Will conservatives riot if he is convicted?
I’d love to see the hypocrisy.
shareLOL! They don't consider their 'little get togethers" (such as the one at The capital) a riot.
LOL! They don't consider their 'little get togethers" (such as the one at The capital) a riot.
There's really no degree of hypocrisy from Kkkonservatives that can possibly top their unabashed justification of their failed coup at the nation's capitol because their guy lost the election(actions which they still defend), all the while pretending to be shocked & outraged at people having to audacity to protest unjust police killings. The hypocrisy of the Alt Reich sector of society inclined simply knows no bounds.
shareNo truer words were ever typed.
shareCoup? Aww, bless.
shareFailed coup? They were protesting peacefully at the capital and the police invited them in. No one was killed except a Trump supported who was murdered in cold blood by crapital police. Sure some assholes where out of hand and vandalized things (most likely lefty antifa assholes). Not one person was armed and many are still being detained and abused as political prisoners. But it's good that you are letting yourself be known. We all know who you are and what you represent now.
shareAnyone who thinks that was a coup or insurrection is a moron swallowing the CNN propaganda hook, line and sinker. Congrats, you’re easily manipulated.
shareAnyone who thinks this wasn't an insurrection (instigated by a five or six times bankrupt reality TV show host/man-child, and the biggest sore loser we have ever seen) is proof that the biggest mistake The United States ever made was closing down all The State Insane/Lunatic/Mental Asylums. Where people who believe in pizza parlor conspiracies and lizard people eating babies would be comfortably locked away from sane society and drooling in their padded cells, sharing their nutjob beliefs with the walls.
shareYes, in the most heavily armed populace the world has ever known, from the party that believes in firearms ownership, no one thought to bring one to their "insurrection". You're a fool for buying into that narrative. Especially in light of what a dismal failure your King has been.
shareIf you believe that was an attempted coup, I'd like to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.
shareYou have no clue what a real coup is. A company I used to work for had operating units across the globe and experience more than one real coup. The Jan 6 crap was far from any real coup. It was a bunch of idiot doing a piss poor job of replicating the BLM riots. Hardly a coup by any stretch of the imagination.
shareFat Donnie wanted it to be a successful coup.
shareMainstream puppets (aka The Left) should NEVER talk about hypocrisy. You're engaged in it right now, excusing Brandon's use of the former n word when you know damn well (or maybe you're too stupid to know?) that if the former guy used that word in the exact same context, he would have been hanged as a racist ('racist' being the modern form of, 'she's a witch!').
shareRiot? Most definitely not, that's for leftists.
shareConservatives & hypocrisy . . . hand in hand.
shareStorming the white house when we don’t have our way?
shareNo one stormed the White House.
shareNo one stormed the White House, a couple of idiots walked into the Capitol but that’s about it.
shareFat Donnie is lying to you; it was quite a few more than a few. And they didn't peacefully walk in.
shareIt was largely peaceful, there were a couple who were slightly out of line but it was mostly peaceful and you are a domestic terrorist for trying to impede on their right to peacefully protest. They were far more civil than the BLM/Antifa terrorists who for months burned our major cities, committed multiple insurrections by torching police stations and courthouses and murdered cops and innocent people. BLM even committed and insurrection by invading the Oklahoma Capitol and the session had to be postponed while the lawmakers evacuated to safety.
shareFat Donnie has got you brain washed with his pathological lying. It wasn't even close to being peaceful.
shareNot really, and I don’t care what he says, all I care about is what’s truthful. You however have been lied to and indoctrinated by your cult that whatever morals or character are gone. You need help.
shareA picture is worth a thousand words & there is all sorts of video of you screaming retards fighting & attacking your way into the Capital. "Hang Mike Pence!" You need to look for other news sources besides Fucker Carlson.
shareMostly selectively chosen, there are other videos of them peacefully protesting which is their right. However BLM and Antifa were largely violent and were rioting and the entire Demokkkrat party encouraged them to burn, loot and murder. The worst they did at the Capitol was walk into a building which is trespassing at worst
shareAll the convicted & jailed rioters have been trump-tards.
shareThat's because KKKamala Harris bailed out all of the BLM/Antifa rioters.
shareFake news.
shareHoly shit I called that one. You libtards are so predictable.
FYI: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bail-fund-kamala-harris-thomas-moseley
Also in case you dismiss anything by Fox News (which only shows your own bias but whatever): https://nypost.com/2021/02/03/man-twice-bailed-out-by-harris-supported-fund-arrested-again/
Fucker Carlson is not even fake news; he is just fake.
shareLOL, again proving my point. You are making this so easy for me. Talk about the content not the source, dismissing the source as inaccurate just because it came from that source is a logical fallacy.
shareWord salad.
shareYour logical fallacies are rejected and your concession remains noted.
shareNo, your 2cond to last post is nonsensical.
shareYour logical fallacies, deflections and pathetic attempts at flaming insults are rejected and your concession remains noted.
shareI don't have to insult you . . . your own posts do a good enough job of that.
shareYour logical fallacies, deflections and pathetic attempts at flaming insults are rejected and your concession remains noted.
shareThe repetitive nature of your statements is a symptom. Seek help.
shareYour inability to construct a logical argument is evidence of your mental inferiority.
shareYou may well be an expert on mental inferiority. . . .
shareTrust me, with libtards like yourself it’s not that hard to recognize.
shareThat learning disability of yours has proved hard to overcome, hasn't it?
shareI don’t know has it?
shareReading your posts certainly makes it appear that way.
shareI’m glad you are owning up to the fact that you have a mental disability. Admitting you have a problem is half the battle. I wish you the best.
shareI am not going to accuse you of being "mentally inferior," but perhaps you were unable to comprehend the post you were responding to?
"That learning disability of yours has proved"
Also, facts beg to differ: https://www.foxnews.com/us/blm-rioter-who-set-minneapolis-store-on-fire-sentenced-to-almost-9-years-in-prison
Predicted Response: "LOL it's Faux News so of course everything they say is a lie"
You are so funny.
You know what was at the capitol? Let me say it with YOUR side words: "a mostly peaceful protest".
You're full of shit. And a hypocrite ...
There wasn't anything peaceful about that mob of retards.
shareAs I was saying, oh you mighty hypocrite :D
It was far more peaceful than the ones that burned entire blocks and killed plenty of people.
But you will NEVER accept that because you lack integrity and you are 100% brainwashed and a hypocrite ...
They threw papers on the floor, stole a painting and put their feet on the desks!!1 Dem are tewwowists!!!11
Meanwhile the same people that unironically call these people terrorists looked the other way when hordes of rabid animal like creatures Burned Looted and Murdered for months in some US cities.
"Your boos mean nothing, I have seen what makes you cheer!"
shareThey broke windows and beat cops with poles and such.
shareWhen have conservatives ever rioted?
If he’s convicted and they still don’t riot, what will you do?
LOL! Stop the squeal!
shareI’ll laugh at all the conservatives who mocked liberals for rioting. They absolutely love throwing around terms like “snowflake” and “beta” when most conservatives are in fact more beta snowflakey than they realize. At least liberals know they are annoying. Conservatives will throw a huge fit and then act like they never did such a thing.
shareCare to give an example? Because all I've seen is liberals acting like sore losers by throwing destructive fits that last for months if not years, and using conservative derogatory terms because they can't come up with their own.
shareonly that you will not see it ...
That's one of the democrats qualities ...
No, we have jobs.
shareSo you schedule time off to fly to DC for the riot, take selfies of yourself committing crimes and post them to instagram, then when you get home you lose your job because your employer has found out what a filthy piece of shit you are.
shareI'm a piece of shit because I'm a conservative? I thought you people were against making generalizations and judgments against people for their beliefs? Oh, that's right, you only believe in that when it suits your purposes. You're otherwise a fascist. Comical how you idiots zero in on the January 6th debacle and completely ignore the eight months of rioting that preceded it.
sharethis response is the dumbest response ever.
like wow, you have a job. congratufuckinglations. 90% of americans have jobs. you want a cookie? you sound like such a snowflake, acting so proud for something everyone does. you might as well brag about walking or breathing. and having a job didnt stop you morons from stuff like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlDl99M480o&ab_channel=KCRANews
or this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qwlRwV_vHI&ab_channel=News4JAX
OR THIS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5aYrnY2Enk&ab_channel=11Alive
OR this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4Tsezo57uA&ab_channel=News19WLTX
what's the excuse here? were they all retired? hundreds of thousands of people just happen to have the day off all around the country?
Wow, I thought it was obvious but you completely missed the point. Do you really think that all those people rioting and looting day and night for months on end have any semblance of a productive life? No, they are losers. They are the dregs of society. If they had a real life and were responsible citizens, they wouldn't be behaving like that. Like those three pieces of shit that Rittenhouse shot, perfect examples. But those are the people you must identify with, else you wouldn't be defending them. Why are you defending a child molester?
shareWelfare & food stamps is not a real job.
shareIf you want to see a riot, wait until '24 when Fat Donnie loses his 3rd election in a row.
shareThe fact you think this is an issue that divides political parties says a lot.
If Kyle is found guilty, it will potentially impact everyone in the US. It would mean self defence is no longer legal and that everyone is fair game for criminals. You're less likely to fight back knowing you could be charged with murder.
Think about it. Someone with a gun to your head, and if you shoot them, you could be done for murder. That is terrifying.
Out of the mouths of babes. . . .
shareI've got my very own little bitch dog to follow me around it seems.
shareNow, now . . . you can do better than that.
shareThis forum is filled with little yapping cunts that like to yap at everything hoping for attention. Sadly you never see the little cunts in person or you could bitch slap them and watch them run back to their mamas' basements.
shareLOL! I wonder when the last time you bitch-slapped anyone was? maybe on your wedding night? Ha ha! It was probably the other way around that night.
shareThink about it. Someone yells at you and throws a bag at you, so you shoot them dead, then bystanders try to stop you from shooting anyone else for such ridiculous reasons, so you shoot them too, and then nazis declare you a hero. That is soooo cool.
shareThink about it. A convict, without provocation, throws a bag full of rocks or other hard objects at you with intent to harm, so you shoot them in self defense. Other convicts then try to kill you by beating you to death with a skateboard or shoot you with their own gun, so you shoot them too. You then selflessly try to offer them aid despite that they tried to kill you seconds before.
The people praise you and call you a hero, but the media calls you a murderer simply for defending yourself and others from criminals.
lol XD "rocks"
The bag sailed like five feet, it might have an empty plastic water bottle in it.
Conservatives are easily intimidated by things like that.
shareIt didn't look like it was just an empty bottle in there, based on how quickly it hit the floor and how full it appeared to be. That said, how is anyone supposed to know what's in the bag in the heat of the moment? People are chasing you with blunt objects, guns, and throwing stuff at you. You didn't do anything to provoke them.
The bag-thrower then chased after Rittenhouse and appeared to try to attack him, only then did Rittenhouse shoot him.
This person clearly has an issue determining distance as it very visibly flies 20 feet or so in all the videos. I gather it contained his sad little belongings after being released from the mental hospital that day. Tbh I'm not quite sure why these losers are so fixated on the bag. Rightly or wrongly, I don't think the act of the bag being thrown was really ever brought up by either the prosecution or the defence other than "after throwing the bag, baldy child rapist still continued to chase Kyle". And yes, that's not a direct quote for those in the back.
shareThey're just trying to find anything that makes Rittenhouse look bad. Between them and the prosecution, I don't know who looks more desperate.
The kid just went over to help like a good samaritan, and these people are siding with the criminals, including pedophiles. They must hate right wingers so much, including anyone that even remotely leans right, that they'll side with kiddie diddlers if it means punishing a non-leftist.
What's really funny about that, is that you actually believe it.
shareCare to prove me wrong?
shareYou do a pretty good job of that whenever you post here.
shareSo you won’t, or can’t, disprove that people are siding with literal pedos just to get back at Rittenhouse? Gotcha.
shareBeing the brain surgeon that you obviously are, you should know that this is something that cannot be disproved or proven on an internet message board.
shareWell so much for me doing "a pretty good job of that" whenever I post here.
I've seen people on this board alone side with convicted pedos to smear Kyle Rittenhouse. I've seen people call him a far-right, gun-toting, white supremacist and that only nazis support him. All despite evidence that points to him defending himself and acting as a good samaritan. I just put two and two together.
If you wanna claim people are tearing into Rittenhouse for other legitimate reasons, despite all that evidence, then it shouldn't be that hard for you to make your case.
This ^^^^👏🏻👏🏻
shareWe both know that was not how events played out.
So you're saying you're pro "good guy with a gun"?
Was Kyle a threat to anyone as he was moving away from the first incident when baldy child rapist attacked him? No. Was he acting aggressive? No. Pointing his gun at anyone? No. He was zero threat to anyone and for some reason Mr. Bicep thought it would be a good idea to run up to him and try and shoot Kyle and take his gun. If I need to explain to you why that was not a smart idea, well, the pink mist does that for me. Why did Mr. Bicep who was apparently there to provide first aid run after the shooter instead of rushing toward to the body after hearing someone had been shot?
Now if Kyle had been an actual active shooter, running and gunning, firing into crowds and dropping bodies, I would fully support the actions of Mr. bicep. But he was not. Kyle was trying to make his way to the police to hand himself in.
"Think about it. Someone yells at you and throws a bag at you, so you shoot them dead, then bystanders try to stop you from shooting anyone else for such ridiculous reasons, so you shoot them too, and then nazis declare you a hero. That is soooo cool."
Ha ha! You have just described a typical night in a red state trailer park after the wellfare checks have arrived & everyone is liquored up & feeling their oats.
What if this happened during the colonial wars and Kyle killed a couple of redcoats who were attacking him? He would be hailed a hero.