CNN chose to censor the vulgarity. But why? It’s just demokkkrat satire. Right?
“"You know, Ivanka, that's a beautiful photo of you and your child, but let me just say, one mother to another, do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless cunt!"
"He listens to you," she added. "Put on something tight and low-cut and tell your father to fucking stop it. Tell him it was an Obama thing and see how it goes, OK?" - Samantha Bee
Further confirming her ignorance, this hate filled, obsessed demokkkrat lemming, and most of ignorant Hollywood’s “outrage”, was over a photo that was taken in 2014. For the demokkkrat lemmings, that was when Obama was still President.
The party of obsessive hate. No ideas. No solutions. No platform.
Well, Samantha Bee does make fun of the funky haircuts of chemotherapy receiving cancer patients (she accused the guy of having a Nazi haircut). But so long as she hates Trump all is good. Under those conditions it's no big deal to call women c*nts. Bee highlights why most of the "progressive" world's indignation is hypocritical and phony. All just power plays, as with the most wretched of Republicans. Two sides of the same coin, both of which are scarred.
SammyJackson wrote:
"Read that again you dopey cunt."
Articulate as always. No need to read your apology again for Bee's crass vituperation. She makes a living categorizing people she doesn't know and calling them nasty names, so she deserves to be hammered even when she makes a "mistake" and poots out a phony apology.
Hey Sammy,
How would you like it if someone called your Mother a cunt? Or your sister? Or your wife or girlfriend? Would that be okay with you?? Even if they were "acting like cunts"??
Her comparing her appearance isn't racism, no more than when bill Maher said the exact same thing about Trump. You perpetuate stereotypes that don't exist, particularly in regards to how whites see the world. That's why you're a piece of shit. As for lying, every time you play dumb and deny the double standard that's acceptable from the left and right, you're a fucking liar. Clear enough for you? Also, you're still an unoriginal fuck for trying (unsuccessfully) to steal my bit the other day,so add that to the list of shit you suck at too.
You really had nothing to come back with, did you fuck face? Maybe that's why you had to resort to stealing my shit. Ignore list= I cant hang or justify my comments,so I'm running away. See ya,you little racist bitch.
Oh, just admit you will grab onto every shred of opportunity to make a desperate jab at the rest of us you so obviously hate with a passion. Just keep shouting, I HATE LIB-TARDS, then at least we'll know your mind-set and where you are coming from.
So is your argument women shouldn't call other women a certain vulgar term, but since one did you now have the right to repeat it back at them? Is this the high road you refer to?
Thank's Machine, I am so sick of the double standard and the hypocrisy that the left uses. It makes me sick to my stomach. I don't actually believe it's right to call anyone a "cunt" or a "bitch" or a "whore", I do believe in giving them a taste of their own medicine however. Fishy is most definitely either a retard or a troll (or a combination). There is no way anyone with a fully functional brain can think the way he does. If he is serious however he needs to stay in his Klan meetings and not interact with civilized society.
I am glad you are sick to your stomach. At least good thinking people have accomplished something.
If you had a fully functional brain, the rest of your body could handle the criticism, but since you are so filled with hate, you can't handle it. Your idiot prez is screwing us royally, and yet you aren't happy with just that.
We're supposed to bend over and take it gently, eagerly, by some bigot, misogynist, blow-hard creep, (and that's the short-list)? Oh My God !
You are the one who thinks its OK to call women "cunts" and you somehow think I'm filled with hate??? Keep fooling yourself you deluded retard. President Trump is the greatest President since Ronald Reagan (1. Reagan, 2. Trump, 3. Bush II, 4. Bush I, 5. Clinton, 6. Obama), he is doing an amazing job cleaning up the horrible, horrible mess Obama left him with, the problem is the Democrats are actually so butthurt and bitter about losing that they are actually willing to destroy the country so they won't have to admit that they were wrong. They are terrorists plain and simple.
I just figure if one woman wants to say something vulgar to another woman, maybe that's between them and other women. Let them weigh in, it's not for me to say.
The rest of your post is simply your opinion. IMO, Reagan was a crap President who dismantled the social safety net, busted unions, and it's no surprise he tuned senile. He was halfway there already.
And a product of dear old Hollywood.
And despite your on-going mindless assertion, no one is butthurt about losing. We are having genuine alarm the direction this county is turning. All the progress we've been making over the past half century is being over-turned by a narcissist, racist, misogynist, reality TV star who a bunch of cretins seem to find appealing.
I am disappointed Obama wasn't able to achieve more during his remarkable tenure as the first non-white President, but he didn't receive enough support, esp from Republicans who dug in their heels to support their own "brand" and not achieve progress for the county.
W was a complete joke, a sham president, achieved nothing, and turned the US into the policemen of the world, convincing us we need to have a bloated military so Cheney and his buddies could get rich quick and easy. Clinton had a balanced budget, and after W we'll never see that again. Talk about leaving a mess.
And that last bit about terrorism is so laughable I can't take it seriously. I'm sure one of your bros will give an Amen. I guess that's good ol' dumb Free Speech. Keep it up, spout stupidity like you've really given it some serious thought when it's all hate and emotion. You have a forum to make yourself look stupid, and I invite you to continue.
OK I hope you'll apply the same logic to Rosanne Barr and Valerie Jarrett and stand on principal and fight to not have her TV show cancelled, my guess is though you'll say something along the lines of "since it's racial it's so much worse than being called a cunt" or something. You'll twist it to fit your narrative in whatever half assed way works for you. I know how retarded liberals think. I personally think both comments were deplorable but I don't think either show should be cancelled. The only reason I am calling Democrat women "cunts" now is because you and others on this thread have told me it's OK. If however you'd like to agree with me that Bee was out of line and what she said was outrageously offensive much like Barr then I'll be happy to edit my comments, until then Hillary Clinton is a filthy cunt.
Reagan repaired the economy after the disaster of Jimmy Carter and ended the Cold War, he was a great president, he put America first which is what his job was.
The left is butthurt, they have been political terrorists ever since Trump kicked their asses, they have been actively trying to undermine his presidency from day one and it started with boycotting his inauguration. They should be supporting their president, they should be rooting for him, not intentionally trying to make his job harder for partisan and political reasons.
Obama was a horrible president with bad policies, the fact he was non-white is irrelevant to his job performance so don't bring it up. He double the national debt and unemployment skyrocketed under his watch including African American unemployment. His home town of Chicago was taken over by gangsters and we got ISIS on his watch. The Republicans tried to work with him but he refused to work with them, Obama divided the country along class and racial grounds for political purposes, he was a failed president just like Buchanon (sp???)
Bush II was a great president until his last 2 years but I really got to say the Democrats in Congress are the ones who tanked the economy with the Dodd/Frank regulations and Bush simply didn't stop it when he should have. He was still far better than that embarrassment known as Barack Obama.
The left has been acting like a bunch of lazy terrorists ever since the election, they cried and pouted in their safe spaces but after they got their diapers changed they started burning buildings down and intentionally tried t
to undermine their president. Again they should be rooting for him, they should want him to succeed because when their president succeeds America succeeds. President Trump is doing a great job repairing the awful damage from Barack Obama and the Democrats despite being undermined at every opportunity by Democrats and Republicans in Congress. I know you would understand this if you weren't retarded and I think we can all agree that no matter how bad you think Trump is he is far better than that worthless cunt Hillary Clinton who should probably just focus on repairing her joke of a marriage and her fucked up family.
You get that kind of bonehead reaction from both sides, Left and Right.
But this is a Double Standard, Sammy! Since ABC canceled Roseanne for her crude joke, Samantha Bee should be fired for her extremely vulgar remarks about Ivanka!
Wasn't sure she was still on. I blocked TBS from both my cable boxes. I can certainly avoid watching her hate and lie filled screed program but TBS runs promos for this scum all day (prob funded by the DNC).
When she's gone from TBS, I'll be able to watch Big Bang Theory again. It's been over a year..
I have TBS but I always put the mute on whenever her shitty commercials come up. I agree she is the most hateful bigot I have ever seen and she deserves to have her program cancelled
I agree she is the most hateful bigot I have ever seen and she deserves to have her program cancelled
I would hope that civility would return to America, but that doesn't seem like it will ever happen. Still, I don't like the idea of TBS cancelling her show any more than ABC cancelled Roseanne's show (a show I never liked btw). I would hope Americans would see it as a funded left wing hit piece and stop watching on their own volition.
I wish we could get to a point where we could stop being so freaking offended by everything we hear.
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strntz wrote:
"I wish we could get to a point where we could stop being so freaking offended by everything we hear."
That's the rules the so-called progressives have laid out, unfortunately. I don't advocate engaging in the crass ugliness of Samantha Bee, or Trump for that matter (who if he has any political plans beyond staying president would be better served removing his Twitter account), but when it comes to demanding that people lose their jobs for their bigoted public behavior then you have to fight fire with fire. Right now there is little weight behind conservative complaints beyond certain media like AM talk radio, nor much weight to complaints of people like me who think both Dems and Repubs are ugly and stupid in their own ways. It's the advertisers that are the main concern, and proof positive that liberals dominate the entertainment and news industries (I'll charitably call it news) is the fact that little pressure is put on the likes of Samantha Bee from advertisers and networks. Once the Bees of the nasty world of entertainment news get the axe, then I'll believe there's parity on this front and some kind of consistent standard being applied.
Civility return to America?? Are you kidding? The Left has been uncivil for the last 50 years. They've been waging a war against America and the Right for years using the most disgusting and vulgar tactics and language imaginable.
The Right, and Trump, have just now begun to fight back. It will never be civil, because the mean, vulgar, hateful Left will never ALLOW it to be civil!
You are so biased and blind to the wrongs the people who are drawn to the Republican base have committed, it's crazy. Most Democrats are civil and have better things to do than follow the likes of Limbaugh and Hannity and O'Reilly (now there's real hero), but the Republican base just eats it up like so many of Raygun's jelly beans, (oh, isn't that quaint, a bowl full of jelly beans to keep the old senile guy occupied), and spits it out like Gospel truth.
History will look at this as a very ugly chapter for the USA. Thanks for your contribution, and enjoy this little detour to the Dark Ages, cuz you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all of the time.
Aryan roots? Daman! You sound like a Nazi. You also sound like a Socialist.
But no, not really since my DNA is mainly Scandinavian, English and Western European. And further,
I don't think any ethnic background is necessarily better than any other.
Sure it is swearing but so what if you are using it to call someone out on their behaviour, then fine. Hell some nations use it as a term of endearment as much as a way to call you out. They also make it gender neutral. Don't believe me
No I'm saying it is a fucking word and the comments were on judgement of Ivanka's behaviour, something that Ivanka is responsible for. Not race, size or even her politics. Calling her a feckless cunt when she sets herself up as a champion of women and families is to do with her appearing to do jack shit for children and families, even illegal ones. She wants to set herself up as the soft side of the administration - damn well be it rather than just look pretty at embassy openings.
But you lot losing your shit over it in the manner the right has, well it makes easy to say that you are hypocrites every time that you accuse the left of being snowflakes. Roseanne is racist you complain about strangling free speech and hypocrisy for coming down on her, Samantha Bee uses an expletive for a criticism of a person's behaviour and she must be lynched. Pick a way to go right wing, either way pick - be consistent!
Ivanka wasn't physically hurt and Bee didn't use any trope to call her out. But the faux right wing outrage also stops you holding Trump to account for possibly starting a trade war with the rest of the world and giving money to a Chinese company while companies are taking their jobs out of the US.
As for the incest joke that you brought up - bad taste yeah but it wouldn't be made at all if her cunt of a dad didn't go on about how she is fuckable or looking at her that way. Because it comes off as either he is her pimp or Josef Fritzl is his role model.
A word is only given power if you act like it is powerful. Context is more important and the context here is that Ivanka has tried to set herself up as the US Princess Diana with political clout. Well if she wants to send out the optics of that she should damn well act like it and act as an advocate from women and children.
If it takes calling her a feckless cunt to bring this to the fore then fine, but be pissed at the context if it isn't true but not at the word or the right comes off as a hypocritical snowflake.
You been out of the US? In the UK we use the word all the time. Don't believe me then watch this as no-one can describe Steve Coogan as an edgy comedian.
Context gives it its power. If you don't respect that you can't respect anyone and you become a sodding chump that will not see the wood from the trees. And if you want to go on about a fucking word and not see why Bee called her it (based on her opinion of Ivanka's fucking behaviour) then you don't deserve any respect yourself.
This isn’t UK and context doesn’t matter at all, calling a woman a cunt is hate speech no matter what the context.
The fact that you condone this says a lot about your attitude towards women and your character . You are a deplorable sexist plain and simple. You aren’t worthy of anyone’s respect
Actually it is the internet - Global not just US based and you are making the US look like a bloody fool.
And the fact you have gone so over the top says something about you. You haven't given one reason for your argument that I am sexist outside you don't like one word. Do better, be better.
Ivanka Trump is a member of the administration, she is part of the US government therefore Samantha Bee, a US citizen, has a right to criticise her conduct.
She did. She didn't take pots shots about Ivanka's race, IQ or gender. She commented on her inability to practice what Ivanka preached. Bee just used an expletive that caused you to have an aneurysm which in other parts of the world would just cause a sigh and a more serious look into why Bee said Ivanka was feckless.
You want to call me sexist and a troll, go ahead, life goes on. You want to say you have the right to say people should be killed because supposedly in your head you are throwing back my logic then you need to grow up at best and medication at worse.
You have yet to tell me how Bee is actually wrong in calling Ivanka a feckless cunt outside saying Ivanka is a class act. So are the vast majority of women but they aren't pretending to help run a nation while posting instagram posts and getting market share for their shoe company in China. Do better.
Your consistent ad hominem broadsides expose you for the biased, vile hater you are. I hope the rest of your family keeps their distance from you and your klan.
I'm not sure what you want me to say really. That I myself have a cunt - yep came attached when I was born. That I think Ivanka Trump is a feckless cunt - possibly. Definately a tone deaf one. Do I think she should get her knickers in a twist about it - no. I think she should be doing the job she proports to want to do or go back to solely selling her expense tat.
Is that sexist - not to me, but do I give two shits what people think, not really. Do what you are saying you are going to do or don't pretend.
What I still think is that context is more important than the swear words as long as no threats of violence are involved. And that I originate from a country that uses the word cunt in a variety of ways so can't take it as disrespectful against anyone on its own terms and even if I did I can't get the aneurysm over it when the context of how and when it is used is much more important.
If anything the pressy response kind of make those having it look foolish outside the US.
Sorry, I think in my haste to respond I posted in the wrong spot.
I have no problem with your views whatsoever.
It's Hippo who thinks blind devotion to the idiot-in-chief is how one proves they are truly American, that draws my ire.
If you are saying I condone calling women that particular vulgar term, you are mistaken.
Terribly mistaken.
And the rest of your ugly diatribe is so ridiculously ugly, I''m at a loss as to how to respond.
Other than to say -- Get Away From Me !
If you don't condone it then I'm sure you will denounce Samantha Bee's comments without any excuses or ifs, ands or buts, that is if you aren't a coward.
Funny how one person consistently insults other people, coins "funny" nicknames for them and makes disparaging remarks about them and you make him President and another person sees something insensitive and in bad taste and (admittedly) says something stupid about it and you want her fired.
Even your title betrays your passive / aggressive nature toward those who enjoy subjecting the Orange Julius to the ridicule he so invites and deserves.
And I'm sure you'll be the one generating it.
I don't use that one for serious stuff, and yes, I didn't mean to, and I wish I could change it, but this site is so "dumb" it won't let me. I would think anyone who has control over this would recognize that and fix it, but apparently no one cares.
I'm no technology wiz, that's for sure, but I've been following politics for over 50 years, so I know a shambles when I see one.
Your lying prez doesn't register with you. Means you don't acknowledge reality, you are a lemming, following a line others have set out for you, and you repeat it.
I make no sense because you don't want to acknowledge what the great majority of Good Americans realize.Trump's a lying scum-bag, and it's people like you that enjoy this sort of charade.
Put the Hood on, pal. Show your true colors.