MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > Wait, he was defending a used car lot? T...

Wait, he was defending a used car lot? That's it?

And there I was thinking he was stopping looters from burning down a shopping center or strip mall.

But apparently it was just a bunch of used cars.

This hero story needs some reworking I feel.


FACT: The cars he was protecting are worth more than the thugs he killed. Prove me wrong.






Fact indeed.


You'd sing a different tune if that was your property being vandalized and destroyed by criminals posing as protesters. You do understand that a great many good people had their lives ruined during those riots, right?


But I bet you think Radio Raheem's Boombox was more important than the Pizza Owners life.


Just a bunch of used cars? Those used cars were at a place of business, owned by human beings. You ever run a business? Obviously not, else you might understand that your business is your livelihood and you don't want a bunch of thugs burning it down and destroying your inventory. Riots are not victimless crimes, jackass.
