MovieChat Forums > Vladimir Putin Discussion > Do you think it would be possible to rem...

Do you think it would be possible to remove Putin or his enablers from power?

I mean there's a couple of ways for Russians to do this.

It could be as simple as transferring power from the Russian presidency to a democratically elected prime minister (which is put in place of Putin's loyal incumbent PM.) Of course, there would have to be an overhaul of the Duma (Russian parliament) and constitution though.

Or just find a way to capture and imprison Putin.


Only russian citizens have the power to take this psycho out. But they are zombies, millions worship him. Even though, has should end up as Gaddafi.


Not true. Putin is extremely unpopular, but any dissent is met with violence/execution.


Please inform the propaganda organizations (NGOs, think tanks and such) to work together and form an unified narrative, at least not contradictory. This is embarrassing.


Oh dear, another of Putin's poodles. I'm embarrassed for you.


No, I don't even support Putin. But I am not some ignorant people you can easily fool.

To be honest what you said is what is really embarrassing. I am even embarrassed for talking to the likes of you and having this conversation. But these propaganda really annoy me.

All these new accounts with only few hundred comments, who are you trying to fool?

Anyway, this is just another stupid conversation with clearly a bot.


Reminds me of all the people that voted for Dementia Joe. They are all in a cult.


you sad clowns can't stay on topic. like a dog with a squirrel. easily distracted


Thats exactly what people in a cult say.


CIA has been asking that question ever since Putin nationalized Russian oil industry.


For what? Making Russia a so called "democracy" where 81 million idiots are allowed to vote for a fool like Dementia Joe?
The so so comfortable sellout of Russian resources which happened under Jelzin had an end. Get over it.


No point. As long as people born and raised in the Soviet Union remain in power, Russia will be a fucked up country.


Interesting you say that.

Angela Merkel was born in East Germany, in Soviet. She has been the prime minister of Germany for 16 years, she just left office few months ago. You don't serve that long unless you are very much beloved, and I think Germany flourished under her leadership.


OMG. You are sooo wrong.
The last time there were so many homeless people to find in Berlin was 1945.


I wasn't born in Germany so I wouldn't know.
But I was raised in the USSR and, trust me, everything the Kremlin does can easily be explain by how warped their brains were growing up under the Reds.


But you kind of just contradicted yourself.


You mean, I can't be trusted? Yeah, it's a bit of a logical contradiction. :)
I'd like to think I have mostly overcome my conditioning. I hope...


If I am right you are pretty young, not over 35, most likely in 20s. I think you've already overcome your old conditioning by receiving new conditioning & doctrine. Going to the extreme opposite is a sign of it.

I think most kids participated colour revolutions were like that. They looked at the west through rose coloured glasses and got brainwashed once again.

The good news is once your overcome the new conditioning you will become pretty mature at least of politics, or become disillusioned completely, it is usually one or the other in my experience.


There is a slight problem with your math. The Soviet Union fell over 30 years ago.


You are right, my bad.

But people I met over 35 are, how can I say it, not like that.

Then again you were born in a different system, exposed to western thoughts at a later age, might have caused your thought evolving process slower than the western born of similar age.

Anyway, that is what I think, it does not have to be right.


This is rather insulting but whatever...


I am sorry. I mean the western narrative is beautiful, freedom, democracy, all sound great.

And for most people in their 20s and early 30s, they have no time to think, they are establishing careers and worrying about their mortgages. It is usually when people are over 35 starting to notice the cracks in the perfect system of believes.

Like Trump vs Biden election cost $6 billion, why so much money is spent on democracy? Most people don't donate money to politicians or political parties, at least nobody I know, where did all these money come from? why the politicians are taking money from gun lobbies?

Gradually they understand that is all just a charade, politicians are funded & chosen by rich people and big corporations. You pick one from usually 2, that is about it. Most of the time you choose not a good candidate, but a less bad one. Your choice is the bad or the worse, neither is working for you.

That is when you grow up, realize media are all owned by billionaires, they are not necessarily telling you the truth. The more you pay attention the more lies you notice.

Anyway, I don't know if you have noticed or thought of any of these. If you did, then I apologize, if you did not then maybe I am not wrong.


good thoughts here news is controlled by money


You could do some cool posts on the difference between the USSR and the west. I was kind of wondering if Merkel was a double agent since most of her decisions benefited Russia. She defunded the military, made Germany dependent on Russian energy and opened the borders to refugees. Khodorkovsky thought that the Kremlin agents infiltrated Merkel's inner circle. She could be one of these liberals who mistakenly thought that economic ties with Russia would bring about democracy or encourage good behavior LOL!


The kind of politicians we have nowadays... They don't need to be foreign agents. They are fully capable of fucking up their countries out of sheer cluelessness.


Strike Moscow with a large meteor. Act of God!


Well, God did not do anything even as US started so many wars, I don't think God will act now.

Also you are talking about killing civilians, women and children included, that is not even about being a good Christian, that means you are a monster. Whatever you think of Putin, you are far worse.


When was God a good Christian and NOT a monster?

So yeah, could easily be "an act of God" ...

The Jews are God's chosen people, USA is controlled by the Jews. So there you have.


Crazy world, Bob Saget slips in the shower and busts his head, this Putin dirtbag keeps slithering around…Does the CIA not have snipers and poisoners?!?


Putin has complete control like Xi in China. Putin controls the government and the Russian mafia does some of his dirty work. Most of the people who criticized him were thrown out of windows, locked up, poisoned with novichok or polonium. The FSB tried to kill the opposition leader Navalny with novichok and they then sentenced him to a penal colony after he survived the poisoning. Khodorkovsky is the former Russian oligarch who spoke out against Putin and then was locked up for tax charges and his assets were confiscated by the state. Jack Ma in China spoke out against the CCP and he vanished for three months and his IPO was cancelled.

I think the only way he loses power is through a rebellion but he could lead Russia after going MAD. Angela Merkel thought Putin was out of touch with reality when she talked to him.


Very interesting news about Novichok. As a chemical weapon it reportedly used on quite few assassinations, but so far none died, interesting, isn't it?

Apparently nobody is willing to die for the cause anymore, at least CIA could not seem to convince them. These people, they are just unwilling to make the sacrifice.


I wouldn't be certain that nobody died from novichok since it can be hard to diagnose the cause of death. The recent high profile cases have been people who would know that they have been poisoned. One British lady died of the novichok after she picked up the discarded perfume bottle. She might not have realized that she would be poisoned. One Russian scientist said that a 1995 poisoning was probably novichok. * innocent bystander died *


That is the problem of Novichok stories, the important people are smart, they are unwilling to die. The deaths of unimportant people are hard to connect to Putin, so the death of few unimportant people in attempts to assassinate important people I think has always been a part of plan.


It could be as simple as transferring power from the Russian presidency to a democratically elected prime minister (which is put in place of Putin's loyal incumbent PM.)

Hey, let's take out this ruler we don't like, and put in his place this other one we have picked. We'll call it "democracy". 😂


That's the American way. This way they already replaced Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine.


Putin is a menace to his neighbours and in charge of nuclear weapons. Trust me, you want him gone.


Both Putin and Xi are dictator for life. US Presidents can be jerks but we at least have term limits. The US needs term limits or mandatory retirement for ALL government positions.


I like that you added the quotes.

Well, the Russian "democracy" is not quite a democracy either, right?

So what about "let's take out this ruler that's tyrannical and bla bla and let the people REALLY elect another one"?


Yeah, that could be an option.

But why limiting it to Russia? We could do the same with US. Let's take out the current ruler and bla bla and let people REALLY elect another one which is not rigged. After taking down US government and congress, US could be ruled by the government designated by the UN until they consider there's enough guarantees.


poison him


A sniper would be a better choice.
