MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > So what's the M.O. for responding to rac...

So what's the M.O. for responding to race riots in Wisconsin from now on?

Does one arm himself and head to the street and pretty much shoot anyone who's out of order?


Tonight, Kenosha and Wisconsin (maybe others) will be on trial as the Marxists seek to intimidate normal people all over America.

Hopefully, the Kenosha police, Wisconsin state police, and the Wisconsin national guard suppress the inevitable riots. If they do their JOB, vigilantes will not be needed...


If by "out of order" you mean rioters who chase and attack an armed man, then yes.


"Does one arm himself and head to the street and pretty much shoot anyone who's out of order?"

Disingenuous. Rittenhouse didn't shoot anyone because they were 'out of order'. He shot them because they attacked him.

And that's why the jury found him not guilty.

If you're going to discuss the case, at least try to be honest about it.


You’re asking a Democrat to be honest. A fools exercise.


Republicans have the same level of dishonesty.

But when it comes to the plebs, it is not dishonesty. It's just ignorance and brainwashing (WTF, he killed black men - like that difference would make it entirely something else than self defense, WTF he crossed the state lines with a gun, WTF he killed them in cold blood, WTF whatever stupid shit they come up). They are quite honest but either misinformed either just blind and stubborn in their brainwashing ...
