I just removed her/him from 'Ignore', (the only user I have ignored) and the President Trump board became a sewer of what clearly appears to be pathological mental illness.
This poster is like a recalcitrant child who feeds off the parents' reaction to tantrum throwing. If the child is ignored, they usually give up on that tactic.
I see here many wise and knowledgeable conservative thinkers. Why bother with someone who is sick?
The wise and knowledgeable conservative thinkers I know can’t stand Trump. It’s really been such a shame that conservatives have been represented by such an embarrassing character.
@ RockAway.......I'm conservative and I certainly do agree with you. My husband warned me back in 2015 that Trump was going to ruin the Republican party if he was elected President. Trump proved him right and I want my vote back when I voted for this moron in 2015. I wised up when Trump "handled" the pandemic so miserably and made some real doozy decisions and statements. For someone I had so much faith in to Make America Great Again, I was surely disappointed.
Not sure what planet you live on, but to me that's multiple contradictions in terms within 5 words.
For starters, the only constant in life is permanent change, not just for humans, but all life on earth has to permanently adapt to a changing environment.
Trying to preserve the status as it is, is the stupidest thing one can possibly do, billions of species that used to live on earth and went instinct when they couldn't adapt to change fast enough can tell you what happens to conservatives.
"Knowledgeable" would mean knowing this, "wise" would be not heading towards instinction on purpose and the smallest little bit of thinking would get you there.
Evolution is the natural process of trying millions of random changes in the DNA, where natural selection filters out the one in a million change that has a positive effect on the individual.
With the technology humanity has developped this evolution is now speeding up big time, what used to take millions of years, millions of changes, filtering out the few good ones, can now be researched in advance, the outcome can partially be predicted and positive changes can be done within a decade or so, but the fact that we cannot conserve the past is now way stronger than ever before, because our environment is changing way faster than ever before requiring much faster adaptation than ever before.
Maybe, on the "bored and enjoy a fight" part, but I see little to respect in many of the opposition. A fight with the afflicted feels like taking down Bambi with a 950 JDJ FAT MAC.
I just took the respect part as an anecdote. I used to respect the left once too many moons ago so it's not out of the realms of possibility. If this site's lefties are anything to go by though not many of them are worthy of any respect, only scorn and mockery.
Your 950 JDJ only exists as a non-nfa firearm at the whim of the AG. Do you think AG Bondi is going to allow >.500" rifled bores to be legal without a tax stamp for much longer?
They probably like debating, fighting or they're just bored. I think a conservative on here even respected a liberal/leftist for debating and agreed to disagree.
Every post by Ranb is another dam breaking of salty Leftist tears over losing to Trump, and seeing their whole Deep State machine being dismantled in real time by their President and Elon.
I actually enjoy watching The Sisters melt down every day, especially since Skavau ran away after his epic gaslighting mission to keep Trump from power failed.
The important thing is to remember that these creatures are sub-human filth, and exist only for us to mock and deride. I’m sure we’ve all learned the futility of trying to reason with, or show compassion towards, Leftists.
Keep crying Commie, your entire corrupt Deep State apparatus is being demolished as we speak, and your relentless TDS postings are confirmation of your tears. Cheers! 💦🍻