After Biden"s debate performance made his mental decline clear, and the current unlikelihood that he's going to be replaced, the Dems will see putting Trump in prison as their best, last-ditch effort to defeat him in the election.
I think yatzo is being disingenuous. He knows it was a rigged process and he would be complaining non stop about weaponization of the justice system had this been Brandon instead of Trump.
It's like when the video showed Trump clearly stating that nazis were not fine people and the lefties all watched it, and insisted that he said the opposite.
And literally all they have to run on is “Trump is worse”. Make no mistake this campaign is going to get nasty and the left is going to outdo themselves in how low they are willing to stoop.
They have been lying so much about Biden being ok, and now those lies have been exposed.
What else can they do but double down and just try to lie harder?
They CAN'T just take the L. THey've convinced themselves that Trump is hte next Hitler, or at least they have established that as such a... dogma, that they have to pretend they believe it, so...they have to try to fight though this to a win.
I agree, the Democrats are like a cult now, a very evil and eve try radical cult. They will never go against their cult no matter what the facts are. It’s really scary.
I can't wait till we get the new polls, and the pressure on the dems to deal with this issue, really starts to increase.
There is no clear way forward. Healthy people would think, come up with an possible solution and then try to make a case to their group about why it is the better answer.
They have not been doing that, for years, decades maybe. They have no ability to think or address problems, seriously or honestly.
Every single day politicians lie to us (the sheeple). They especially enjoy lying to their supporters, even your convicted orange overlord felon lies every single day to his ignorant followers/mind slaves. By lying to us (the sheeple) every single day, the politicians are able to gain and/or remain in power.
There was a rally in charlottesville, organized by a group of white supremacists and neo-nazis. Their advertising was misleading and appealed to mainstream Americans who support the historical statues mostly commemorating Confederate veterans remaining up instead of being taken down.
There were a large number of COUNTER PROTESTORS, who were expected to be violent and the local dems ordered the cops to stand down to allow the outnumbered original protestors to be attacked violently.
The w.s. were ready and fought back, the violence escalated to the point of a woman being killed/dying.
In the after math the initial consensus was to dogpile the supporters of the statues as w.s and violent thugs and blame them and continue the push for take down all the historical statues and to maintain the narrative of America as a racist, indeed, White Supremacist society.
TRUMP did not follow that script. He correctly pointed out that the Counter protestors were the ones to initiate violence and that both sides were fighting.
He condemend BOTH the violent w.s. and the violent lefties that attacked them.
He called for all Americans to unite in condeming racial violence and racism as having no place in our society.
That was the TRUTH of the matter.
yatzo, we are seven years late, but better late than never.
At this point in time, since the left has FINALLY admitted the truth about what he said,
will you personally join in with me and Trump in denoucing racism and racial violence from both sides, ie the fringe neo-nazis, and the far left radicals?
There was a riot. A woman died. Trump's response was to denouce racist violence from nazis and marxist fringe both.
Do you agree with Trump and me that the racist violent nazis and marxist do not have a place in mainstream American society, and republicans and dems are or should be united against them both?
Question: What do you think would have happened, if the media had presented his words, correctly and we as a nation had that conversation seven years ago?
I dont think anything would be much different
Reps & dems do agree on that , they havent really "had that conversation" but even if they had these groups would still exist.
The groups would still exist, sure. But they would not be part of the mainstream and everyone would know it.
Doesn't that sound like a big step forward in American race issues?
After all, what really happened was that the nation was told that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES was a guy that thought that some nazis were "very fine people".
How do you think that made black people feel? Or jewish people?
Yatzo, serious question. Will you join me and Trump is rejecting racial violence and racism from both sides and unite our society against the right and left fringe?
Because I don't think it's genuine. If it was genuine you would have called out racism against the op I talked about. You did not do it even once I proved it. So forgive me for being suspicious of you.
Not talking about Trump. Why did you refuse to call the op out on his racism once I proved it?
Yeah I would like to see Americans unite. I don't believe you are for that though. You don't even call out blatant racists on here. Well unless it's against whites.
Because the issue that hte man was trying to get to, was a valid issue.
Regardless of whether or not he is racist.
You and others like you seem to think that caling someone racist means that any issues or complaints become invalid.
That is simply not true.
Now, violence leading to deaths, that is a bit more... impactful.
IMO, such violence, the groups that were responsible for it in charlottesville, ie the nazis and the radical lefties,
do need denouced. It is worth doing so, that we as a society can marginalize those that would use violence as a response to political speech they do not like.
But... His reasons were not genuine like you claimed. You claimed he was debating in good faith. I proved that to be false by his responses.
I didn't just call him a racist I proved he was. His points were invalid. He thinks whites shouldn't feel guilt because they are the superior race. Is that a valid point?
Radical right wing need to be dealt with also. Everyone includes them as well you partisan hack.
This thread is about one of, imo, Trump's best moments as President when he responded to a national tradgedy with a call for national unity against racist violence from both nazis and the far left.
My posting of this and repeating his call for unity against racist violence from nazis and the far left,
has led you to attack me.
The obvious conclusion to draw is that you support racist violence from one or both of the parties mentioned, and you do support one or both of them being part of the political mainstream.
The vast majority of racism and violence in society today is from the left.
In this case, there was voilence from the right, from the nazis, and Trump called them out, denounced them repeatedly and called for America to unite against them.
And I supported him at the time, despite peoople like you fighting him on that.
Indeed, i have a thread running now where I am pushing that same anti-nazi, anti-racist message.
I also don't believe you called out the right for that at the time it was happening. You are simply now attempting to paint Trump as a good person.
I call out racism no matter where it's from. You let the right slide on anything. You have shown that by willing to let a racist race bait and be an apologist for him. So no you are wrong and deep down you know it.
I didn't attack Trump I attacked you and said I don't believe you call out racism on your end. You are gaslighting in an attempt to make it look like you call out violence on your end now. I bet my entire bank account you didn't call this out when it happened.
I don't actually. I would like to, but I don't have faith in partisan folks like yourself. This goes for partisan liberals also. You guys aren't worth trusting.
Yeah by a court full of Trump haters, sure sounds like a fair process. Would you have been fine with Hunter being tried in a district in Alabama where Trump won 99.7% of the vote?
Yes, it's sad, but ALL of this is manufactured. If they want to reinstate Trump they will. It was glaringly obvious that Biden was thrown purposely under the bus at the debates the other night. I'm not sure what "they" will gain by putting Trump back in office, but it seems like they are going to do just that. Unless, they have someone else they want to install waiting in the wings, and THAT would cause a lot of chaos.
Who should be credited here with the quoted words btw? Isn't the Luciferian Doctrine consistent with what is said in the bible as well though? It appears to be the deal that God gave man after the consumption of the Fruit Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil. Is your claim that the Bible such as it is is not a divinely inspired document but something far more evil? Just questions here- I have no skin in the theological game.
If they so much as attempt to put this man in prison for 1 hour, then he wins in a landslide in November and it's enough he's going to win anyway barring any shenanigans like in 2020, but this really would cement this
Trump is certainly no stranger to belittling attacks. But it seems like the Dems are preaching off his methods. They are giving him a taste of his own medicine and trying to disguise as him being a pure evil monster. At best, he's really just a bumbling fool who is a bit too self-opinionated. They are demonizing his flaws
If they so much as put this man in prison for even 1 Hour, he not only wins in a super landslide, but they risk starting civil unrest over it and all because they got their feelings hurt with their guy performing abysmally at the debate and took a Mike Tyson 90 second knockout beating from Trump who simply came across stronger & more presidential and sorry it hurts feelings around here, but tough shit