MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > He wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico...

He wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico... the Gulf of America and annex or grab by force Greenland and coerce Canada to become part of the U.S.A. Same old bombastic Trump. What a maroon.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, he wants to take back the Panama Canal by force. A double maroon for him.


Take the Panama Canal “by force”? We built it, we paid for it and Jimmy Carter gave it away.




As well Carter should have. After all those years, we had no business being in another sovereign country.



Gee, how does it feel to be so “smart” and enraged at the same time?😂

Whose pops and gramps are you referring to? MY gramps was already deceased when Carter betrayed us and gave away our canal.

MY pop was as apolitical as you can get. He always said “You can either vote for Frick or vote for Frack”.

He was a lot wiser than I realized. You’re just cranky.



Just the reply I would expect from someone with a paucity of brain cells. 😁



Wow, wow, wow! Did it take you a long time to look up so many big words? Do you really know what any of them mean? I doubt it. Did you borrow your mommy’s dictionary?

The only thing I am poignant about is the stupidity of my fellow citizens who are allowed to vote, despite their ignorance.



Congratulations, now you have proven that you are not only incoherent in English but Latin as well!

But yes, you have proved you know nothing.🙄


The entire world, even China, would be better off if the U.S. controlled the Panama Canal again. Carter was an incompetent fool, the worst president before Obama, who was the worst president until Biden. If Trump gets any cooperation from Congress, he can do a lot to correct many of the Democrat mistakes of the past half century, like giving away the Panama Canal.


DJT would block china from using it and start ww3


should be easy since Mexico doesn't have a Navy. lol


Cry harder. You have a New Daddy in 11 Days, so go pout elsewhere


So you agree with what Trump is doing then? Why?


There's a new xerif in town, that is the message


So proof that right-wingers will blindly worship anything Trump says?


Nah, we're just enjoying your tears


Who said I'm crying? I am made of hummus.


Meanwhile your senile president is forgiving death row criminals and awarding George soros with the medals. Come on, it's not hard to see who's on the wrong side of history


their TDS prevents them from seeing anything else.


Gulf of Trump would be better.


According to federal officials, over the last six centuries, the gulf has also been known as the Golfo de Nueva España (The Gulf of New Spain) and Mar Di Florida (the Florida Sea), among others, reflecting its long-contested history between France, Spain and other European countries as they colonized the New World.

If it was once The Florida Sea, why not the Gulf of America?

The winners get to write the history.


what happens when Trump realizes America includes Canada and those dirty mexicans?
He changes it to "USA" ? and everyone in the world has to update their maps a second time for no other reason that trumps egotistical mental problems ?


The typical 4th grader learns that America includes North America, (including Canada), Central America, and South America.

Maps change all around the world with great frequency. Now, with most intel being digital, such changes require little effort.

Edit: Shame on you for your racist remark about Mexicans.


I was putting myself in the so-called-mind of the great orange moron .
He probably doesent know about the continent thing, and we know he thinks mexicans are "murderers and rapists " -his words
