MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trans women finally out of FEMALE sports...

Trans women finally out of FEMALE sports!

Trump gettin’ shit done!


Wow! Finally the Moron-In-Chief issues an executive order that I actually agree with...


Quite a few Leftards parroting this sentiment. Must be an opinion overhaul going on at the Leftoid central brain hub.

Could be that they’re finally putting the woke away after the Dems tanked so hard… 🤔


This isn't even a question of in or out, this simply shows that the traditional view of a 2 gender world is obsolete and requires adjustments to a new reality.
Here is how one SHOULD handle this:


Perception is reality, I’ll give you that, but to an extent, just because I identify as a black man even though I was born white, does not entitle me the “adjustment” of going to Howard University and demanding to be let into the fraternity of my choice.

The “new reality” as you put it, is that yes I get to be black, in the comfort of my bedroom and within the relatively small footprint of people that are simple minded enough to accept my feelings as their “new reality” too.

But that’s it, I don’t expect the world to bend over and let me eat my cake off its back in the process.


Correct, as an individual white man who is the only one indentifying as black, you're just a joke.
In a society that has since forever setup competetive stuff not only separated by gender, but also by weight, skill level, height and whatever other difference might give an unfair advantage to some group of people, creating another separation of sports competition based on hormone levels or so, is simply the logic next step.
Why are there "weight divisions" in mens boxing? They are all male, aren't they?
Maybe because having just one single boxing competition where light weight people never have a chance, with just one single world boxing champion would be boring?
Did you know that the "weight division" hasn't always existed? They were introduced during the 19th and 20th century to give lighter weight people a chance of winning a title in a fair competition.
There are olympics and paralympics, so what's there to say again translympics, separating them from unfair setups and giving them an option to compete against each other?


I was born white and identify as black too, now what faggot?


Don't let da man oppress you brotha ✊🏿


just because I identify as a black man

Black is not a gender. And being of colour is not a social convention. Apart from this your equivalence was perfect.
