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Nicole Kidman didn't want to work with her

Wow, she actually said "Meghan is an overgrown brat who can't act." Harsh.

That's pretty bad when most of the A-listers and producers don't want to work with you and tell the harsh truth.



Oh no. Narcissists thrive off of attention, even in the negative. You want to really torture someone with her mental illness, you lock her away in a place where she has no human interaction, has no access to phones, the internet, or even animals, and she has to live all alone with only 3 meals a day automatically dispensed by the door. Her only contact with the outside world is a tv covered in bulletproof glass in the wall, showing her how happy the RF (and the rest of the world) is without her there, and them thriving. She lives the rest of her life in solitary confinement like that.


That would indeed be inhumane.


Compared to the way she has treated people when there weren't any cameras or commoners watching?


Be fair, I am sure the other royals are not saints either. I read that Princess Margaret once callously dumped cigarette ashes on her valet while talking to him, That had to be painful, in fact the guy admitted it decades later. None of the royals are angels.


Princess Margaret is dead.

Most of the royals treat their staff with respect, rather than ordering them around, bullying them, humiliating them, harassing them at all hours of the day and night, and being cruel on a regular basis. Meghan's mental illness has her thinking that unless people are on her level, that they are beneath her, particularly if they're female. Over half of the complaints I've heard of her cruel treatment of others were women in the service industry. Gotta love a "feminist" who "stands for all women," eh?


Calling her an adult brat is mild compared to what others have said about her.


Seems Kidman has a good grasp of the situation.


One of the problems with being famous-for-being-famous is that you can't be an actor. Once you're more known for other things than acting, you can no longer vanish into a role, you can only do the sort of Star Turns and cameos that Liz Taylor did in her later years.

And of course, being known as a twerp and a brat doesn't help.


I'm not a fan of Markle but I don't like Kidman either so it's kind of like watching a WW2 movie where it's all about Germany vs Russia. You know it's going to be really messy because neither side is considered good so they really show it for what it is.


I know Nicole Kidman is not perfect, but she has far more class, talent, and the respect of others compared to Meghan. Meghan is a disgusting mess (both with her mental health and her wardrobe) and is so delusional that she's not aware that Hollyweird froze her out years ago, and marrying a prince did nothing but amuse them for a while until they found out that she would secretly record others' conversations, and that's a big no-no in Tinseltown. They also didn't like her trashing the BRF, whom many in Hollyweird are fans of and respect.

I still find it hilarious that the only way Oprah finally got the "royal" interview she'd been chasing all those years was to sit down with someone as phony and a fraud as she is. A great cosmic joke was played on her, because it not only ruined her reputation, but it revealed that she wasn't the journalist her fans thought she was.


Oprah Winfrey has NEVER, EVER been a journalist, and I say this as a journalist for Boston Business Journal and The Boston Herald. Oprah Winfrey is merely a personality.

Walter Cronkite was a telejournalist. So was Edward R. Murrow, who invented TV news.

Oprah Winfrey invented squat.


Yeah, something about her didn't sit right with me, even as a kid when I watched some of her interviews in part of my schooling. (I was taking a nutrition class in 7th grade and the teacher used a clip of her talking to two women who had eating disorders). It always bothered me how people seemed to worship her and act like she was so great, when in fact she has a lot wrong with her that was kept well-hidden by her PR firms and her friends in Hollyweird.


If I had to choose a side it would be Kidman. Being Aussie I remember her from TV shows and movies down here well before she became famous. She looks rather plastic now but back then she had a great girl next door look.

Markle is hilarious and it is sad we live in such Woke times because in the past she would have been parodied like crazy. I know South Park did it but that is mostly it. The idea that a woman achieves the pinnacle of female dating success by marrying an actual Prince yet still thinks she can do better is just too funny.

And Harry, what a cuck! He could have had anyone and he chooses a rather average looking (at best) actress. How his family must have been crying over that. But he has mommy complex and Diana was much the same kind of trouble maker.

I remember when the Oprah Winfrey show started airing in Australia. It was back when she still allowed the audience to ask questions of the guests and it was just a beat down on everything male. Very trashy and hateful. She wasn't a lot better than Jerry Springer really.

She has billions though and I don't think it was much of a hit or concern to her that it was a terrible interview and a bad decision. I know what you mean by the journalist thing though, she was never a journalist but her idiot housewife fans would no doubt see her as such.


Nicole Kidman, despite getting older and being a big fan of botox, at least has far more to be proud of than Meghan. She's known all over the world in a [mostly] positive way, she has many well-known films under her belt, she truly can act and has proved it many times, she is still getting work, even if most of it isn't very noteworthy these days, and she will leave behind a legacy that will be remembered long after she passes away. Meghan? Not so much.

Harry has a lot of problems. Honestly, I don't think he ever matured at all past age 12, and even when Diana was alive, she joked that he was an airhead. The guy is also paranoid about the paparazzi (despite liking the limelight) and prone to bouts of anger, which is what drove away the Chelsea and Cressida, the women he'd proposed to previously. He also has a history of violence his family has worked really hard to cover up.

When he was talking to his dad, his grandpa, and his grandma about marrying Meghan, he was determined to do it, whether the family approved or not (shows you how much he was in Meghan's thrall at the time), and if they didn't give their blessing or support the marriage, he threatened to go one the news and scream how racist they were.

I still think they could have used Meghan's arrest record to stop the wedding. They would have had a legitimate reason not to let the marriage go forward if they could defend themselves to the press by saying they didn't want Harry to marry a criminal (and Meghan has been arrested at least once during her time at Northwestern, though she deliberately spelled her name wrong on the forms when she was booked at the joint).

However, the Queen, in her great wisdom, had dealt with shit like this before from her sister. I think she just assumed it would turn out the same way as it did with her sister, thinking that Harry and Meghan would just stew quietly once they found out the marriage was a bad choice. I don't think she ever anticipated just how evil and noisy Meghan could get when she throws tantrums at the press. I'm amazed she didn't have the Men in Grey Suits kill the bitch before the wedding and made it look like an accident. It would have made life far easier for everyone.

At least with Oprah, she's getting older, and we can all take comfort in the fact that at some point in the near future, she's gonna croak, and then every dirty thing she has been hiding will be brought out in the open, ruining the legacy she tried so hard to create.


Harry does seem to be a bit of a Peter Pan with lost mommy syndrome. Maybe he would have been like that anyway or his mother's death really took a toll on him.

I think Meghan bet on the wrong horse and is now rather stuck. It would be interesting if Harry's father would bail him out of a divorce or not. Neither of them are interesting and I think what few fans they did have are mostly jaded by them now.

It's just sad that he had it made as a real life actual Prince who never really had to care about anything at all and is now a grifter searching for the next network who might give them millions to produce nothing. Highly unlikely given the Netflix debacle.

I always felt really bad for Queen Liz. She seemed to be strong and have that old school dignity but the world changed and became more excited by Diana and her showiness. That said if the Queen didn't meddle in her sons first choices of wives than perhaps Chuck and Andrew may not have married women who royally fucked the royal family. Which in turn led to Meagan who seems intent on finishing the job but as they say when you plan revenge you better dig two graves.

Oprah takes herself rather seriously and yet has never produced anything of any quality. She basically interviews her pals and passes it off as journalism.


I have predicted (as have many others) that sooner or later, either Harry's dad will bail him out with a divorce from Meghan (and she will ask for a generous settlement, particularly to keep silent on any blackmail material); or Meghan will find a man richer and stupider than Harry (which is difficult to do these days, in addition to her advanced age), dump Harry, and marry that fool and sponge off of him for 3-5 years before dumping him for another rich guy.

Regardless of who initiates it, the divorce is going to happen (and many people saw it coming in 2018 when they were getting married) and Harry's going to be a miserable, empty husk of a human being who will probably have to be taken to rehab, far away from the public eye. Once "cured," daddy will probably send him away to Africa where he can do charity work for the rest of his life with a small pension to keep him comfortable. I doubt Harry will ever marry anyone again after that. He'll die single, marginally happy over his charity work, but with a lot of regrets that he'll blame everyone else for.

Meghan probably will have all that bad karma she sowed come back to haunt her at some point. You don't piss on people over and over again, going from one place to the next, before you make someone truly dangerous angry, and then it comes back to bite you. I don't see anything good coming out of her future, if she lives long enough to become a senior citizen.


Unless Meghan goes for a 60 plus year old I don't think she will have much luck finding another man. She is simply too old for most multimillionaires to bother with. Her reputation now is also known worldwide. She has played her card and lost.

I'm not even sure she would have much luck with blackmail. She has already played that card through the media too "The Royal Family are wacist" seems to be her song. And if she tried to blackmail them she would find that the Royals have ways of dealing with that and she would in time become involved in an accident. She would be best accepting whatever payout she is offered and shutting her mouth, buy a comfy trailer and deal with it.

I agree with Harry, he will never marry again, in fact he may well be banned from ever marrying again. He will follow the rules set out to him by his father and brother, who is the future King and he will be quiet.
