MovieChat Forums > George Floyd Discussion > To all the White People...

To all the White People...

To all those whites who are on the fence and are on the verge of or simply hesitant to take the red pill. My advice is this; they’re going to call you racist anyway. So where would you rather be called racist? In a “diverse” hell hole where you’re surrounded(often literally), hounded, accused, attacked and debased? Or in the safety, prosperity and comfort of a high trust White Ethnostate? In the former you’ll be a hunted and despised minority....constantly blamed for all the failures of other groups. In the latter you’ll be master of your own destiny and your posterity will live out a golden future. The choice is yours.


White Panic is Apollo entertaining to witness!


yes i used to think only white poeple racist. that white create racism.

then i get internet access for first time few years ago, and i go on social medias, and see how much black peoples hate whites hahahahahah. they spend entire life 24/8 obsess with white and hating white!!! it is unbeliveble how much they hates. like keelai the hutt they all have nothing else in life but race obsess.

good luck white peopes with this hahahahahahah. they wont be so kind once they take over hahahhaahhahahah!!!


They are slowly being replaced by Mexicans...they won't take over anything


will mexican ally with black? deep shit for white if that the case.


They will ally with whoever pays them


i see.

usa is slowly filling up with south american. is this what usa want?


It's what the democrats wanted until they realized they won't automatically vote democrat


i read over 90% of minoritys vote democrat if that the case then republicans will never have one more presidents!! is true?!!


U. S. is still 60% white and 12% black. And at the rate the thugs off each other, it might come down to 11% soon. No real threat there, no matter how hard the dummycrats try to push them to the front of the line.


yes but think of those butt fugly retards in 'the squad' all these race obsess retards joining force and think they take over the usa!! i would be worried of those hideous coalition from hispanics to mid easts - they all hate white and they all join together so maybe only 10 % black but you invite half third world in they may team up.

i see this on social medias all time people bragging about usa being less white. they have point you seem to love diversitys and they all seem to hate you hahahahahahahahahah


Team up and do what? Run a swap meet? They lack the capabilities and wealth which is everything in America.


yes but you get enough diversitys they turn on whites. they already teach CRTs in your american school and this is brainwashing your young. do not underestimate brainwashing young because most woketards are white american and they hate themselfs imagine in future when they all think this way with diversitys in control?!?

your future presidents is kamala haggis. she will stoke race relations same as obama when race became major obsessions andwith kamala it will 100 time worse!!


Black activists live in their own separate version of reality. This is the United States. It has always been pure Darwin: Survival of the Fittest. Whites had the money and the power and they used and discarded Africans and Native Americans like they were worse than dogs. If Africans had been the rulers, they would have done the exact same thing to whites. Everyone on every side wants endless tribalism because it gives them something to be angry about, and people like being angry.


Why doesn't it matter what shade of white, or any other color you are?

What makes you fit to have any opinion?


Because this is a message board, and people actually do stuff like post replies.


I'd say the mental defective is the one, of many, who judges people by their skin color even though you have never interacted with them in any way.


Oh, I've interacted with African-Americas far more than you ever have. My city is entirely mixed and is about half white and half black. The people here are respectful and behave themselves. The activist types and the ambulance chasers like Ben Crump are just trying to make every last penny that they can. That is why they go and on about racial issues. Look at the BLM founders, who just did it to make their millions off of it. But, naturally, you buy right into it like a good little drone.


Your racist talk is lame. You're only going to influence your fellow racists, not anyone with any common sense.


Just keep parroting Ben Crump's talking points. He isn't going to give you a cut.


I didn't know who Ben Crump is until I looked him up. Why do you have a problem with him?


He's an ambulance chaser, waiting for someone black to get killed so he can make millions off of it.


Which one of his cases offends you the most?


All of them. It's all about money. You can't be that naive.


I never claimed to be following BLM or CNN. But you claim to have no idea why you should dislike Crump?

You are weak sheep sauce. :)


You're simply a troll just starting out and trying to find whatever you can on here to test out your very basic skills on. Yeah, "weak" is definitely projection on your part.


You are a racist. Anyone reading your post knows this. No one deserves a cookie for knowing something that everyone else knows. Where do you come up with these ideas?

I did not say anything about Crump except to ask you your opinion on his cases. But you are unable to come up with anything specific.

So you're still weak as hell and the best you can do is insult people. So yeah, you're still weak sheep sauce.


Stating simple fact and logic only equals "racism" for troll bots. Repeat something yet again for your next "snappy" comeback.


Whites had the money and the power and they used and discarded Africans and Native Americans like they were worse than dogs. If Africans had been the rulers, they would have done the exact same thing to whites.

yes the entire human history tells us this facts but you american brainwash yourselfs to tell everyone these things are unique to only white race. that is where your problem in future will be.


Learn to speak English and repost. Thanks.


yes i still learn your great language thank you john miller.


Are you from Kenya? Are you taking a break from scamming people?


no not kenya but i come from country that hate america if it narrow choice down.


Good for you. Hopefully, we'll get the chance to take your country off the map as soon as possible.


maybe you do so in past but you have too many sjw in america they protect your enemys now hahahha


It's like trying to understand someone who's been shot up with Propofol.


What does "take the red pill" mean in this situation? Can you start a conversation without using a pop culture reference?

Who is "they"? How are ethnic minorities going to stay safe and prosper in a "white ethnostate"?

How white does a person have to be to at the top of the pyramid in a white ethnostate? Will the Irish qualify or will they be one of the mud-people?

I'll take the diverse state where everyone may someday be welcome instead of one where I might suddenly be deemed unacceptable due to some imagined lack of racial purity that people like you are charged with defining.


On the fence about what? What is taking the red pill supposed to do? Who is the 'they" that are going to call me racist?

Which white ethnostate are you referring to?
