changing body sex enough for the brain to stop experiencing gender dysphoria is possible."

Have you heard of body integrity dysphoria??

So in your opinion people with that dysphoria should have their limbs amputated because the brain thinks that the body doesn't have them? Last I checked they go trough therapy to accept the existence of their limbs :P


It's true that's the same mechanism that triggers body dysphoria. It's the same mechanism that exists in your own brain, by the way. If suddenly you were given the genitalia of the opposite sex, you would start to suffer it. Detrans people who transitioned without gender dysphoria know it.

There's a key difference, though: sex reassignment does not make you disabled. Elliot Page is physically as capable as he was before transitioning (and even more). The basic issue about people with gender dysphoria transitioning is rooted in traditionalist moral.


It's true that's the same mechanism that triggers body dysphoria.

Yeah, so it should be treated the same way: therapy.

Elliot Page is physically as capable as he was before transitioning (and even more). The basic issue about people with gender dysphoria transitioning is rooted in traditionalist moral.

"If suddenly you were given the genitalia of the opposite sex, you would start to suffer it." - that never happens.

100% false. Elliot Page is less physically capable to bear and raise kids. And that IS a fact.

Traditionist morals? WTF? Not cutting off important pieces of your body is traditional morals?


Gender dysphoria is a mental health issue, except in a minuscule number of cases where it is a birth or genetic defect, and there is no evidence of a medical solution that works.


Keep on message with the lying propaganda !


I don't see the connection between those two sentences either.


Thanks! People on this board have been acting like they know, but can't explain why the sentences are together.


NO worries, half the planet is dumber than the average, you don't have to be ashamed.


Remember when archaic notions of what was considered permissible or desirable in the dark ages became less and less relevant over the past few thousand years until it became utterly ludicrous for a grown adult to mention them as if they mattered.

I don't recall Peterson calling out the "Proud boys" for their promotion of sin. This is petty wordplay of the lowest order. No wonder so many pieces of shit idolise this gimp as some sort of intellect.
