MovieChat Forums > Gina Carano Discussion > Gina Carano Sues Disney Over ‘Mandaloria...

Gina Carano Sues Disney Over ‘Mandalorian’ Firing

About time 😊


I hope that bitch Kathleen Kennedy gets reamed worse than what South Park did to her.


Really? I thought you claimed that you're a good Cristian woman. What a horrible thing to say about someone you don't even know.


Firing Gina Carano for simply stating her opinion (and what she said ended up being true) is just as bigoted as what you are taking offense to. Disney is not about diversity and inclusion, they want everyone to think like they do.

Also it sounds like amerigirl was simply stating that Kathleen Kennedy deserves a taste of her own medicine as she was the one who threw civility out the door by firing Gina Carano for stating an opinion she didn’t like but remaining silent while Pedro Pascal compared Republicans to Nazis and slave owners. I completely agree with amerigirl on this one, she’s not being uncivilized by speaking out against open hatred and bigotry from Disney. It seems very odd you would attack amerigirl for allegedly not having “Christian values” while you actively ignore the hatred and bigotry from Disney that she’s calling out.


Right wingers playing the victim again!~


My finger is on her not winning, just a hunch. We already know how good Disney lawyers are at keeping Florida at bay already. Already Elon got denied his $80+ billion Tesla profits.


Settle out of court and just turn over Disney to Elon and Gina. Make Walt proud 🇺🇸.



How will she explain away in court her anti-semetic texts comparing being a modern Republican to life as a Jew under the Nazis?

That'd get most people in trouble with their employers!


Except that’s not what she said.

And if she did have to explain it I’m sure whatever explanation Pedro Pascal gave for comparing Republicans to Nazis and slave owners should be sufficient.


She was not discriminated against. She was fired for being an a**hole. Therefore she has no case.


How is posting your opinion on twitter (and what she posted ended up being completely factual) being an “a**hole”? Also what you just said is an attack on women. She’s a strong independent woman and you are clearly threatened by her. Just reach down your pants, see if there’s anything there and be ok with this.


Given the fact that they fired her yet didn't fire Pedro Pascal leads me to believe that she'll win.

And while I don't agree with what she said, how she said it, or the way she did it I think her firing was lame so I kinda hope she wins

But I'm in that small minority of people nowadays that doesn't believe in firing people for having differing political opinions. I don't care if you vote blue or red just entertain me and I'm good to go. You can have a different opinion and I won't hold it against you


Snoopy I think you are in a large majority.
