MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > She will put Biden over the top

She will put Biden over the top

All of the Black Lives Matter people are behind Biden. Just this week, the Revolutionary Communist party in America just endorsed Biden. Kamala will shore up the young progressive group for Biden which will give him easily over 300 electoral votes, since he only needs 270 to win.


It's all about turnout man, Obama won in 2008 because he was able to energize his base, Trump won in 2016 because his base was well motivated to turn out due to the disaster of Obama.



I said this back in 2016, I never saw the black vote coming out for Hillary the way they did Obummer and it turned out I was right. I cannot see them coming out for Biden either especially considering he's not even pretending to be a moderate, he's in the BLM/Antifa crowd condoning the murder of police captains and the vandalism of businesses,houses, etc.


Pfffft. Biden is as middle-of-the-road moderate as they come. No interest in passing universal health care with this guy.


Biden is as far left as they come. President Trump is for the most part a moderate so of course the left had a problem with him.


You have more faith in his leftiness than I, and I'm voting for him! Hopefully we'll all find common ground regardless of the result. Good luck to you.


um OK


Trump ran as a moderate. Since he can't get support from the middle of the road, he now seems to be doing the bidding of the far right republicans.


Don't worry. Us progressives will control Biden like a puppet once he gets in office


"Hopefully this virus can get worse."

I would have to look at your posting history to see if you're for real. Unfortunately, I've heard people giddy over the economy tanking because "that's all Trump has," immune to the fact that it meant people would suffer. So it's actually possible that a liberal could think that people dying of COVID would be a great thing, so long as the Democrats won in November.

"Also another George Floyd killing example would really energize progressives even more"

Again, liberals are on the record with "Never let a crisis go to waste," so it's quite possible that a liberal BLM supporter would be hoping for another senseless killing of a Black man by a cop.

I so hope you're just trolling.


Even if he is trolling, this is exactly what the Democrats want (or will make happen). More death, or I should say "inflated" numbers of death and cases, finger pointing at Trump and his "death cult."
This is why they don't want kids back in school either because then the parents are screwed to go to work, which will also keep the economy down. Should the kids go back, they'll ramp up the "stories" about how the kids are getting sick or dying and how much worse the Election Infection is getting.
Either way they'll have something. Joe needs it because he's a train wreck.

Then they'll manufacture more racism. "Another evil white cop killed an unarmed, angelic, innocent black man!"
After more burning and looting and killing, facts about the perp will come out that the black guy had a long criminal history, pulled a weapon on the cop during said incident and the video will then be leaked about the truth a couple months later but it will be too late because they already raised him to martyrdom status, with hundreds of cops injured in his name, dozens of them dead, innocents hurt, killed and stolen from, businesses shutting down and destroyed, bigger push for police to be defunded/abolished...
Well, you know the story....🙄

If Trump wins, every Dem city will be burned down. If Biden wins, America will go poof!

Other than that, I feel very optimistic. 😁


We shall see! It's going to be a wild ride that's for damn sure.


I don't know. David Duke and the KKK endorsed Trump. It's gonna be a close one.


Didn't Biden used to pal around with the KKK?


Robert Byrd.


Why would BLM support Harris? She has a record of enforcing criminal justice and is responsible for thousands and thousands of African Americans being incarcerated! BLM does not like her at all!


Because Biden will be easily controlled by us progressives. America will finally be far left come Nov. Biden has no backbone


Well, if anything will get the pick-up truck driving, Confederate flag waving, white Southern male vote to mobilize... this is it!!

(Thank you Joe Biden!)



"progressives," aka moral degenerates.


Exactly. They think they're so above everyone else. This one even wishes innocent people would die for their "progress" to go forward. Disgusting.


"She has a record of enforcing criminal justice and is responsible for thousands and thousands of African Americans being incarcerated!"

They are responsible for their incarceration, because they committed crimes. She only did what had to be done to protect the non-criminal population from becoming their victims.


That's not how BLM sees it. They are the ones Biden should be trying to impress to win the black vote.


She also knowingly tried to convict an innocent man for there is that too. Now fuck off! I got work to do.


Should help Biden win a state that’s already locked up thanks to rigged voting. Bravo

Blacks don’t even like Kamala Harris. Her family were slave owners. She was hard on criminals as AG of CA. Trump could take a historic 25% of the black vote.

Can’t wait for November.


"Her family were slave owners.

Depending on how you define family, there's probably a sizable portion of black americans in this country who fall into this category.


She's kinda hot. I want to see her feet.


How could any American citizen with half a brain align with Biden and the Democrats?


Because a lot of Americans only USE half their brains!


How does Harris "shore up the young progressive group"? I'm voting for Biden because I despise Trump, but Kamala Harris in no way a damned progressive. She's as establishment as they come. Hell, she's so pro-law enforcement that Republicans would like her if she also wasn't a black female.


No, Kamala has changed tunes on this. She is progressive now. She is for defunding of police, green new deal to combat climate change, making sure the rich pay their fair share in taxes, not separating kids with their parents and stuffing them in cages, and free healthcare to all


Playing the race card very classy. The left treats black Republicans like total dogsh!t, they are as racist as it comes.


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