I am sorry. I mean the western narrative is beautiful, freedom, democracy, all sound great.
And for most people in their 20s and early 30s, they have no time to think, they are establishing careers and worrying about their mortgages. It is usually when people are over 35 starting to notice the cracks in the perfect system of believes.
Like Trump vs Biden election cost $6 billion, why so much money is spent on democracy? Most people don't donate money to politicians or political parties, at least nobody I know, where did all these money come from? why the politicians are taking money from gun lobbies?
Gradually they understand that is all just a charade, politicians are funded & chosen by rich people and big corporations. You pick one from usually 2, that is about it. Most of the time you choose not a good candidate, but a less bad one. Your choice is the bad or the worse, neither is working for you.
That is when you grow up, realize media are all owned by billionaires, they are not necessarily telling you the truth. The more you pay attention the more lies you notice.
Anyway, I don't know if you have noticed or thought of any of these. If you did, then I apologize, if you did not then maybe I am not wrong.