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Trump doesn't like sermon, calls Bishop nasty

Trump calls National Cathedral bishop "nasty in tone" after her sermon urges him to "have mercy"

"I ask you to have mercy, Mr. President, on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away, and that you help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here," Budde said.

"She brought her church into the World of politics in a very ungracious way," he wrote on Truth Social. "She was nasty in tone, and not compelling or smart. She failed to mention the large number of illegal migrants that came into our Country and killed people. Many were deposited from jails and mental institutions. It is a giant crime wave that is taking place in the USA. Apart from her inappropriate statements, the service was a very boring and uninspiring one. She is not very good at her job! She and her church owe the public an apology!"
Trump minion called for the US born bishop to be deported. Representative Collins is an idiot, just the way Trump likes them.


Can we have a thread update the next time Trump wipes his ass too?


I'll leave that to you.

Why do you think Trump was so triggered by a Christian bishop delivering a sermon about Christian values? Was the bishop the wrong kind of Christian?


Can you update me when Trump is awake next and having a can of Diet Coke please, thanks.


Why do you think Trump was so triggered by a Christian bishop delivering a sermon about Christian values? Was the bishop the wrong kind of Christian?


Do you know if he still has 2 scoops of ice cream and how upset would if make you if the answer if yes? What about if he did that flailing arm impression as he was eating it, would that be a form of bigotry against the lactose intolerant?


She's the one that was triggered, jerk-off, just like you are about him. You're downright obsessed with him. How has he made your life so miserable?

He constantly expresses genuine sadness over the death toll in these wars he wants to end. That's real Christianity.


Really? It sounds like genuine snark to me.

Why does Trump object to the christian messages from the church?


Yes but your interpretation of things is dubious at best and can be safely ignored as it's not a refutation of anything at all and if you think it is a refutation then,

Why does Trump object to the christian messages from the church?

It doesn't seem like Trump objects to the Christian message from the church to me.


That's not what refuted means.


You're literally too dumb to insult and too dumb to keep up with my conversational train of thought. Stop trying to understand my points you keep failing, you're not capable of it as you'd need a functioning brain. Stay put in your loser lane with the other libtards where you belong.


Your train of thought is typically a complete wreck. That is no one else's problem except for you.


That is no one else's problem except for you.

So it's per capita's fault that the majority of non whites don't understand the concept?

lol no, anyway as I was using your logic against you, you calling it a complete wreck is just another massive self own, but I don't expect you to have the mental acuity to appreciate the nuance or even comprehend it. Go join your loser dumbdumb ally in the loser dumbdumb lane.


The above text you wrote is the wreck I'm talking about.


but I don't expect you to have the mental acuity to appreciate the nuance or even comprehend it

LMAO the jokes write themselves.

Out of curiosity, how would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?


"Christian message"? You're out of your fucking mind. You obviously did not hear what she said. She was talking down to the POTUS, lecturing about "gay, LGBTQ and transgender children." Wtf? Since when did children become that sexualized? Since obsessed weirdos like you came crawling out of the woodwork, that's when.


The christian message of mercy is well known. Why are you pretending to be so ignorant? The bible does not exclude gay and transgender people from its message of mercy.

You are the one sexualizing child in your post. The bishop did none of that.


Apparently you've never heard of the innocence of children you fuckin' weirdo. 🤨


Neither have you. You're making it up because you're triggered. I think you don't give a damn about anyone but yourself.


God is merciful to the repentant. Homosexuality is a sin and an abomination to God and indeed, homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 6:9-10). Female "Bishops" are unBiblical too since women are to be silent in the church. 1 Corinthians 14:34.


Cry me a river. We don't fall for that nonsense in the USA.


You called her a "Christian bishop". She doesn't even follow the Bible, just wanted to make sure you were aware of that.


Proof? Can you quote her words that conflict with Jesus teachings?


The Bible is not just "Jesus' teachings" bro.
I can demonstrate that her actions as a female "Christian Bishop" do not align with scripture.

1 Corinthians 14:34 "As in all the churches of the [m]saints, 34 the women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says."

1 Timothy 2:11-12 "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent."


That sexist filth has no place in modern American society.

Are you a Christian? Do you believe that salvation comes through faith in Jesus and not from some stupid Old Testament laws?


Those verses are from the New Testament. Faith in Jesus would include the Bible (OT and NT) being the word of God.


I suppose that depends upon which versions of christianity you adhere to?

Christians do not need to follow the Old Testament law because Jesus fulfilled the Law (Matthew 5:17). Jesus replaced the Law of Moses with the Law of Christ (1 Corinthians 9:21, Galatians 6:2). The requirements of the Law were met and the law that “was against us and stood opposed to us” was nailed to the cross with Jesus (Colossians 2:13-15 note: this passage applies to all kinds of laws, not just the Law of Moses). Paul tells us that we are not under law, but under grace is several places in Galatians (4:28-5:1, 3:23-25, 3:2-6, 3:10-11 and more). Jesus satisfied the requirements of the Law of Moses. One effect of this is that those who are in Christ are no longer under the Law of Moses, whether they are Jewish or not.

Are you one of those christians that spells christ as t-r-u-m-p? I think you are one of them.

It sure is strange how the evangelicals who condemned Clinton for his sexual misdeeds, also think that Trump's claim to sexually assault women as a perk of wealth and his giddiness at inspecting girls dressing rooms while they're changing, are his more acceptable moral attributes.


Not sure how the OT is relevant to my comment but okay.

"Are you one of those christians that spells christ as t-r-u-m-p? I think you are one of them."

If you think I am one of them, why bother asking? lol
Btw, Trump's history with women has nothing to do with the words/actions of the bishop, that is a whataboutism fallacy.


If you're not sure, then why is your opinion relevant at all here?


Well, that was a cue for you to explain why bringing up following the OT laws is relevant at all to the female bishop whose actions are contradicting what is written in the NT not the OT but I see that went above your head.


How was the Bishop's message of empathy contradictory to the New Testament?

Why should the GOP be demanding her deportation of it?

I would still like to know why your ignorance means that your opinion is relevant here.


"I would still like to know why your ignorance means that your opinion is relevant here."

What have I said that is ignorant?
I've backed up my claims with scripture.

You've been pretty ignorant in your replies and you seem to think your opinion is relevant. lol

"How was the Bishop's message of empathy contradictory to the New Testament?"

I said the Bishop's actions in preaching from the pulpit as a female are contradictory to New Testament scripture, something you've repeatedly ignored and/or not understood.


Paul was not referring to any law when he declared that women should be silent.

Thankfully, the 1st Amendment protects us from your silly claims. Trump can call the Bishop nasty and one of his minions can demand that the native born Bishop be deported, but even this woman has rights.


"Thankfully, the 1st Amendment protects us from your silly claims."

The 1st amendment is not relevant to Church conduct.


WTF?! How can you be so ignorant?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Religion and church conduct is very relevant to the 1st Amendment.


The ultimate authority in a Christian church is the word of God it supercedes any nation's laws (including the 1st amendment which actually says it cannot interfere with how a religion conducts itself lol).
If a church chooses to contradict the word of God its a false church. No one is arguing that a false church can't exist, so I don't see the relevance of bringing up the 1st amendment.


"Paul was not referring to any law when he declared that women should be silent."

So Christians should follow that website and not the bible? I've seen you say some stupid shit but wow.


That website makes more sense than the constantly contradicting bible.


Yes or no.


I will not tell anyone to follow any book at all. You're not going to get anywhere with me on that logical fallacy.


But you know Christians do follow the bible so stop acting like a horses ass.


Yes, Christians follow the bible. Pseudo-christians, like Trump, also claim to follow the bible, but they do not.

Ever see the video in which Trump bragged about his devotion but was unable to repeat any verse from the bible? I mean how hard is it to say "Jesus wept"?


Is Trump in the room with you right now?


If God hates homosexuals then why did He create them? According to you God never makes mistakes.


Will someone tell me why God has allowed all the natural disasters that have occurred and wars that have killed innocent children? Raised as a Catholic, I was taught that God was ALL POWERFUL, ALL KNOWING and ALL LOVING.

I don't know what has transpired since I was a kid learning all this bunk but God certainly has not lived up to what he is supposedly able to do for humanity. Seems God is one big failure, if you ask me.


Every human who has ever lived, will die. Is that God failing too?


@BillySlater.....Of course every human will die. But....having said that, explain to me why there is childhood cancer and kids dying of this dreadful disease? Where is God to prevent this abomination?

Dying at the ripe old age of 100 when sleeping is what I would expect a real God to do for mankind. But.....alas.....there is not God. How can there be?


"explain to me why there is childhood cancer and kids dying of this dreadful disease? Where is God to prevent this abomination?"

You are talking about the problem of evil argument. Death, disease and natural evil are God's judgment against sin, that includes affliction of children with diseases and even death.
This is hard for even Christians and our finite minds to understand because we see children as innocent but we know God has infinite and perfect justice and that would even include prematurely ending the lives of children.

Assuming you are an atheist, what is your basis for being outraged by children dying? That is the way the world is. The strong eat the weak, that is pretty much nature. Each of us is here for a finite period. Why should you even care about equitable treatment of fellow human beings, and be outraged by human suffering, if its not going to matter when we all cease to exist? If a fellow atheist decided to live a life of hedonism and selfishness, looking to maximize pleasure in his finite time here, why is that considered wrong? It would make perfect logical sense from his worldview.


If you right wing Christian assholes have ever bothered to read the WHOLE bible you'd know that Jesus never uttered a word about same-sex relationships. The original language of the New Testament actually refers to male prostitution, molestation, or promiscuity.....not committed same-sex relationships. Paul may have spoken against homosexuality, but he also said that women should be silent and to never assume authority over a man. Shall modern-day churches live by ALL of Paul's values? And the Old Testament says it's sinful to eat shell-fish, to wear clothes woven with different fabrics, and to eat pork. Should we live by Old Testament laws? Also, the bible does not clearly define marriage as one-man-one-woman. In fact, the bible also defines marriage as one-man-many-women, one man many wives and many concubines, a rapist & his victim, and conquering soldier & female prisoner of war.


"The original language of the New Testament actually refers to male prostitution, molestation, or promiscuity.....not committed same-sex relationships."

Romans 1:26-27

For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged natural relations for that which is contrary to nature, 27 and likewise the men, too, abandoned natural relations with women and burned in their desire toward one another, males with males committing shameful acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.


Yeah, Paul wrote that. Paul also said that women should be silent and to never assume authority over a man. Shall modern-day churches live by ALL of Paul's values? Fucking idiot.


"Yeah, Paul wrote that"

I was just wondering how that equates to male prostitution, molestation and promiscuity.

"Paul also said that women should be silent and to never assume authority over a man. Shall modern-day churches live by ALL of Paul's values? Fucking idiot."

You can choose to follow whatever you like or don't like in the Bible, I have no idea what your supposed religion is but when a "bishop" who claims to believe that scripture is the word of God, I don't think she gets to pick and choose and its also fair game to point out her hypocrisy.


"I was just wondering how that equates to male prostitution, molestation and promiscuity."

Why don't you actually try reading the entire bible?


It wasn't a sermon, and it wasn't about Christian values. It was a political rant, and it was about leftist values. There was nothing biblical in that speech. Marianne Budde spouted a bunch of nonsense about gay and trans children fearing for their lives -- and if they really are, it is only because leftist ideologues like Budde have been fearmongering. Nobody is out to harm or kill these children. She also basically said that Trump wished to emulate the values of Jesus, he must abandon his entire political agenda, which is more nonsense.

Try as I might, I can't lay my finger on the passage in the NT where Jesus was comes out in favor of free migration across all borders, nor the one about transitioning boys into girls and vice versa.

Budde begged Trump to please think of the wonderful people who pick our crops and clean our floors and so on. She's too much of an idiot to understand that what she is advocating is a permanent underclass of manual laborers, barred from rising very far above that status, or assimilating into our society by the fact that they are here in violation of our immigration laws, not to mention the exploitation, the sex-trafficking, and so forth that illegal immigrants suffer at the hands of the coyotes who smuggle them over the border, all of which she helps to enable.


Trump employs illegals at his properties as they are easier to exploit. Trump needs to hear her message and stop exploiting people.

Edited for grammar.


It doesn't seem like Trump employees(sic) illegals at his properties as they are easier to exploit to me.


You are right. It was not a sermon, but it was a political speech.

It irritates me so much when these woke activists cite religion and use Jesus for their lame a@@ arguments. They are usually the SAME people who go nuts when someone says our Founding Fathers found a nation on Christian principles.

They scream, “Oh no, we are not a Christian nation!!”😫😫Oh the horror of saying that.

But we are a nation based on Biblical principles when it suits their agenda.

As I said in another post, Jesus was not political in any way. When the Pharisees tried to trip Him up with a coin that depicted Caesar, He simply said that we should render to Caesar what is his and to God what is His.

Trump can be merciful in his private life, it it is not his job to show mercy to people who break the law and enter our country illegally. Yes we are to be kind to the stranger who is passing through, but not to the stranger who flouts our laws and settles down in the hope of free food and housing because his own country is a crap hole.


So the christian message of mercy is just a political speech now?

When did the bishop "go nuts when someone says our Founding Fathers found a nation on Christian principles"?

Trump expects mercy from the courts when he is convicted. Does he deserve it?


You gotta reread my post, if you can stomach it.😫

To repeat, Jesus never gave political sound bites. His message was not geared towards the Romans to “show mercy” to the people of the lands they invaded (like where he was living).

His message of mercy was directed at ALL of us as individuals. To show mercy and “turn the other cheek” did not mean that on Dec. 7th , 1941, FDR was supposed to say “Let us have mercy on those Japanese invaders.”

No, he bombed the hell out of them!

I did not say the lady Bishop “went nuts”. I said that it is usually those people who use Biblical principles when it suits their personal/political agendas.

One example, Mary and Joseph were “homeless”, so let’s not get down on the homeless who litter the streets of ,oh say, places like San Francisco. They have turned the city into a toilet.
Mary and Joseph were NOT homeless, they just did not think ahead to book a room.

There are many examples where wokies like Bishop Budde cherry pick isolated texts in the Bible to shore up their political agendas.

Jesus would hardly recommend that the President show mercy to millions of illegals who flaut our laws and expect a free ride. Pres.Trump is not Pastor Trump.

If the government cannot enforce our laws in the name of “mercy”, well screw it. Let’s get rid of our laws. Let’s all be merciful.

If someone broke into your house and decided to take up residence in your spare bedroom, eat your food and expect to stay, how merciful would you be? I wouldn’t be very…merciful that is. I would call the cops.


So the bishop said to be merciful to the criminals?

Show me where?

Millions have put their trust in you. And as you told the nation yesterday you have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country. And we're scared now.

There are gay, lesbian and transgender children in Democratic, Republican and independent families -- some who fear for their lives.

And the people, the people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meatpacking plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants, and work the night shifts in hospitals. They may not be citizens or have the proper documentation. But the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes and are good neighbors. They are faithful members of our churches and mosques, synagogues … and temples.


It irritates me even more when right wing Christians use Jesus for THEIR lame ass arguments like when they, for example, use the bible to justify their hatred of gay people. If any of these right wing Christians ever bothered to read the WHOLE bible they'd know that Jesus never uttered a word about same-sex relationships. The original language of the New Testament actually refers to male prostitution, molestation, or promiscuity.....not committed same-sex relationships. Paul may have spoken against homosexuality, but he also said that women should be silent and to never assume authority over a man. Shall modern-day churches live by ALL of Paul's values? And the Old Testament says it's sinful to eat shell-fish, to wear clothes woven with different fabrics, and to eat pork. Should we live by Old Testament laws? Also, the bible does not clearly define marriage as one-man-one-woman. In fact, the bible also defines marriage as one-man-many-women, one man many wives and many concubines, a rapist & his victim, and conquering soldier & female prisoner of war.


According to Christians God never makes mistakes so why did he create homosexuals if He hates them?


Very well said!


Trump is a great Christian, except for, you know, that stuff Jesus taught.


The Third Reich also promoted their version of Christianity.

Trump Christianity might become a thing some day.


I guarantee you'd never see Trump be caught dead with the meek, the poor, and the outcasts (which is the people Jesus hang out with). In fact, Jesus condemned the rich. Also, Trump is a man who has never even read the bible. Plus, he tries to prophet off God by selling $60 bibles with his name on it! Let's also not forget the wives Trump has cheated on and the way he treats women and disabled people. Such an example of a model Christian!


@MiyagIdoMAGA........Trump doesn't wipe his ass. He has someone change his diaper. Seriously, this "rumor" has been circulating for a long time. During Celebrity Apprentice, it was very evident to those on set that dear Donald, the boss, needed a diaper change. Sad really, considering Trump is all about appearances.


lol I love how utterly dejected and defeated you libtard cucks are 😂

Trump is poopypants

Top tier libtard political discourse, are the other 821 posts you made this amazing?


Trump is a known atheist but he pretended to be a Christian during his campaigns so religious suckers would vote for him. Apparently it worked.


I bet he knows how to spell atheist correctly.


I made a typo and I fixed it. Thanks! Now that we are past that do you have an intelligent comment to make on my post? Are you one of those religious suckers who worships Trump? I bet you are! 🤣


I'm glad I could help your posts appear less retarded.
Your comment doesn't deserve an honest response because it's a dishonest post initially, it's nothing but more libtard blathering with zero substance, so what exactly do you expect me to respond with? Ofc I'll call out your ridiculous nonsense.


Were all of your insanely wrong political predictions and hot takes just typos too? lol




C'mon now, Lige. T'only one uther'n Trump who knows the state of his soul is the good Lord.


Abraham Lincoln was a known atheist until the Civil War. Look it up, creep. So apparently, according to you, anyone who has any kind of faith is a sucker. You're claiming to be smarter and more moral than the majority of the country. You're an absolute sorry excuse for a veteran.


I am a Christian, I don't believe Trump is saved and I would still vote for him, he is by far the much lesser of two evils.


"TRUMP AND FOX NEWS HATE CHRISTIANITY!!!!" should be the headline for this story.


No-one cares about that communist agitator Marianne Budde, she's a libtard activist masquerading as religious to rot the institution from inside like all of you communist louse attempt to with the various institutions.

Fuck that faker and fuck every one of you who thinks parading her bullshit around is some type of win. She'll end up getting her church's tax exempt status removed thanks to her nonsense, keep this shit up and we'll shut every one of your sleeper departments down via EOs and install MAGA loyalists wherever possible. You faggots thing this is 2016 still but MAGA are not fucking around this time, we're going to utterly crush you losers beyond repair, you'll never get the opportunity to fuck up the country like you did again.


So you and Posobiec are nobodys? Now your rant makes a bit more sense.

What is is about the MAGA that makes them think a Trump EO supersedes the Constitution? While the IRS has revoked the tax exempt status of churches in the past for telling people how to vote. Preaching a benign message from the bible has never been grounds to revoking this status.


So you took time out of your "busy" schedule of consuming CSA material to reply to me again?


I'm retired, not busy at all.




Not American but here's my take: She only asked him to show mercy. She is a Bishop after all. It was a church and a sermon. Mercy is a Christian value. It's not like she was criticising him for something unrelated to religion like him withdrawing from the Paris accords.

Don't know why Donald spent the rest of the mass looking like he shit his pants. If anything it's his reaction that gave the Bishop's sermon more coverage.

What a fucking dummy the Donald is.


She blamed him during his first term for antifa rioting, she's a far left shill and can safely be ignored like the rest of the far left dingbats.


Another picture to explain.


I'm sure you need lots of pictures to explain things to you, preferably ones that pop up in a little book I bet.


The pictures are for the MAGA so they can understand the issue better.


I know you are but what am I?
