Are White women this stupid?
Is this all a ruse? Are White women actually going to vote for this airhead simply because they share an immutable characteristic?
shareIs this all a ruse? Are White women actually going to vote for this airhead simply because they share an immutable characteristic?
shareWhy do you think they are voting for her just because she’s a woman? Also, why specify WHITE women?
Are you not paying attention? They had some kind of zoom call tonight that supposedly raised millions of dollars for Kumala. It was specifically White women and they're all over social media boasting about how they're going to "help Black women" (yes, the usual veiled race-skism of the left) "this time," whatever that means.
shareIsn't Kamala Harris Indian descent? She is not black, that is.
shareConsidering the left is already calling anyone who doesn’t want to vote for her a “sexist”, it’s apparent they are banking on the fact that she doesn’t have a penis as a way to milk votes.
shareWomen do what peers and authority tells them is the proper thing to do
shareOrwell suggested that in 1984.
shareThere are the AWFLs -- Affluent White Female Liberals -- who like to march in lockstep. They're the ones you saw during the riots going up to Black police officers and telling them they aren't Black enough to suit them, and here's how you can do "Black" right. They also have the White Savior Complex.
shareI won't deny that is the case for some women. Hopefully we can keep evolving to a stage where women will feel confident in having their own voice. This should happen more now that the country is becoming less religious and women are becoming more educated.
That being said, it seems that according to polls, Kamala is favored by the more educated crowd which is a sign that her voters make up their own minds.
With all do respect, I have two graduate degrees. Considering the vapid morons I had to listen to in grad school, I can assure you "educated" is in no way a synonym for intelligent or wise.
shareYes, they share the immutable characteristic that its her or Trump.
A woman without children who slept her way to the top.
Sounds like someone you can get behind.
Yes, women without children usually tend to sleep more than women with children. It probably allowed her to be more rested so she could reach her goals.
shareThat's one way of looking at it I suppose. The other is she basically slept her way to the top and got an Abortion every time she got knocked up
shareOkay, so she had a relationship with an older man, who may or may not have helped her with her career. So? Who else did she sleep with to get ahead? Also, why should we judge her and not any man who would promote a women because she has sex with him? Also, now she's had multiple abortions? What's your source on that?
Why is it a default for the attacks on really any woman vying for a position of power to be "she slept her way to the top"?
Because it's usually true. And it's not necessarily the fault of women that the system is set up that way.
shareSo you're saying no woman has had success without spreading her legs?
shareIf that's your interpretation of what I wrote, your reading skills are lacking.
shareThat's exactly what you meant.
shareSo I said
Why is it a default for the attacks on really any woman vying for a position of power to be "she slept her way to the top"?
Because it's usually true. And it's not necessarily the fault of women that the system is set up that way.
“Who else did she sleep with to get ahead?”
It wasn’t me.
I seen post of women saying they was gonna vote for nikki Hailey Selina’s she out they gonna vote for Harris
shareI do believe there will be some who vote for her because they don't like Trump, but not enough to beat him in November.. Right now, this is the MSM's Honeymoon over this woman and give it about a month or so til Trump destroys her in the 1st and only debate probably and she's done and trust me when I say, the man has ammo ready for her and it'll be quick and swift
shareI wouldn't underestimate the media's ability to manipulate the dumber members of American society. If the public seems to 'forget' how Kumala was sent by God to destroy Orange Hit-ler, the media will just start the narrative over again each week leading to the election. We're already getting the (absolutely legitimate...) polls insisting Kumala is leading Trump. Not even a week into her campaign and she's swooshed right past a candidate that seemed unbeatable just a week ago.
It’s Kamala. You can learn this and other exciting words in the book ‘ABC’s For Imbeciles’ 🙂
Reminds me of the fact that over 95% of African Americans voted for Obama in 2008.
Some people will straight up vote based on race or gender, it's more likely to happen when said group hasn't been president before. Until a woman is president there will be a notable amount of women who will try to make it happen by voting for any woman who runs.
Though it's human nature to be able to relate more easily to your group. African Americans will always be more likely to vote for one of their group, Hispanic Americans I'm sure would readily vote for one of their own. If a gay man runs then I'm sure the LGBT community will vote for them. Naturally some women will always be inclined to vote for a woman over a man, especially if said women identify as feminists.
Very true. Most of the women I've met throughout my life are generally able to think independently of the monolithic, imposed collective, EXCEPT when it comes to something related to power. Then they're all in, no matter how unqualified the woman they're supporting is (and, as you suggest, it may be true for any perceived collective).
shareWomen think emotionally not by logic or reason.
shareTrue. And nature made women that way for a reason. The trick is convincing the women in our lives to abandon their natural instincts in a situation as serious as electing the executive officer for the American corporation.
shareThis is so condescending and narcissistic, you don't need to convince women to use their brain. They already do that just fine without your help you arrogant jerk.
shareThat's total nonsense. That's as stupid as me saying that men think with their dicks not by logic or reason. Not only is it insulting and rude it has nothing to do with politics.
I think with my dick...
So you are voting for a woman?
shareGood come back. I freely admit part of my fascination with Kamala (and especially AOC) is fueled by the fact that, despite disagreeing with them on multiple issues, I wouldn't kick either of them out of my bed.
shareSo when you vote, are you voting with your dick or are you using logic and reason? Women use logic and reason when it comes to politics just like you do, despite how 'emotional' we are and how 'horny' you are, these things aren't involved in our political decisions.
Some men do, Jinx. And smart women laugh at them.
Some women vote with their ovaries. It's pitiful, but that's true of some women.
Why is wanting reproductive freedom pitiful?
shareNow you're just being insulting. Do you think women are stupid? Some are, yes. Many know they have lots of different birth control methods. Choice doesn't only begin when we're pregnant.
And if you start telling me about the 8 year old who's raped by her uncle, as if all the abortions in the past decades have been done on 8 year old incest victims, I'll KNOW you think women are stupid.
There have always been single issues voters. Yes women have lots of different choices for birth control are you implying abortion should not be one of them bc you dislike it personally? Do you want women to have fewer choices?
shareBack when they were first debating Roe v. Wade -- yes, I'm so old I actually remember that -- people were worried that women would use abortion as a means of birth control. "They'd never do that!" we were assured. "The mere thought of that is monstrous! What do you think women are? No, we just want abortion to be safe and rare."
Now we all know monsters, don't we?
I have a friend who counsels women after they've had abortions. For a lot of them, they can't forgive themselves. They know why that container has a cover over it. I know a man who insisted his wife have an abortion overseas when he found out the child wasn't his. In that country, they didn't put a cover over the container where the arms, legs, organs, etc, went from the suction device once they'd been cut up for easy removal. Decades later it haunted him, a hardened soldier. There was no denying that was a child, not some clump of cells as the liberals had told him.
There are choices that don't leave people with regret. A properly worn condom is simple, affordable, and remarkably effective. It has the added advantage of being a good test of whether the man actually cares about the woman or not. If he's not willing to wear one, he isn't worth bothering with. I loved the line one woman said. "But, baby, when I wear a condom, I don't feel as much." Says the woman, "Honey, if you don't wear that condom, you won't be feeling a thing."
I don't give a fuck if a woman does choose to have continuous abortions. She pays her copay & procedure fees, what's the problem? Not my business or place to judge.
shareThat wasn't the original question, was it? Do I want women to have fewer choices? I want women to have choices where they don't have to pay a high psychological price. Men would much rather women have abortions and feel guilty and possibly face not only psychological, but physical complications rather than the men just get a vasectomy or wear a condom. Like the men of the 1950's "Stone Age" they want to place all the responsibility -- and the risk -- on the woman. All in the name of "supporting" feminism.
The bizarre part is that the women are willing to let the men do this to them -- all in the name of "feminism." Seems a lot like that old-fashioned patriarchy to me.