Love this kid ...

She tells it like it is from a very simplistic point of view, and she's right not to get bogged down in lies and noise ... the people that are supposed to be leading the way for our countries and the planet are incompetent idiots that are doing nothing.


yea i dont agree with her but i think ight. i dont get the hate she is just a little girl


If you understood the dynamics at play here, you would agree with her. You have a ways to go in life.


Hahahahahahahahahaha!! You're so far detached from reality and you dare say that?!?!?!?!?!


I dare. Global climate change is real and young people know it and resent you neanderthals who keep denying it for your convenience.


Yep. We've had climate change for as long as we've had climate.


> We've had climate change for as long as we've had climate.

That's red lining your moron meter.


He's actually tight, but you are too dumb to realize.

Climate is in continuous change. How many ice ages have we had and how many warm periods during the history of this planet??


> He's actually tight, but you are too dumb to realize.

Actually, that is a the only argument Right-wingers have ... and it is always wrong.

> Climate is in continuous change. How many ice ages have we had and how many warm periods during the history of this planet??

Actually, that is not relevant. Actually, that's not even a real argument ... it's a what-about distraction.


Actually, it is relevant, and you can't come up with a reasonable counter for a reason, cupcake.


If the sun came out in the middle of the night would you say
"Thats normal , the sun has come out before"

that is what is hapeening here when you look at previous ice ages , temperature changes tempaerature range chnages etc


The sun has never come up in the middle of the night, however we have had many significant climate changes in history. What you just did is referred to as a "false analogy".


I don't need to counter anything, and your infantile use of calling me cupcake shows the level of your intelligence quicker and more efficiently than me wasting my time with you.


... because you can't, cupcake.😘


"and your infantile use of calling me cupcake shows the level of your intelligence quicker and more efficiently than me wasting my time with you."

Also, for someone who is trying to call me out on my intelligence, you don't seem to realize when you make an incoherent statement.


Yeah, saying that is meaningless and you continuously show that you're that true moron.


Thank you for showing your true colors as always.


I'm here to help.




Yes. She's an adult, not a "kid" or a "little girl."


yeah but she was hated just as much when was underage. she is being used as a pawn and is a victim herself. i aint a libturded jabroni but i am smart enough to realize all this hate against her just helps her cause. right wingers attacking her makes us look like a bunch of savage animals attacking a wounded victim, it is just wrong and is exactly what the elite want us to do to her


What I don't get is the whole "left" vs. "right" thing. She and others like her are trying to save the Earth and humanity. We all live on the same planet and are all affected by climate change. There's nothing "left" or "right" about it.


yeah its all bogus she and all the libturds fly around on there private jets wasting thousands of dollars of gas per trip but wanna tax me more and take away my cheap gas so i cant live outta my van and travel in a much more modest way that costs the planet a cent on a dollar the amount of damage they do each trip. its all a bunch of commie gobbly gook nonsense and i aint down for it!!


She doesn't fly around the world in a private jet. In 2019 she crossed the Atlantic in a solar- and hydro-generator-powered yacht to speak in the U.S. No fossil fuels were used.

I'm sorry to hear you are living in a van and don't wish to make things more difficult for you. I hope life will get better for you soon.


lol yacht, i live outta a van by choice. own two houses paid off but do it for fun since i am a traveler. it is good lifestyle i am living at the gym since i go there for showers and my muscles are bigger than ever


Do you truly own two houses and choose to ramble around in a van? I thought you were concerned about waste. I must be missing something here. This doesn't make sense to me.


i became a millionaire at 22 by gambling internet money as a kiddo. i could buy 20 houses if i wanted but only have 2 and a van i think that is pretty modest. i can live in Miami, and Colorado, and Texas in the best zip codes during the best parts of the year and pay no property taxes to any of those rich ass places but enjoy all the benefits of being there. vanlife is kinglife if you are tough enough to do it


Wow. If this is true then I say congratulations. If I had that kind of money the last thing I would do is live in a van.


my van is pretty rad it is like a space ship inside


Don't believe you for a minute! Anyone with money would at least use a motorhome.


it is a motorhome. rv van. it is only 22 foot and can plug in but i usually just sleep out of walmart and cracker barrel parking lots most of the time. or neighborhoods. the best thing about having a small motorhome is u have way more access to cities and tourist areas than a big rig which is a burden in best locations. I slept in Key West Florida with my mini rig ok the streets no problem, anything bigger u gotta waste 100$ on rv spot that is islands away and needs to be reserved months ahead if time. if u are tough enough to not need ac all the time (i have one for emergency but normally dont use) it opens up way more Murica for you. the whole world is my backyard and i can move my whole home for only a couple bucks of diesel my machine gets 22 a gallon so costs of moving it is minimal


What I don't get is the whole "left" vs. "right" thing. She and others like her are trying to save the Earth and humanity. We all live on the same planet and are all affected by climate change. There's nothing "left" or "right" about it.

Absolutley true , same for a number of other issues ,

It only becomes a left right thing when , coincidentally, the ones who steadfastly refuse to believe anything inconvenient that affects their lifestlye or finances , are right wingers.

I myself believe the facts , I dont stand there Donald Trump stlye , saying
"Those scientists dont know shit - because it would adversly affect my investments"

These people have a head-in-the-sand mentality and can convince themselves that anything they dont want is untrue. I'm not just talking about this climate chnage example here , its all sorts of things. 2020 election result is another one.

Hence the creation of the phrase "Fake News"


People who make the excuse that we shouldn't address climate change because it "affects their investments" are purely selfish. Which is ironic because they are only hurting themselves in the long run. That expensive, exclusive beachfront property they just had to own because it was prestigious will become worthless once the sea level rises.

And those who continue to stubbornly cling to the usage of fossil fuels fail to realize that, besides being harmful to the environment, they come from a finite source. Once all the petroleum has been extracted, refined and burned up it's gone. Game over.

There's just too much self-centeredness and shortsightedness today, and it's getting worse. This became glaringly apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic with all the backlash against vaccinations and the use of common-sense safety precautions. "My freedoms are being infringed upon!" It was more important to be able to take a trip to Disney World than to prevent the spread of a virus. Is it any wonder the U.S. recently hit the 700,000 mark for the number of COVID-related deaths, the highest in the world?


^behold two examples of people who think it shouldn't be "left vs right"


You a re a completely brainwashed leftist and as partisan as you can be. Don't act like you're all enlightened and open minded, because you're as far from that as you can get. Just because you disagree with someone doesn't make you right


Me too.


I don't take moral lectures from children or adults with little life experience.


I don't make stupid rules for myself when it depends on the time, situation and person. In this case she has enough brains and perspective to articulately express her rage against the leaders of the world who have led us into this mess and still not taken it seriously ... which shows her to be courageous and brilliant, and explains why she is a global symbol and so highly thought of ... by sane people.


Same here. I agree that the we need to change the way we live, because its ruing the planet but giving this kid a platform is stupid


You chose the correct name ... blahblahblah ... where would people hear about this if not from Greta Thunberg? More paid shill trolls just speaking anger, noise, hate, insults, and lies. You are a nothing.


And you don't need to. Thanks for letting us know.


You better listen and take your moral lectures where you can find them, because you certainly do need them.


You're right about one thing: she's a simpleton.


I see what you tried to do there ... and failed.


What were you doing in you teenage years? Did it prepare you for the BS you are doing now?


What exactly is she really DOING?

Also, she's not a kid. She's an adult. They dress her that way to make her seem younger. She says 'it' from a simplistic point of view because she doesn't know anything. She just runs on emotion and has been propped up into celebrity status because of the above.

Her fifteen minutes should be up. There are tons of real environmentalists out there that actually put up and make a difference that should have the attention she's getting.


I wouldn't call her an adult just because she's of legal age to vote. For all intent and purposes she has very little life experience.

Why is she famous and why she of all people has a platform is beyond me...


> For all intent and purposes she has very little life experience.

Really? Going all over the world, speaking to huge crowds, meeting with and communicating with people from all countries or all kinds and having at lest 2 documentaries made about her ...

I'd really like to know who or what you think qualified as a lot of life experience?


She a celebrity child from the privileged upper middle-class. Who went to a special needs school. Who has problems remembering to eat lunch.

She might have experience of what she's doing, but she haven't for instance worked a regular job for a minute of her life.


And what has this to do with seeing her and her fellow children's future environments despoiled by past and current greed?
How dare you? I'm sure a stint working at 7-11 will cure her of that silly notion. After that, you'll have a hearty chuckle that anyone should give a crap about anything.


> She a celebrity child from the privileged upper middle-class.

First ... so what? You are saying you can judge the character of every young person by knowing their family history? I guess you can also judge every person by the color of their skin too, eh? I assume you have similar negative judgements about Donald Trump then as well?

Understanding the experience people have at work is an important thing ... Greta is from Sweden, a country where instead of just using people's experience as a way of dismissing their humanity they have actually done something to secure the dignity and rights of working people. They actually teach civics in Sweden so citizens understand what that is all about ... so maybe she knows a little more than you think she does, in fact, maybe she knows a lot more than you do.


No, but I always laugh when middle-class people tells us working-class folks how to live our lives.

I don't really have the.. Well I do have the time, I just don't want to. But there are so many things with Greta that makes me not taking her very seriously.

Oh, by the way... I'm Swedish. She has done nothing to secure the dignity and rights of working people. In fact, she wants to make it harder for us working people to work.


How serious do you have to take her? She inspires a lot of people, and you hate her for that and think people who are inspired by her are wrong. Your comment is BS. She is venting emotionally about the incompetence, greed and hate of the older on-power generation. I am part of a generation that is older than her, and I agree with her.

It's interesting that you have to attack her on all these personal levels when is clear your problem is that you are a troll trying to undercut her message.

> she wants to make it harder for us working people to work.

Like the rest of your comments, that's just stupid.


OH, I answered why she is famous in my post right after reading this. Seems like she had a lot of life experience long before now, and certainly more than you will ever have however long you live.


hahaha I love how you choose a personal attack approach (even though you don't know sh*t about me), to get a reaction, just because I downplayed the lack of experience of an 18yo who you think merits to have a huge platform, just because she is white and from a first world country. GTFO


> just because I downplayed the lack of experience of an 18yo who you think merits to have a huge platform, just because she is white and from a first world country. GTFO

> hahaha I love how you choose a personal attack approach (even though you don't know sh*t about me),

Hahaha, just a troll ... that is the shit I know about you, you are shit.


then your mum must be a fly because she loves to lick me... !




she spits on it, before sucking on it




She obviously has growth issues. She's 18, but looks 12-13.


What a dumb thing to say. Republican?? To make an argument like that you obviously have brain growth issues, let alone character growth.


No mate, your post was the stupid one. She looks like a 12 year old.


That's hilarious!! I agree!


She's the Martin Luther King of environmentalists. No sarcasm.

Old farts are a lost cause. She speaks to tomorrow's leaders.




Maybe "speechless" should be your moniker here?


You should read my posts on MLK. Hung out with hookers and was assassinated by Nation of Islam.


Propaganda crap. Pass.


Does that mean his idea that there should be racial equality is invalid?


Aside from being an ugly idiot, she is also a hypocrite. Go pull up the videos where someone peaked inside her car and found she had lots of plastic trash all over the place. Not being very environmental when you live like that. She is no better than eco-warriors that fly to meeting on the climate in private jets while telling the people they shouldn't fly because it hurts the environment.


Fake, Greta would never have a card in those conditions.


Thank god you brought up that she is ugly, and has used plastic.
This changes everything .
We dont have to save the planet anymore .
we're off the hook.


No one ever wanted to save the planet, this has and always has been about wealth redistribution. What every green cunt forgets is that all these environmental treaties leave out the Chinese and Indians who pollute the planet more than anyone else.


so , just to be clear ,
do you think the planet needs any saving?
or is it all good and theres no problem?


It depends on what you mean by saving. Do we need to avoid dumping raw sewage into the water - yes. Do we need to avoid filling the air with soots and things that cause acid rain - yes. Do we need to pretend that anything we do is going to cause global warming - NO. That's my problem with all this bullshit, it doesn't stick with what is real it start chasing unicorn. The thing that causes the planet to get warmer or cooler isn't cows farting in the fields, its the sun which has cycles and which we have zero ability to do a damn thing about. In the past the planet was significantly hotter and significantly colder and it was humans that caused those events. The so called climatologist were running around like chicken little in the 1970's telling everyong an ice age was coming... that didn't happen and eventually the media forgot... now the same asshats are out telling us we are going to roast the planet... well they have a track record of being flat ass wrong. So why would anyone beyond some retarded kid like Greta believe them. Well I don't know why you believe them is is because you never paid attention to science or history class or are you just blinding following the media? Better yet go watch Al Gore's inconvenient Truth... write down all the bad things that he claimed were going to happen in 20 years... now go look at how many actually happened. I'll give you a hint - NONE. And don't make the claim that he was talking about global warming and this is climate change, because climate change is just a new name for global warming. If you look at what the idiots pushing climate change are asking for its the same thing they were asking for with global warming, the only difference is the name and now the fact that climate change avoid them having to make any predictions on what is going to happen because if it gets hot its climate change if it gets cold its climate change... newsflash the climate change all the time and has been doing that forever.


"The , climate goes up and down ... ices ages ... blah blah ... its been hot / cold before "
argument doesent make sense Scientists have measured exactly how hot and cold it has got in the past,
and this is new and man made.
AL gore and his friends just got the dates a bit wrong , estimates change.

The thing is though you dont have to believe in climate change, you just have to believe that
Do we need to avoid filling the air with soots and things that cause acid rain - yes.
because the solution to those two problems are exactly the same.

That same solution is also the solution to a third thing:
"oh no oil/coal is ruinning out we'll all die" , which i believe is a real thing


The fact is the scientists lied. Go look up the UK quack that started all this nonsense with his manufactured data... then finish that off with comparing raw data to the NASA data, NASA went through and fudged the temp data to supposedly correct for anomalies... of course anomalies happen, but you expect them to happen where half are high and half are low, funny that NASA only moved temps up never down. That's statistically impossible if you were simply correcting mistakes. You don't only have mistakes in one direction.


> Aside from being an ugly idiot,

Hahaha .... what are you a two year old? Congratulations on your autistic typing savant though.


Well, the stupid often follows the stupid, so..... congratulations?
