

"Is it because Christians are more tolerant and peaceful than Muslims?"

Yes....... and look at world IQ charts..... north america, europe and asia are much higher than africa and the middle east. where most muslim are from.

not racism, just pure logic and facts.


This is a racist rhetoric because it doesn't take into account the access to education.


education does not change a person's IQ.


So people with high IQ are just born smart? They already know everything without a formal education?


IQ isn't to do with what or how much you know, it's more to do with how well you learn things or take in information or whatever else, you could memorise lots of information and have a low IQ or memorise less information and have a high IQ. I imagine there is as much a genetic component to it as there is environmental, but it's probably not politically correct to talk about very much.


exactly....there are many people in position of great power that have a long education, but have low IQ, they just happen to be good in one line of work.

scary shit really


This is so ignorant. Please understand the difference between stupidity and ignorance, I’m not calling you stupid. Education absolutely changes a person’s IQ, the more you exercise your Brain, the smarter you will be.


It will only keep it sharp. IQ cannot increase much

"Can you increase biological intelligence? Research during the past decade using various neurotechnologies (aka, brain fitness programs) has suggested that it is possible to fine-tune your neural efficiency, or mental horsepower. Your cognitive functions can be made to work more efficiently. and in a more synchronized manner.

So can you change your IQ score? Individuals can change IQ scores. Your score may change not because of any real change in general intelligence, but that different tests may be used which measure different mixtures of abilities.

Also, some abilities (e.g., fluid reasoning and crystallized intelligence, or verbal abilities) are more stable over time, while others are less stable (e.g., short-term memory and cognitive processing speed)"

these people are stupid due to 1000 years of inbreeding.... no education can change that.

would you rather be operated on by a sub saharan or an european/asian doctor..... be honest, and let us know.


Where did you copy and paste this from?


If you think education can help these muslims to get a higher IQ i can't help you. You are as dumb as them. And we all know that is fact.


Where did you copy and paste it from?


It has been suggested that average modern Brits have 13 IQ points less than the average Victorian Brits did.



alcohol will do that over time


Unfortunately, never enough logic and facts. Otherwise there would be no Christians left in the West!


1.) One has always been more popular than the other for numerous reasons.

2.) Depends on the geographical 'location/country' that could result in criminal 'and/or' religious consequences and repercussions.


Muslims have more pride



Love thy neighbour



Start with the man in the mirror. Let go of the the others. Only way to lead a meaningful life.



I have read the 1st 2 gospels and some of the new testament. Jesus Christ and his disciples taught non-violence. Christians (who actually follow Jesus's teachings) are suppose to not war against flesh and blood, but against Satan. Jesus taught not to seek out revenge nor to kill, and to love your enemies. The apostles also taught to walk in love and be compassionate.

In all fairness, I haven't read the Quran. I also haven't read the Hadiths. From what I've heard about the Quran and about Mohammed's life (the Hadiths), they teach to kill any who insults Allah and/or "The Prophet." Maybe that's why that one Jihadist beheaded that middle school teacher in Paris.


That is partly true, since the Quran came about in the very violent environment of 7th century Arabia.
It is important though to remember that many Muslims today aren't Jihadists.


Most people in this country know Christianity and have been subjected to or a part of the religion. They aren’t familiar with Islam so criticizing it wouldn’t make sense.


You’re on the internet, the internet is not America.


You know exactly what I mean.


Do I? Typical arrogant response, just what I expected. You sound like an idiot whenever you assume you are only talking to Americans on the internet, which I’m sure you are not.


You are just trying to be argumentative. Most people who come to these boards know Christianity better than Islam.


Not really, I've noticed a lot of Americans over the last 20 years in chat rooms and forums just assume everyone else is American, it's a minor bugbear of mine.


And most people who come to this site are American.


There's a healthy number that aren’t from the USA as well, but neither of us know the percentage, so best to think of forums as an international stage, not just a US one. 🙂


Most English speaking people know Christianity better than Islam, my point was not about America, it was about western religion.


Yeah, I agree.


Several reasons. First of all, they know Muhammad existed, no one knows if Jesus had. Second, (if he had existed) Jesus was a hippie (at least from what the Bible let us know, history suggests the character was based on several people) and Muhammad was a warlord. Third, and most important one, Christianity had time to water the bigotry down. It ran through the filter of classical philosophy and the ideas of humanism and democracy. That is what separated the Dark Ages and Modern times - the Enlightenment. Islam will get there eventually, Christianity had a 700 year head start.


Because liberals and Muslims aren't tolerant.


I asked my Muslim friend and he told me it's like making fun of your father when you make fun of the Prophet. I think muzzies are more deeply religious or follow their faith harder than Christians in general hence the hijab, burqa, etc. they wear. In fact, I think they put Allah -> Family -> Country -> People in that order.

While that is slowly changing with people that follow religion, still a long ways to go I think. People nowadays just dabble in Christianity or Islam and just pick the good parts of it while the more devout ones follow it to the script or warp it into radical cult/wahhabism. Crusades have been more or less over for the Christians (still pockets of wannabes) but for Islam, seems to be a never ending battle even at home.
