MovieChat Forums > Jordan B. Peterson Discussion > Thinks there is nothing that can be done...

Thinks there is nothing that can be done about climate change


What a tool. This guy has been exposed as being more and more ignorant over time.


He's right.

To achieve what the crank left demand we would essentially have to abandon modern civilisation. Not going to happen.


"Not going to happen"

Which is why we are doomed. People are not willing to take the necessary steps as Greta said in her recent speech. Lots of talking no action.


Greta is a Greenie, not a scientist!


Scientists advice Greta, she speaks the science.




They "advise" Greta. "Advice" is the noun. "Advise" is the verb you were looking for.


Well what do you propose be done?? The earth will go through changes and eventually die. Not much we can do about that one...


A good step would be to listen and doing what Greta has been saying for a while now.


Could you summarize what she's been saying for everyone? It seems like she talks a lot of shit but doesn't really offer any solutions. Has she had any meetings in China discussing their outrageous pollution levels?


Greta speaks in wishful thinking hypotheticals that are unpractical as already started above "we would essentially have to abandon modern civilisation" and not enough of us are willing to do that..
Overpopulation is also a factor but it's taboo to talk about it..


But again. The earth will go through cataclysmic changes no matter what we do. So I'm thinking no matter what mankind does our time is limited. The earth will.most definitely outlast man. So do we really need to do that much? Indo believe we hastened some stuff on this planet for sure. But we all have benefited from it. Are you willing to give up your way of life for those who will be here 200 years from now??


You do realise that greta is an actor like both of her parents right?


Even Thurnberg agrees with JP:


Jesus you really have a hard-on for that ugly cunt Greta. She is an idiot, as is anyone that believes the climate change nonsense. Anyone with half a brain will understand that climate change is not really climate change it is just a rebranding of global warming. How can that be? Well look at what global warming wanted the world to do, now look at what climate change charlatans want the world to do... the same damn things. Why? Because when they were pushing the global warming hoax they made the mistake of making predictions which never came true. But they didn't want to abandon their religion of CO2 is bad... so they rebranded the hoax as climate change. But it is the same fucking thing that debunked. Greta is just too stupid to understand reality and used by the cunts that want to push their agenda because they though using a retarded kid would be easier with less people willing to call out a retarded kid as being wrong.


Grab a jug of bleach and drink it. You're going to go through changes and die anyway. What difference will drinking one jug of bleach make?


"Thinks there is nothing that can be done about climate change"

"Which is why we are doomed." so you agree with him. Who's the tool???

I guess you react because someone told you that he's "a bad nazi" and you never even listened to him.

That's EXACTLY his point: "People are not willing to take the necessary steps".


Like everyone keeps telling you, yes, it is not going to happen.
Is not like all of a sudden, we will ALL say, "ok let's all stop driving and using electricity. Done. "
Sorry but that's a pipe dream


according to dems, electricity is free.

what would happen if millions of people plugged their car in after work during the summer? this is what treehuggers dont think about.


listening to a midget redhead with no education to back up her claims


He also says that it's impossible to quit smoking without God, therefore quitting smoking is proof that God exists. JP is a smart guy and insightful when he sticks to his area of expertise, and he's sober, but I suspect drug abuse made him susceptible to crazy ideas.


"He also says that it's impossible to quit smoking without God, therefore quitting smoking is proof that God exists."

HAHAHA, that's a good one!!! Link pls!!!


I think it was this one


Really? You expect me to watch a 2 hours video to spot a phrase? lol

I found the excerpt:

"Matt: I agree people take drugs and report experiencing something that is supernatural. We have no way of confirming that something mystical or supernatural has actually happened. What this is..
Jordan: It stops people from smoking.
Matt: But you can stop smoking without any supernatural intervention.
Jordan: No, not really.
Matt: You can stop smoking without supernatural intervention?!?
Jordan: There aren’t any reliable means for reducing smoking cessation. You can take a drug called Bupropion (anti-depressant).
Matt: Is that supernatural?
Jordan: No. But if you give people magic mushrooms (psilocybin) and they have a mystical experience they have about an 85% chance of smoking cessation. In one treatment.
Matt: Sure
Jordan: Yeah but that’s kind of like evidence you know."

Well, in my opinion he IS NOT talking about god when talking about psilocybin ... i see no god here ..

The specific video:

He is NOT talking about god but about subjective "supernatural", mystic experiences.


the " Yeah but that’s kind of like evidence you know."

is about the supernatural and god. JPs position on christian is one of the most wishy washy nonsense woo woo things I have ever seen

also taking this mushrooms wouldn't be supernatural. by definition it would be very much natural, as much as drinking alcohol gets you drunk is supernatural.

JP proves yet again when he steers outside his expertise he is a complete and utter idiot


one of the most wishy washy nonsense woo woo things I have ever seen

That's what I think every time I read one of your posts.


good one... such insight. and yet almost every expert who discusses with JP outside his field says the same thing. he doesnt know what tf he is talking about


almost every expert who discusses with JP outside his field says the same thing.

Well, "experts" are going to say that, aren't they.

If you're speaking of a topic that's outside your field, you're bound to come across as ignorant, to a genuine expert in that field. Take you, for instance. Every time you comment on Jordan Peterson you slam him viciously. And do you know why? Because he talks COMMON SENSE. And common sense is anathema to Lefties like you.

Jordan Peterson's real expertise is Common Sense, nothing more, nothing less. Lefties hate it, because it undermines all their treasured myths. When he speaks, he's not lecturing, he's not sermonising and he's not manipulating people's emotions by triggering their guilt. He's simply trying to trigger their Common Sense.

It's the most difficult job in the world, and anyone who tries it will be hated.



Complete nonsense. I would consider myself conservative, right wing, whatever. No leftist, in no way, shape or anything. But Jordan is a sack of shit, a charlatan, con artist. He even admitted it once himself on a Joe Rogan podcast. It's a brilliant scheme, as he makes these nonsensical debates with people like Sam Harris or Dilahunty where he totally derails them with utter word salad and evasive mumbo jumbo. There is not one coherent thought from him. Allthough I do agree with him on the transgender and pronoun issue and climate change.


So he's a "sack of shit, a charlatan, and a con artist" and he doesn't have "one coherent thought", and you only agree with his opinions when they're the same as yours.




I don't quite understand your question. Most of his stuff is disingenious. Religion, moral, history, "clean your room" BS. Here and there are things
I agree with.


My "question" was this. If you believe he's a con artist and a charlatan, how can you possibly agree with anything he says? Surely, by your definition, all his opinions must be suspect, and all his views must be unreliable.

That's "disingenuous", by the way, Einstein. And he's anything but disingenuous. He speaks so sincerely it's almost painful to watch. Maybe that's why you're having difficulty with him. Maybe you're not accustomed to hearing someone in this day and age trying to tell you the truth.


someone can agree with some aspects, not with all, welcome to reality. its like saying because ia greed with Winston Churchill on his British resistance policy in ww2 i have to align with him on every single political issue. thats what Ackbar is saying

was that the type of common sense logic JP taught you? you just failed


What Ackbar was saying was that Jordan Peterson is a phony who has never expressed a single coherent thought. In the same breath he said he agrees with him sometimes. Are those the times when Peterson slips up and has one of his non-existent coherent thoughts, or what?

I think you guys are getting hung up on Peterson because the things he says are very hard to take. He tries to explain fundamental truths in terms of common sense, but some people can't handle it because we've been trained to reject that sort of thing today. His "clean your room" is a metaphor. But you miss it. He's saying, "First things first", and, "don't try to walk before you can crawl", (or rather, 'Don't pretend you can walk when you can hardly crawl').

I'll grant that he's sometimes difficult to follow. Even I find him so. And I'm a huge admirer. But I understand that talking sense to people is extremely difficult, and it's always been so. People want to hear easy, uncomplicated slogans and catchwords that are instantly relatable and comfortable. If they don't hear it, they get confused, and being confused makes them mad. Sometimes, they get absurdly mad, as you and Ackbar do. Your objections are irrational and always rather too emotional. You're angry. Your judgement is compromised because of it.



"I think you guys are getting hung up on Peterson because the things he says are very hard to take. He tries to explain fundamental truths in terms of common sense, but some people can't handle it because we've been trained to reject that sort of thing today."

you are an idiot. LOL. I don't have problems following JP. I listen to actual experts, not him talk about subjects he has no understanding of.

he is essentially the Deepak Chopra of lost men who need simple answer and need to be told what to do. I am sorry you are so desperate for answers you will accept the easy wrong ones, rather than the difficult right ones from a charlatan

yes first it was only lefties mad at Peterson. now its everyone and they just cant understand his genius! wow you are pathetic


I am glad other right wingers recognize that his charlatan, dumbed down, father figure like persona of giving simple answers is a big con.

His take on his religious beliefs is some of the most wishy washy, dodging mental masterbation I've ever heard.


As a right winger, I don't care about his religious views. I like his message of finding meaning though taking responsibility and his standing up for Free Speech, (among others.)


his message of responsibility is shit and can be found in any dollar store self help book

as for free speech he made a name playing the victim and misconstruing a law. im waiting for the first person to go to jail in Canada for calling a he a her. any day now..

yet according to Peterson you thought they'd be rounding them up in camps.


1. Well, I find his message of responsibility convincing. It certainly jives with my observations. And he claims that he gets a lot of positive feedback from his readers.

2. As to "camps" I never heard him say anything like that. That you feel a need to exaggerate his position before you attack it, shows how little you think of your own position.


1. cool story.

2.he said people would be arrested. where is that happening?


1. Thanks. A lot more convincing that just saying "shit", I know.

2. I have not heard anything about how the enforcement is going on, in Canada. I know that I have seen some pretty scary shit from the UK where they have some similar restrictions on speech, with Karens calling the cops on people for saying words that they don't like, at least once I saw leading to an arrest.


1. no the fact he duped you isn't that suprising or impressive.

2. YOU haven't heard because no such thing has happened. again Peterson made it up, exaggerated it and became famous by appealing to the conservative victim community.

why the fuck are you talking about the UK? you just lost


1. I look at my life, the things that give it real meaning, are me being or taking responsibility. That is not me being "duped", that is his point being validated by my personal observations.

2. They are not enforcing the Law? Well, that is good. THough leaving it on the books, means that they can pull it out for selective enforcement, when they want to target someone. Which is bad.

3. Your pretense that this is happening in a vacuum, is silly. The movement AGAINST Freedom of Speech is much bigger than Canada and I have seen how it has developed in the UK, so, your pretense that fearing arrests is unreasonable is, not credible. That was my point. Would you like to address it, or just swear some more?


I love seeing you get put in your place. You are trash.


Yes, I know you hate me. Because I was mean to Hollywood Producers. Whom I've never met and have very, very, very little power over.


Nope I dislike that you are a hypocrite and don't stand by your beliefs. You gave those producers money knowing they were racist. What does that make you?


Nah, your panties were all twisted up, way before that. Cause and effect, moron. YOu can't blame something that happened long after you started hating, for the hate. That is just you making up excuses for your hate, AFTER THE FACT.


Nope I knew even before that you were a hypocritical moron. This only proves my point further. Since you paid the money you attributed to your entertainment being destroyed. That's like voting for the candidate you don't want to become president, and then complaining afterwards. I feel no sympathy for people like you.


The point where you decided you hated me, was when you thought I was unfair to the Hollywood Producers, whom I have never met and have very, very little power over. That you presented as a REASON for the HATE, something that happened AFTER you let the HATE flow, big time, is you making up excuses for your hate, that is not the real reason.

YOu can't bring yourself to be honest about your real reason. So you make up shit. And you HATE, a lot.

I don't Hate you. I think you are a bad person, because of a number of reasons. Which I would be happy to discuss. But the important part is, that I am not ashamed of the reasons for my feelings.

You are. It must be something very ugly inside of you, that you need to lie to hide it.


Nope it's when you couldn't provide proof for your claim and wanted me to accept your assumptions as gospel truth. You got upset when I disagreed with you despite providing no proof.

Nope I'm honest unlike you.

Oh you hate me, don't lie now. I dislike what people like you represent.

Tell me why did you give money to people you knew were racist? Logically explain that for me.


I was not upset that you did not accept my assumption. I was disappointed as it was strong evidence that you were dishonest. As you proved later, over and over again.

As to my reason, it is obvious. I hoped that, despite the woke elements put in there by people like you, that HATE me, that the film might still be an entertaining bit. Now that I gave you an answer, you can let your HATE flow some more. Weirdo.


I was dishonest because I didn't accept your assumptions with no proof? You didn't provide proof only your assumptions. Grow up. When someone actually provides undisputable facts and proof I will listen to them. You didn't do that.

No remember it's guilty until proven innocent. Therefore you should have known better. You knew better and still gave them money. This shows you aren't worth listening to.


1. Correct. The assumption that Hollywood producers are liberals of the worst sort, and thus, actively hostile to people like me, is a very reasonable assumption. That you did not accept it, was suspicious. And as I said, you later proved over and over again, to be dishonest.

2. My answer said nothing about them NOT being guilty. Jeez, it's almost as though you didn't really even read it, before spewing your talking point bullshit.

3. I knew that no matter what I said, that you would dismiss it and just attack me. But I still answered. It might be a personality flaw, to treat you with a respect you have proven you do not deserve. That is all that proves. It does not prove anything about my position or arguments. You are just talking shit now.


Where did I deny that Hollywood was liberal? You said that the only reason Kravitz was cast was due to a political reason. Not every casting choice is done for a political reason. It's ignorant to assume that is always the case. There are exceptions to that assumption. I asked you to provide proof and you pivoted back to your assumption. Sorry pal your assumptions are not gospel truth buddy.

No bullcrap! You said they don't deserve the benefit of the doubt. So you assume the worst, aka guilty until proven innocent. You had this mentality and still willingly gave them money.

Nope it proves you are not consistent with your logic. If you think they are racist then why give them money then proceed to complain about your entertainment being destroyed? Tell me would you vote for Biden then complain that he got elected? That's what you are doing. Had you refused to see it I would disagree but at least respect you for being consistent in your beliefs and standards. As of now you don't have my respect because you didn't earn it.


1. You made it clear that your position was one of principle. So, proving something for this single case, would not have changed that. So it was irrelevant.

2. You're not making sense. Yes, I think the producers has political intent and enmity to me and mine. Yet, I hoped that despite the woke elements they put into it, it would still be an enjoyable film. Why are you pretending to be too stupid to get this?

3. If you say so. Logic is not always the basis for my actions. As I said, I was operating on HOPE. NOt that it matters to our disagreement or your HATE.


No it was completely relevant. You want to dismiss it because you know you had nothing.

Because you complained that your entertainment was being destroyed. You just gave them money which is attributing to that. Then you seriously are going to complain after doing that?

Logic isn't the basis for your actions at least we can agree on that. Start having it be the basis for your actions it will lead to better life choices. You shouldn't have had hope since you have the guilty until proven innocent mindset.


1. You know what would have really made that point? If you had explained HOW it would be relevant. But you didn't. LOL. i wonder

2. Correct. Why does this bother you so much?

3. Some of the people involved being shitty people, doesn't mean that the final product might not be enjoyable. You seem to be arguing something but not being clear on what point you are trying to make or why. Really, you seem to be here to just be angry. Do you like being angry and full of hate?


I did explain. Why should we accept your assumptions as gospel truth? Why when I asked you to provide proof wouldn't you do it?

Because if you support something you have no right to complain about it. I saw bvs dawn of justice for free because I won free tickets to it. I hated it I thought it was trash. So guess what I made a boycott of all the dceu. I didn't pay to see suicide squad, justice league or any of that crap because I didn't want to support what they were doing. I voted with my wallet. You are voting for Biden then proceed to complain when he gets elected it's dumb.

No remember you said Hollywood doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt. Guilty until proven innocent. So why did you give them money? You could have waited for it to come out and pirated it or seen it in a streaming service. I don't respect people who are not consistent and won't make a stance for their beliefs.


Your personal choices and opinions are not facts or the only way that things can be done.

That you don't understand this, is because your mind is narrow to the point of pathology.


Never said they were facts. I asked you for proof not your opinion and you provided nothing.


You are certainly acting like they are facts or the only way that things can be done. And they are not.

THat you don't understand that, is because your mind is narrow to the point of pathology.


Nope I wasn't the one who got upset when someone didn't take my opinion as fact. I asked for facts and proof yet you wouldn't provide it. I will give you another chance. Provide proof for your claim.


No, you are teh one that seems very angry that I don't operate as you think I should. And you are seething with hate. And obsessing with...this shit.


Provide proof for your claim. Otherwise sit down and be quiet.


Why? Nothing I say will satisfy you. And still doesn't answer why this gets your panties in a wad. Why do you care so much, bro?


I told you why. I don't take your assumptions as gospel truth. Also why pay for something then complain about your entertainment being destroyed? Why not actually take a stand?


That's not a reason to be so pissed off, that you keep bringing it up like this.

Seriously. This seems like a very lame hobby.


Yeah when someone wants their views accepted as gospel truth without proof it is annoying. You are an entitled spoiled person. Welcome to the real world buddy.


Yet, here you are, months later, still whining. The problem seems to be you.


No I just can't stand entitled idiots who think their word is law.


Because I was mean to hollywood millionaries?


No because you expect people to take your assumptions as gospel truth.


wishy washy, dodging mental masterbation

That's "mastUrbation, genius. Don't tell me you don't know how to spell that!

"father figure like persona"

To start with, that should be written, "Father Figure-like persona", but we'll let that go. But what makes you use that analogy? Do you have an issue with father figures? Do you have a problem with authoritative males generally? What exactly provokes you to hurl vitriol at a man who is merely trying to tell you about the way he sees life?



you have nothing. and hence the grammatical nitpick attempts. now go away dull wit.


"Well, "experts" are going to say that, aren't they. "

yes people who have an actual deep understanding of a field (like JP has of psychology) will criticize someone when they try and speak authoritatively on a subject and get even the basics wrong... wow you sure showed me....

"Because he talks COMMON SENSE. And common sense is anathema to Lefties like you."

no see part 1 of my comment. because he is a charlatan who constantly tried to make "profound" p[oints to push a narrative by dumbing it down and getting it wrong. which again is point #1... take a breather. understand the argument. saying "you are da left wing and dumb": is not one.

"Jordan Peterson's real expertise is Common Sense,"

LOLLL do they offer courses in that? is that where everything he says just happens to a sign with right wingers so its true? is that like "well its not hot outside its snowing so see global warming isn't happening stupid liberals!!!"

HHAQHAHA JP isn't manipulating peoples emotions? wow buddy you've fully given into the crackpot cult.

I love Jps common sense talks about personal responsibility. was he enrolled in a drug addictions clinic


"yes people who have an actual deep understanding of a field (like JP has of psychology) will criticize someone when they try and speak authoritatively on a subject and get even the basics wrong... wow you sure showed me....
no see part 1 of my comment. because he is a charlatan who constantly tried to make "profound" p[oints to push a narrative by dumbing it down and getting it wrong. which again is point #1... take a breather. understand the argument. saying "you are da left wing and dumb": is not one.
LOLLL do they offer courses in that? is that where everything he says just happens to a sign with right wingers so its true? is that like "well its not hot outside its snowing so see global warming isn't happening stupid liberals!!!"
HHAQHAHA JP isn't manipulating peoples emotions? wow buddy you've fully given into the crackpot cult.
I love Jps common sense talks about personal responsibility. was he enrolled in a drug addictions clinic"

Well, there you have it - the full gamut of hysteria. With an added touch of your personal agenda thrown in for good measure. Not surprising. If you can't listen to Peterson, you can't listen to yourself.


holy fuck you are stupid. when you have nothing, Gish Gallop. good job!

go beg for someone else's attention! blocked!


"Blocked". Well, folks, is anybody surprised? That's what happens when you hit a nerve, I suppose.


If nothing can be done about Climate Change is it because of the people he takes money from to support.


Whenever he steps outside of his specialty he usually comes across like an idiot.

For the record . . . something CAN be done about climate change (mitigation at this point), but whether or not anything WILL be done about it is a different topic.


He is saying that people are unwilling to do so.

Stop using AC while there are 110F outside??? Stop driving your car to buy shit from the corner of the street? Etc Etc Etc. All the industry and pollution have one major reason: to quench the consumer thirst for ... shit.

The modern human will NOT renounce his comfort ...

So that's exactly his point: that nothing WILL be done. Maybe if you would actually listen to what he says ...


there will be no such comfort as long as conservative continue to fight reality and science


I'm talking about present comfort.

Are you turning up the heat when your house gets too cold? You're not fighting climate change.
Are you turning on the AC when your house gets too hot? You're not fighting climate change.
Do you commute several miles per day with something different than a bicycle? You're NOT fighting climate change.
Do you buy shit that you don't really need (new phone, new clothes, 100 pair of shoes etc )? You guessed it: You're NOT fighting climate change.


yes you talking point is old, tired and dumb. maybe get some new ones.

again conservatives on your side have been fighting tooth and nail claiming it isnt even happening. theres no serious implementation because for every policy there is a huge political fight and conservatives do everything in their power to sabotage it.

its like trying to plug holes in a submarine, while conservatives keep grabbing a a sladghammer and nails, punching new holes in it, and claim water leaking into the submarine isnt real its fabricated lies by left wing submarinists


you are stuck with your stupid ideology ... and conservatives plus a Trump PTSD.

Why are corporations to blame for the climate change?

If you wouldn't by the new phone as soon as is on the market there would be no need for the corporations to produce those. To ship those.

So the corporations might be a huge part (and if you imbecile would pay attention would notice that I didn't deny the climate change, like JP didn't either, but as usual you have no arguments and attack something I never said, a strawman fallacy, the poor/stupid man fallacy - and I would not be surprised if you repeat it in every post) but that is actually driven by the consumers. If consumers wouldn't ... consume then guess what: the corporations would not produce as much. If the corporations would reduce production guess what: climate change will slow down and we would use less dirty energy while relying a lot more on clean energy. But idiots can't think. "The Monkeys Thought 'Twas All in Fun"

So next time when you eat that stake in your climate controlled house after driving your 5.0L SUV and talk on your brand new phone think about all that. The pollution that Apple (or Samsung or whatever) put out was so you can use the last phone. The energy from burning coal was so YOU can heat/cool YOUR house. The gas that polluted the environment was from YOUR gas gurgling SUV. The cloud of C02 released by those cows are there because YOU wanted a steak.

But I know that you cannot because you actually cannot think, you only have your lines that the MSN and CNN feed to you and you just copy paste like a robot. I know it's easy to blame others when the one to blame is really you.


"Why are corporations to blame for the climate change?"

point out where I said corporations retard. I will wait


Oh, moving the goalpost?

You don't have to say it you ignorant fool. Look at any chart that breaks down the energy consumption and maybe you'll understand.

Plus: you keep saying "conservatives" which for idiot leftists like yourself means "supporting corporations' policies and profits" - although both sides are doing it, one way or another.

And look at the context you idiot as well, in case you forgot re-read the thread.

But again, I fully know that it's hard for you to 1+1 and think.



How the fuck can I move goalposts of something I never said.

are you on the slower end of the spectrum?


Are you again on repeating same shit because you cannot understand basic concepts?

Where did I say that you said it??

You don't have to directly say it to be implied, neither do I. I know that it's a hard concept for you - reading between the lines, unless you apply it. Where did I say I'm a conservative? Where did I say that climate change is not real? And these things are not even in the context but you need to bring them up. Etc Etc.

Again, you are so stuck in your political/ideological hate that you don't even try to understand the topic. You jump straight to "conservatives" and "Trump" even when there's nothing about those in the context ...


"Why are corporations to blame for the climate change?"

try again.


Oh you ignorant cunt... do you think the people in China or India are conservative? The reality is even if the west turned off everything the rest of the world would keep burning fossil fuels.


yes I am and sure within their political paradigm, china and India has conservatives and more progressives. their whole paradigm may be so far right that their "progressives" are similar to American conservatives, but that doesn't change anything.

did you really just say something that stupid.


Errr, China is ruled by a communist party, it is certainly not "so far to the right".


errrrr Chinese people also have varying political viewss..

errrrrrr the 1.4 billion people aren't monolithic drones who all believe the exact same thing. within their political PARADIGM there will be varying views. for example some may say "im a Chinese communist member but I think we should have more political freedoms", and another person " I disagree". or another say "I think the government should be involved less in the economy" and another "I disagree they should have more"

errr the fact i have to explain this to you is incredibly embarrassing. You are an idiot.


I thought it went without saying, that over a billion people have varying views.

But you made a point about their political paradigm, that implied that it was "so far right".

The fact that the country's political leadership is exclusively, monopoly style, composed of COMMUNISTS is a fact that strongly contradicts your claim.

Would you like to address that, or would you like to instead invent another excuse to dodge the point?


"The fact that the country's political leadership is exclusively, monopoly style, composed of COMMUNISTS is a fact that strongly contradicts your claim."

no it doesnt. its all within a paradigm. the "Overton window" if you will of what is acceptable.

that will vary in the US what is politically acceptable vs turkey vs china.

SO while the US may accept far larger views, from libertarians to democratic socialists to everything in between with no consequences

so within the communist party (which is a contradiction because it is one of the worlds biggest traders, for private profits, for the profits of their CEOs and shareholders) is there an acceptable variance of views. that may be far smaller, yet it still exists even within the Chinese bureaucracy and political leadership. again a country isnt "one rule", its positions on literally hundreds of thousands of policies. so within those, take your pick, there will be some more conservative elements, some more progressive views, on each policy, and again WITHIN THE ACCEPTABLE PARADIGM.

so for example, when it comes to communist party political stranglehold on China. the acceptable paradigm may be the conservative one (nothing can and should change) to a more progressive one (the party should remain intact but with some small changes and opening up to other views)

again this is a far smaller paradigm than would be acceptable in the US, but it DOesnt mean there isnt some variance.

its not a dodge just because you have no basic fucking understanding of political science.


Yeah it does. my point was, that that range would NOT be, as you claimed, "so far to the right" that they are comparable to American conservatives.


I was speaking offhandedly in general of how one countries paradigm may be to the far right (or left) of another. since you brought up India AND china. also when it comes to SOME policies Chinas paradigm is to the right.
try again


Yes. I understand that that was what you were doing.

I was expressing disagreement with your claims, that China is A. "so far to the right" that B. "that their "progressives" are similar to American conservatives".

I'm less knowledgeable about India, but considering that last I hear, MARXISTS were a viable and significant political party, I also doubt that they fit your claim.


that wasnt my claim. I said china and India have conservatives (within the paradigm).

Me talking about a paradigm being to the right was generally talking about a countries paradigm, not specifically china and India.

learn how to read


I read what you wrote, but I will take it, that that was what you meant.

Different paradigms are DIFFERENT. Comparing "conservatives" of different paradigms is something that is difficult to do, and requires Good Faith from everyone involved. Ie, nothing we can do as a society today.


I can see how there would be confusion over my statement. in my original post about "India and china" I could someone could see my followup statement as applying to them. however I chose two random countries as to say "other countries have different paradigms". and then my "far right" statement wasn't meant for them. it was to mean generally as a hypothetical "this could be the case in other countries. I probably should have put it in a separate paragraph but I didnt include "in china and India for example the right wing ect" because I never meant for it to apply to them specifically.

agreed its difficult to do. the conservative party and conservatives in my country for example would more closely align with American democrats although not perfectly..

either way my point is even in china, there isn't a single monolithic "communism" where everyone agrees exactly with the 100s of thousands of policies. even among top political players there is more or less conservative or liberal stances on every policy, and even the most conservative communist (ie one who wants the status quo and no change or extremely slow change) may actually be more liberal on a single or a few policies compared to another liberal Chinese commie who is generally liberal on the majority of his own policy stances..

people are weird and inconsistent like that. like how largely conservative, disgusting horrible homophobic Christian extremist Fred Phelps was actually a civil rights lawyers and fought for equality rights. seems like a contradiction how he could be so anti rights for some, and then (at the time) a progressive champion. or how in 1986 he tried to sue Reagan for violating church and state laws.

he did all this while simultaneously a pastor having established 1954 the extremist Westboro baptist church.

talk about a walking contradiction. dude was a progressive champion on some policies, while simultaneously being a religious (arguably conservative) extremist fighting against others civil rights in different instances/


Did YOU really just say something THAT STUPID?

Are you aware that China is ruled by one party (communist btw)? Even more: by one man.

Fucking ignorant. The communist party of China is so far right ...

Plus: the old communist (you know, the extreme left) China just happened to be one of the main contributors to pollution ...


yes in in a country of 1.4 billion, with hundreds of thousands of political actors, bureaucrats ect, there is varying views. the Chinese state may act as one internationally, this doesnt mean every single person has the same identical view on tens of thousands of policies. some will be more liberal, some conservative.

you sound dumb as fuck. you are failing a politics 101 introduction class just by posting such dumb nonsense...

yes even in communist dictatorships, there is varying political views, WITHIN THE PARADIGM of what is allowed. holy fuck man, get your head checked


"yes even in communist dictatorships, there is varying political views, WITHIN THE PARADIGM of what is allowed. holy fuck man, get your head checked"

Can you follow your advice???

It is NOT me that said about China "so far to the right". And now you say "within the paradigm of what is allowed" - so "so far to the right" is in the communist paradigm according to you. HOW CAN YOU BE THIS STUPID???

And it's irrelevant what the one in the street thinks and if he is a nazi as long as he has zero power to influence politics and climate change policies you dumb fuck.

Stop acting like you know anything, you say the most idiotic and moronic things and then you try to fix your stupidity and ignorance by attacking others but instead you sound more and more stupid. As usual you just make noise to cover your stupidity and ignorance.


"It is NO me that said about China "so far to the right". And now you say "within the paradigm of what is allowed" - so "so far to the right" is in the communist paradigm according to you. HOW CAN YOU BE THIS STUPID???"

if I could understand your shit I could address it better. post a coherent paragraph next time.

"And it's irrelevant what the one in the street thinks and if he is a nazi as long as he has zero power to influence politics and climate change policies you dumb fuck."

the point is there is variance within those with political power fucktard. just like there was in nazi Germany. even if the power centered around a dictator. it wasnt a monolith, Reich officials disagreed, some were more left some right. look at Ernst Röhm who was a straight up revoltionary leftist socialist diehard.

thanks for PROVING MY POINT.

"Stop acting like you know anything, you say the most idiotic and moronic things and then you try to fix your stupidity and ignorance by attacking others but instead you sound more and more stupid. As usual you just make noise to cover your stupidity and ignorance. "

hahahah in other words, "I have no argument or rebuttal ill just ignore everything you said and say you are ignorant"

fuck off now kid. you have fully deflated and dont have the knowledge to talk about this topic. you have a simplistic uneducated view of this topic and the fact the real world is more complex and nuanced beyond "all da Chinese are da communists who all believe the exact same thing" shows what an uneducated loser you are

you can leave now


"the point is there is variance within those with political power fucktard."

yes fucktard, but NOT in the way of "the extreme right in the communist party in China" you idiot.

I know it's hard for you to understand the most basic things and you spew ignorance and stupidity all over.

Now fuck off you imbecile.

What kind of argument can I have against something as moronic as "the nazi in the communist party of China"??? Something THIS stupid needs no arguments.


where did I say extreme right... ill wait

"the nazi in the communist party of China?"

show me where I said that? I was comparing nazis to totalitarian china. you brought up nazis. I compared them showing how I was right.

I love how you provided a quote as if I said that word for word. I never did


This is what you said:

"yes I am and sure within their political paradigm, china and India has conservatives and more progressives. their whole paradigm may be so far right that their "progressives" are similar to American conservatives, but that doesn't change anything."

And you did say "so far to the right"

Read it again you imbecile, maybe you understand how stupid it is.

So their "left" might be similar to American conservatives. (That you leftists idiots love to call nazis). So if their progressives (left) are similar to US conservatives I wonder where does their "right" ends - specially when you say "so far right". A lot more to the right than conservatives that are for you literal nazis.

But even saying that the communist party's "progressives" might be similar to USA conservatives is beyond stupidity ...

And now that I explained to you, along others, how big of a turd you are, I guess it's time for you to fly away. Really you can have no rational thought and all you have is ideology, copy paste from the directives. As soon as you step out of copy paste it's scary how stupid you are.


yes im talking about countries paradigms being in different places. its an offhand comment explains how paradigms work, not specifically china and India, who have very different paradigms form eachother and the US.

yes ill "red it again".

SHOW ME WHERE I HAVE CALLED CONSERVATIVES NAZIS once on here. almost 2000 comments, mostly about politics. show me once. ill wait clown. you are making some big claims out of nowhere clown boy

"But even saying that the communist party's "progressives" might be similar to USA conservatives is beyond stupidity ..."

I wasnt and didnt retard

"And now that I explained to you, along others, how big of a turd you are, I guess it's time for you to fly away. Really you can have no rational thought and all you have is ideology, copy paste from the directives. As soon as you step out of copy paste it's scary how stupid you are."

cause one of us went to school for political science/ history. and one of us is a clown boy who doesnt understand fuck all and claims I said the Chinese were nazis. you are fucking stupid. im suprised your mom didnt opt for some procedures when she found out the mental deficiencies you would have


"I wasnt and didnt retard"

i just quoted your fucking post in which you did retard.

Let me quote you again:

"China and India has conservatives and more progressives. their whole paradigm may be so far right that their "progressives" are similar to American conservatives"

No, you weren't speaking generally, you specifically named fucking China!!!!

Oh, you don't even understand your own words??? NO wonder you don't understand anything else ;)

let me try your way: "YOU, leodecaprio, are an imbecile". Ah, but I'm NOT talking abut you, I'm talking about people in general.

"cause one of us went to school for political science/ history. " that for sure wasn't you, idiot, with such ideas.


yes I brought two randomly. I never said specifically china. I even said "may". I gave zero specifics, I didnt even specific which of the two.

fuck you are dumb..

"Oh, you don't even understand your own words??? NO wonder you don't understand anything else ;)"

good one...

"let me try your way: "YOU, leodecaprio, are an imbecile". Ah, but I'm NOT talking abut you, I'm talking about people in general."

yes thats why I went on to specifically name china and give details specific to china.. oh wait.... I brought up two random countries, offered no specifics, then said "may"

"with such ideas"

lol you should have been aborted.


you said China AND India. AND. It's your brain that dense that you don't even understand what AND stands for????

We were SPECIFICALLY talking about China.

"do you think the people in China or India are conservative?"

"China and India has (btw, your English sucks, it's have) conservatives and more progressives. their '(China and India)' whole paradigm may be so far right that their "progressives" are similar to American conservatives"

You even doubled down on it: "yes in in a country of 1.4 billion, with hundreds of thousands of political actors, bureaucrats ect, there is varying views. the Chinese state may act as one internationally, this doesnt mean every single person has the same identical view on tens of thousands of policies. some will be more liberal, some conservative."

And now you are are like "China?? I NEVER said China!!! Who?? ME?? NEVER!!!"

God, you're a fucking idiot troll. Needs to be blocked.


yes I brought up two random countries. I could have said Somalia and Taiwan. the point is other countries exist with different paradigms, not which ones I brought up, or what their specific paradigm is.

"We were SPECIFICALLY talking about China."

no I wasnt. as in that same post I didn't say "whereas in china! the paradigm is so conservative it may be that American conservatives are to their left"

show me in my first post where I specifically expound and elaborate on china SPECIFICALLY

"China and India has (btw, your English sucks, it's have) conservatives and more progressives. their '(China and India)' whole paradigm may be so far right that their "progressives" are similar to American conservatives"

no OR WORKS TOO YOU DUMB FUCK. I love when foreigners lecture me when they dont know English themselves loll.

remember when you said the immunity system hahahah

"You even doubled down on it: "yes in in a country of 1.4 billion, with hundreds of thousands of political actors, bureaucrats ect, there is varying views. the Chinese state may act as one internationally, this doesnt mean every single person has the same identical view on tens of thousands of policies. some will be more liberal, some conservative." "

yes when questioned my view on china I did, for THE FIRST TIME, start explaining their specific paradigm and how they have varying views.

wow you are a confused mess. go learn English. you are foreign and probably poor too. ill help pay for the classes clown


Well, I like how you go deeper and deeper in the hole.

And you're becoming smaller and smaller.


Not only that your English sucks, worse than mine. But your logic lacks a LOT if you think that "and" and "or" have similar functions in logic or in language :D


hahahahahah so cant actually argue against what I said! just "you are in a hole"

dumb fucking foreigner confirmed. thank you for conceding finally.

I didnt say "and" and 'Or" are the same thing. I said or works there you dumb fuck. please stop trying to lecture they English speaker when you constantly make elementary mistakes.

Or definition
"used to link alternatives."

yes or fits dumb fuck.

you said fucking "immunity system" you clown.


But you didn't say OR, OR cannot replace AND, doesn't have the same meaning.

It doesn't matter if linguistic works there because 1: would change the meaning and 2: YOU DIDN'T USE IT.

If I'm writing a program and I use OR instead of AND in an IF clause even though the syntax is correct and IT CAN be used it changes everything and could trigger a nuclear war - depending where is used. Like:
If key1 and key2 then boom.
If key1 OR key2 then boom.

But your are too stupid and lack logic to understand the difference ...

You are the one making elementary mistakes and as I said, you go further and further down the drain with your idiocy ...

"you said fucking "immunity system" you clown."

Yeah, and you make no mistakes you idiot. You are so laughable how much of an imbecile you can be ...


But you didn't say OR, OR cannot replace AND, doesn't have the same meaning.

"WHERE THE FUCK DID I SAY IT MEANS THE SAME. in the context I used it it works"

LOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL did you really just use that as an example?!?!?! saying it could trigger a nuclear war

OMG the level of retardation is hilarious.



Ok, you are too dumb. But I already knew that.

Be gone, pest ;)


Imo too dumb because you said "use and or or right or else it could start a nuclear war! see im right!"

this is what happens when you go to subpar third world educational faculties. you sound sooo stupid


Yup, you are too dumb. Luckily you don't work in programming!

Actually I think you don't work at all, you are too dumb to get out of your parents basement where they locked you.

Tell them that they forgot to medicate you this evening and you are hallucinating.


lol they pay Indians 6$ an hour to do programming. whoopee doo.

I just bought my own house at walk in closet is the size of your shithole apartment.


ill reword it using a different example

"compared to the Mexico some countries may have different military policies like Germany or Canada. some countries may spend more"

and from that you would have said "see you are saying they spend more than Mexico!!!"

no I didn't. I was making a general point about variance (like I was doing with political variance). I chose two random countries to show there are other places that MAY (exact word I used) be different.

this seems to be a language issue. like I suggested in our last exchange stay off movie chat and go get a fucking education. you continually embarrass yourself on here by failing at basic English. maybe stick to websites in your mother language rather than continually embarrassing yourself and saying dumb things


No man, you specifically SAID CHINA AND INDIA. Not, "some countries". And you were specifically asked about China and India in the context in which they are major contributors to pollution.

And no, your explanation with "may" doesn't work when we are talking about specific countries and their policies. Then you can say any stupid and idiotic shit and say "well, I said 'may" so that's not what I actually meant". Fucking moron.

Seriously, do you suffer from ADHD? Because you seem to forget what's the topic and even what you're saying, quite a lot.

Or you're plainly a stupid, idiot troll ;)

It's not me that says stupid things, it's you. Then you "forget" you said it. Then you deny you said it. Then you blame the others for not understanding you.

And you had the SAME CONVERSATION with 2 more people about china and the "so far right" wing. But no, we are the stupid ones, not you.

You're right, we are the stupid ones for interacting with such an idiot.

Take your fucking medication btw.


yes I offhandedly brought up china and India as two random places. I then said "may", and didn't specific which if any. I didnt say "in china the conservative ect ect"

I know English I hard. hence why you struggle! but try and keep up!

"And no, your explanation with "may" doesn't work when we are talking about specific countries and their policies. Then you can say any stupid and idiotic shit and say "well, I said 'may" so that's not what I actually meant". Fucking moron.

it does work because I literally said "may" in my original post hahahah. awww the retard struggling to read?

I haven't forgot once. I again for the fourth time brought up two random countries in my OP. I then didnt go into detail about either country. nor did I reference them once I expanded. I simply brought up two random countries. I then said "may". English sure is hard for a loser like you

it truly is hilarious seeing your horrible broken English. struggling to say anything coherent and blaming me for your lack of understanding :) keep going you foreign retard


"I know English I hard." I can see :D


thats all you got? me typing fast and not proof reading? vs you actually struggling with English and constantly making errors because you dont understand English.

like when you thought I couldn't say OR and had to say AND. damn you are a failure


Stupido, words have meaning. You chose to say AND for a reason.

And that reason is because you are an ignorant idiot. Plain and simple.

Could you have said OR? Sure. But DID you? Nope, you didn't you idiot.


words have usages. they have no inartistic meanings in themselves. Using and or or worked in that context.

"Could you have said OR? Sure. But DID you? Nope, you didn't you idiot."


I said "AND"

Thomas said OR. so what's the fucking problem? Are you fucking stupid? holy crap go to bed in your shithole hovel you clown


"I said "AND"" and that's what I said, that YOU used AND. Holly fuck, you're and idiot.

Holly crap, take your medication, you're out of control and blabbing nonsense.

Really stop. I'm stopping here. feeding the idiot trolls is not my favorite hobby.

PS: anyone knows how to block a stupid troll?


in other words "I have nothing and have to run".

how the fuck would they know who you are talking about if they blocked me.. man you are retarded


"how the fuck would they know who you are talking about if they blocked me.. "

Huh? WHAT?? Tf you blabbing about??

Really, those drugs will help you if you take them regularly ... stop skipping the schedule ...


I love how you abandoned your nonsense because I exposed what a retard you are. but not man enough to admit he made a mistake. what a coward. but tats the normal for you shithole rats


The only thing you exposed it's your stupidity.

I asked "anyone knows how to block a stupid troll?"

and you said: "you posted asking if a blocked person blocked me." WTF???


"how the fuck would they know who you are talking about if they blocked me.." WTF???

This shows how much of a retard you are and how little you understand of the written English, basic English. To quote a classic: "English MotherFucker, do you speak it?"

Your IQ is basically negative.


back for more attention I see. stick top your Mcdonalds job and "immunity system". if you cant figure out blocking, you may be retarded


Well, maybe the retard one is the one that doesn't know/understand the difference between "blocking" and "ignoring". That wouldn't be the only thing that you don't understand in basic English. As shown over and over.

I don't want to ignore you, I want to block you. And apparently this site doesn't have that function.

But probably you cannot understand a lot of things, beside English.

Or, ok, show me how to block someone and I will admit that I'm retarded. I promise ;)

And if you can't show me how to block (NOT IGNORE) someone then you are the retard.


there's only one function retard. holy crap you are dumb.

"BESIDES English"

holy fuck man. stop wasting your time on here. get a basic education and stop posting retarded errors.


This is all you got?

Your argument is a typo?? When you make countless errors, grammar errors, logical errors, linguistic errors, etc etc.

Good good, focus on that, since that's your only "argument" lol.

Did you figure out the difference between blocking and ignoring or are you too dumb for that? No need to answer, I already know. Retard.


I've already destroyed all you're a arguements. all I see is a desperate boy making stupid statements., you have been wrong bout everything you post. I may as well pick out the glaring errors you make.

you failed at understanding and vs or. simple concepts are too hard for your brain. again stay off movie chat! get an education! better your shitty life.

I don't need to figure out the difference., this site has one function retard. the fact that confounds you is YET AGAIN, you projecting your own ignorance on others. It seems losers like you who come here do this constantly. its everyone else's fault for your ignorance and stupidity. there is always an excuse


"all you're a arguements"

From someone telling me I make errors when I type in English. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

"you failed at understanding and vs or. simple concepts are too hard for your brain. again stay off movie chat! get an education! better your shitty life."

That was you, remember???

"I don't need to figure out the difference." - you don't need and you don't understand.

" this site has one function" - and that IS NOT blocking you retard ...

FFS, you fail to understand the most basic concepts.

Get your medication.


Clearly you are a more ignorant cunt than I thought, so trying to explain anything to you would be like trying to teach a turd to talk.


more deep insight from our sites conservatives. ill translate for you

"I cant address your arguments. I have no understanding of political science. ill say you re ignorant and run"

no run away little bitch


You've gotten even more addle little cunt stain, go play with yourself and stop trying to prove how stupid you are. Everyone knows.


more deep insight. nice to see the mental extent of conservative brains. its clearly very limited


So do you call everyone a conservative that is smarter than you? Fact is I've never shared my party affiliation or political belief, only noted that you are an ignorant cunt... which was really obvious to anyone that's seen your rants.


click on your profile. find the most recent political oriented posts

"Diversity/inclusion casting strikes again."

"full on woke"

"Another woke failure."

Alec Baldwin thread
"Of course he also told Will Smith that he should just do a western with Chris so he can shoot him, much less damage to a career than bitch slapping someone."

yep retard conservative detected. I know you added nothing to the conversation as I continually embarrassed you :) awwwww sad conservative cunt has nothing


Still no proof cunt stain. Being against diversity/inclusion and woke bullshit isn't a conservative stance it is the stance of every person that isn't a liberal cunt. A person with half a brain would know there are more than simply liberals and conservatives in the world... then again I forgot I'm walking to a cunt stain will less brain power than the puss dribbling out of your mouth.


LOLLL every single on of your posts lines up with conservatives. if it quacks like a duck

gahhahahhhahh good insults you sad nobody.


To a liberal cunt stain like yourself everyone with a brain is a conservative.


noooo to a clown boy like you who just screams and cries about "the liberals" its pretty obvious.

hahahah sad little Thomas your life must be so pathetic


Well to be honest I'm getting tired of bothering with a little cunt stain like yourself. Just go stain some other place you stupid twat.


"daaaa mean librullll said dat countries have variance in political beliefs and that triggers me!!!"

hahahahahaha you seem obsessed with pussy. is that because you get none?


I agree with this.


It's already been said by professor Steven Levitt 12 years ago! The only way to stop climate change is geoengineering.

Steven Levitt is right, Jordan Peterson is thinking and subtle imply the same thing, but he has no gut to say it, because Steven Levitt got flack by suggest geoenginnering.


lol he wasnt subtly implying shit even related to that. JP fans are truly the saddest excuse makers


If I'm JP fans, I wouldn't said "he has no gut to say it."

Steven Levitt has gut to said it, JP hasn't.


Climate Change(Registered Trademark) is cyclical.

Just go watch CNN and get lied to, I don't give a fuck.


It's always been a hoax to me concocted by the left to restrict freedom of movement.


The most clear and convincing evidence it is bullshits is the fact that "climate change" is nothing more than "global warming" rebranded. And global warming was shown to be bullshit when all the little forecasts in the stupid Al Gore movie never came to pass. At that point the liberals behind the hoax decided to rebrand the hoax... but when the exact same goals exist for climate change that existed for global warming it become very clear that the two are really the same. And if the global warming was bullshit so is the rebranded version of it called climate change.


I'm glad Jordan Peterson had the guts to say it. I don't see how we can do much about climate change while adding 140 million people on the planet each year. Too many people, too many problems to solve.
