MovieChat Forums > Amy Schumer Discussion > Ever notice how White Feminists...

Ever notice how White Feminists...

tend to be the most racist?

A great man once said, everything is about sex. Except sex. Sex is about power.


Secondly, it's worth noting that the women's movement has always been inclusive.

Just like you have no evidence to back that claim at all.


"Inclusive"? In what way? I have read about many women who went to work in New York City in the sixties, like at Cosmo magazine, and getting pregnant was a big no-no! Barbara Walters herself told female reporters not to get pregnant.

The women's movement is "inclusive" if you shun marriage and motherhood, abort the babies that you are so unfortunate to conceive and in general ascribe to left wing ideology.

It isn't "inclusive" towards women like Sarah Palin who are married and have kids. It isn't inclusive towards women who are Republican, conservative and/or pro life (or anti- choice if you want to call it that).

The older I get the more that I realize Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, Helen Gurley Brown, etc, were just pushing their leftwing, man hating ideology. Ironically all the while THEY were married or in relationships. Some of the feminists had children too. They just paid someone ELSE to raise their kids while telling young women what a horror and a nightmare motherhood was!

A whole generation bought a pack of lies and garbage and ended up alone and childless with their "fabulous careers" to comfort them.


They're also hypocrites, they rant about the so-called "patriarchy", "rape culture", "manspreading" and other nonsense that supposedly exists in Western countries but they're totally silent about oppression of women in countries like Africa, India, the Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia and the violent crime and rapes committed by Muslim immigrants in Europe and North America.


My condolences that you have gone so far off the rails that you conflate a woman's right to control her body and have a successful career as being a leftwing, man hating ideology. God forbid children should have strong mothers who can afford to have help while they are trying to change and improve the world.
I don't think very many women were that brainwashed as to not have children over some ideology.
The women I've encountered HAVE children and have little support until they resort to the public teat.
Better to have population control than people having children like rats breeding in the sewers.
And I am compassionate toward people in tough circumstances.
I just don't want them to be encouraged to have children we can't afford on the planet.


oh snepts----My condolences to sad folks like YOU who equate poor people like "rats breeding in the sewers". What a sick mind! No wonder lefties like you are so in love with abortion. Only "certain" desirable people have a right to life! GAG!

As far as "encouragement", well we have the leftist ideology to thank for that. Have babies and the government (i.e. taxpayers) will support you! Take away the money incentive and a lot of gals will make better choices.


I have no idea what you are trying to say.
No one is "in love with abortion." That's just you trying to enrage some conversation.
But to not allow people to have choice over their pregnancy is Dark Ages absurd.
Don't be condescending with your "condolences." I don't need your effed up ideology, you sick minded sad folk.
Your words, not mine.
"Make better choices -- don't have sex, don't get pregnant, and don't have more unwanted kids."
Gee, do you know anything about human nature? People need to have Birth Control and the availability of Abortion rights, because ... PEOPLE WANT TO HAVE SEX !! To try to engineer that into some Dark Ages notion that only Priests can have free sex -- you've gotta be kidding me.
So throw out the Left Wing rhetoric because the Wrong Wing doesn't engage in wanton sex?
Please do, so we can all have a hearty laugh.


"In love with abortion"?? Well, that's the whole left wing Planned Parenthood gang. They absolutely HATE the idea of women seeing a sonogram of their unborn babies. To them and folks like Eleanor Smeal, abortion should always be the first and only choice! Abortion is their big money maker.

And the high priestess of the Planned Parenthood movement, Margaret Sanger, was a big fan of controlling population. She did not like the idea of the "wrong" people breeding. And I am sure you know who she meant by THAT! If not. look it up!

I am sorry if you thought I was being condescending with my condolences. LOL I was actually being sarcastic because folks with your mindset are usually beyond help!

People want to have sex! Agreed!

But where did YOU get the notion that I thought "only priests can have free sex"? You sound to me like one of those fundamentalist, Catholic hating bigots or an atheist.

So have "a hearty laugh". People of all political persuasions have wanton sex. I am not their judge. But God is. Do I know about "human nature"? Ha ha, uh, duh yeah! Being human i have firsthand knowledge of sin! That's why I go to church and confess my sins. Human nature is sinful. We all sin. But i suppose someone like you is offended by the notion of fornication!

Dark Ages? Are YOU familiar with the Dark Ages when people abandoned children to die because they didn't have enough food? So now thanks to modern "medicine", we abandon unwanted children to abortion mills.

Finally I am not surprised that you "have no idea" what I am trying to say. You are obviously a left winger, set in his ways and can't be bothered with common sense!
Just be glad your mommy didn't abort you when she realized she'd give birth to a dope! LOLOL


I sincerely thank you for making a half-hearted attempt at being thoughtful.
Ont of the reasons I'm not very religious is people like you want to boil down the mysteries of the World into something you can make sense out of.
Sure, had I been aborted, would I have never existed? Would I not be reincarnated as a poor child in a Third World country? Maybe a tulip bulb in some nice old lady's front yard? Who the Hell knows?
Apparently -- You ? Maybe I would have been spared all the misery of dealing with people like you !
Maybe I'd have gone straight to Heaven to live in the Eternal Playpen God has set up for us -- Muslims excluded.
You make all these assumptions about who I am, and think it's amusing to give an asinine zinger in the end.
Good show. Carry on, you smart fellow.


Oh snepts, you ARE one unhappy person! And btw, I'm not a fellow, I am a female.

When I saw that you had posted a reply, I decided to formulate a reply in my mind first. It went something like this:

I see that we can't discuss this issue any further. it would be a waste o ftime. I get the impression that you are coming from a secular humanist point of view, i.e., whatever human beings do is okay. If they do something like create new life, they are excused from destroying it because well...that's just the way it is. We all have a right to... what does Oprah call it?? "Our own truth"???

I however, am coming at this from the point of view that God set up the Ten Commandments, not the ten suggestions. We all sin. But there is no salvation at pointing at the sins of others!

After reading your post, I see that I was fairly correct in my assessment of you. Are you fifteen? lol Your arguments and reasoning are based on silly name calling. "Eternal Playpen" Whaaaat? (well, you still haven't outgrown your earthly one apparently) I wonder where you plan to spend eternity.

"Muslims excluded"? That's just plain dumb and ignorant.

I never said anything of the kind and I surely don't believe it. It's just another way for those who thumb their nose at religion to badmouth Christians.

I can understand that dealing with people like ME is a misery for people like YOU! You just hate to be reminded about right and wrong. It is so much more comfortable to think that there is no judging, we all have our own "truths", whatever I do is okay if the Supreme Court says it is, making fun of religion and misunderstanding people of faith is okay, etc.

I made assumptions of who you are based on the stuff you wrote. You certainly have assumed a lot about me! Carry on yourself. In the meantime I will say a prayer for you that you grow up!!


Quite likely I am much older than you. I received much religious education as a young man, and I embrace the things that appeal to me and toss off what doesn't make sense.
To my mind, people want to contort God into something they can make sense out of.
God is like some angry father who demands adherence. Jesus was resurrected after being dead for three days = Reality !?! Science says Mankind is millions of years old, the Bible says around 3000. Hmmm ... what should I believe?
Ignore all the good things Jesus tried to teach us, (tolerance, compassion), and emphasize blind adherence to a Christian God.
If that's your thing - fine. Just don't think you know something I don't, and I'm not enlightened how
True the Christian perspective is. It's as valid as any other Faith-based ideology, i.e., utterly subjective.
I don't think it's important whether I believe in God -- I just hope he believes in me.
I try to operate in the World as a square shooter. I don't judge individuals harshly, but a mob that is trying to sway the mass, I take issue with. And if God judges me harshly since I didn't stupidly go to Church every Sunday, following people's rules, and murmuring prayers to an uncaring Presence up there,
well then, God is a Jerk. And I'm guessing He will forgive me for saying this.


Older than I am... I doubt it. I'm getting up there in years! Not like I am happy about it though! lol

Your post was a thoughtful one. I grant you that.

As far as science vs. the Bible...well the Bible is the "story" of creation, not the scientific treatise of creation. The Catholic Church (my faith) does not require us to believe it literally. It was actually a Belgian Catholic priest who came up with the Big Bang Theory. (Georges Lemaitre)

But some fundamentalist type faiths take the Bible totally literally, except for the parts which make them uncomfortable or seem too "Catholic".

If you want to call God a jerk, that's your business. I am sure He knows what is in your heart.


Thank you for saying that. I figure "God" is all forgiving, God understands all, God accepts us for our weaknesses, and if we aren't seeking out Evil ( a nebulous subject ), we deserve Grace, not to be condemned for not following a man-made orthodoxy. God's smarter than that !


So true! God is way smarter than we are! I hope He knows how nuts we are. (I know I am!) After all He created us!

Evil is a "nebulous" subject, true. I figure it to be doing things that hurt others needlessly. I try my best but I hope God forgives me when I am being a jerk!


I guess that is why Feminism starts with a Fem, because it makes it inclusive.


Most feminists, regardless of their race, are still problematic, man hating, whiny losers with no lives. I don't see the difference.


Brilliant insight ! Let's make that a #hashtag. I look forward to more of your thoughtful comments. :/


Who was this "great man", pray tell ?


On the show House of Cards a major character named Francis Underwood says this...None other than the once revered Kevin Spacey plays the role of Underwood
Spacey went on to have legal issues for jumping all over young men

Ill tell you just cant make this stuff up


Leftard's make everything about race that is why. You can't just dislike something because you dislike it, it has to be because you are racist or sexist etc


I don't think any white people are "the most racist." I tend to hear much more racist nonsense from my friends "of color".


That's one of the greatest ironies I've observed in today's culture. You actually see MORE racism from people who aren't white, versus people who are. I can even provide examples:

When a white person gets a new doctor, they typically don't care what ethnic group the doctor is, just so long as he or she can do their job and speak English properly. But a black person doesn't trust their doctor unless the doctor is black too. I don't know how Hispanics or Asians feel about doctors.

Or what group makes a big deal about skintone? It isn't white people. All we worry about are freckles, burns, and skin cancer. We don't really make a big deal about the shade.

What group makes a big deal about how their ancestors were treated? I mean, you won't catch me demanding money and reparations for how people treated my Irish ancestors like dirt in the 1800s, so why should anyone else care?


That's the beauty of living in an Orwellian dystopia -- everything is an inversion.


Makes me glad I was never one of them.
