The perception control of taking ‘sides’ is on public display after the Trump shooting. Those on the Trump-supporting right ask no questions when they would normally do so – and rightly – after a school shooting etc., except for those that confirm their belief system.
Meanwhile, the Trump-hating left claim that the shooting was staged. The Trump-supporting right condemn such claims when had it been Biden they would have been asking the same questions and making the same points.
Deciding a situation by reflex action based on your ‘side’ is no way to establish the truth about anything.
Proper researchers don’t take sides which can skew their perceptions and ask all the necessary questions before reaching their conclusions. Dispassionate forensic calm is how you reach the truth in any situation, not emotional reaction based on pre-conceived political or religious belief.
I am not saying that the shooting was not genuine, in whatever sense that turns out to be, nor that the protection squad do not have many questions to answer. I am saying that we cannot pick and choose what we question and what we don’t if we have any interest in establishing the truth in any situation.
If the questions are not valid then they will be shown to be so and we get closer to the truth that way. Not asking them and seeing if the answers stand up to scrutiny is the way we have been scammed over and over generation after generation.
Asking questions should never be condemned no matter if you agree with them or not. We've been down that road and it doesn't work.