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Grifterhunter (1407)


Can we all agree the education system in America could be better? Is his grift really that profitable? View all posts >


What's sad is they will overlook anything from their team. No matter how bad it is. Both parties do this and I wish it would stop. Right wingers have plenty of ideologies and policies which actively harm society that they will deny. It's frustrating. So then why did you think this one would change course when the other two were hits? It's like going to a sushi restaurant but you hate and have an allergic reaction to seafood. Then proceed to complain about it. You are better off going to a restaurant which suits your tastes. It's clear the Deadpool world isn't for you, so don't watch it. Interesting if I had to pick I think violence is more offensive. I hear people curse each other out all the time. Who is harmed by that? I am an adult I can move on with my life because that's the world. I got over being offended by cussing in middle school. Violence though? A fight breaks out and bad things can occur. Loss of life, life altering injuries etc. I'm amazed profanity offends you worse but to each his own. Ok cool. Enjoy your life. I don't see things that way. No I am not. Thing is though you need to look at the property that is being adapted. It's a Deadpool movie. The previous two had cursing, gore, blood and violence. If you suddenly abandon ship and make this one watered down that's going to cut into your profit and isolate your audience. That's the appeal of Deadpool. Hard to argue with the numbers it's producing. I think a lack of stable home environment is what is to blame for these shootings. I watched violent movies at a young age and played violent games. Thing is I had a stable home life and a mom and dad who taught me right from wrong. I have no legal record. So then since you brought up shootings what is your solution to fix it? Tell me what your method would be? Again no. There are many types of r rated films. Ones like Schindler's list is historical and artistic and a means to show the horrors of genocide and oppression. Godfather didn't have as much profanity but it had tons of violence. So this leads to a question for you. What's more offensive profanity or violence? If you are watching a movie about the mob ie godfather, Goodfellas or the sopranos there is going to be profanity. The simple solution is don't watch that type of stuff if it offends you. Also saying profanity in another language is no different it's still profanity. Also stating how many movies get a 9.2 rating nowadays is a silly point. Internet ratings didn't exist back when godfather was made. It's been hammered into culture as a classic because of its cultural impact. Movies today get rated right away. Sometimes time needs to pass to see where it sits. Never once to a smart person did they think the jab would protect them from getting covid. Tell me any vaccine that was 100% effective against a virus? Better yet tell me one that guarantees you won't get the virus you are getting vaccinated for? It is meant to offer protection not to guarantee that you will not get the virus. Which by the way Trump advocates for the vaccine so he deserves flak if you are anti-vaccine. I can start a list of lies the right has done. Michelle Obama is a man, the Sandy Hook shooting was fake, Obama's birth certificate was fake, litter boxes in classrooms. Anything to say about any of those? Nope I am calling you out for being an asshole. If you accepted the correction then admit you were wrong. Your scenario was dumb and debunked easily. I directly addressed it. Either offer or a retort or concede. Logan starred Wolverine and was an R rated film. It was the second highest grossing X-men movie only behind X-men Days Of Future past. People for years were wanting a more intense Wolverine and we got that with Logan. The violence did not need to be toned down or downplayed. Wolverine is not only for kids there is a mature dark aspect you can take that character as well. Deadpool and Wolverine is an installment in the Deadpool franchise obviously. The previous two were R rated making this one pg-13 limits it and it kneecaps Deadpool. That would be a lame studio note like when they made the Alien series pg-13 with those dreadful Alien vs predator movies. Now with that said was I the biggest fan of this movie? Meh it is disposable fun not be taken seriously. It was what I expected it to be. It is not high art by any means but that is all it needed to be. What I like is we will see the return of studios actually taking chances with making big budget R rated blockbusters again. Terminator 2, Aliens, Blade etc. If you made this pg-13 it kind of eliminates the point of having Deadpool in it. If you are going to make it pg-13 then do not bother having Deadpool in it. You assumed even when I provided data. You didn't adjust you kept on with your assumption. Yep so back to my original point. You don't put words in my mouth by answering for me and I won't do it to you. Um... If someone gets arrested for drug use or possession they go to jail. No doctor has the authority to overrule those legal charges or fees. Are you honestly this dumb? Or you just playing dumb? You are the one who assumes. That is your gig not mine. Nope you assumed my position. When you asked me and I said what makes you think I oppose that you inserted your own answer. You did that. Go fuck yourself. Um a law can't be overruled easily now can it? I wish it could be done over night but as you know it can't. How long did it take to get weed legal in certain states? If it were that easy it would have been done already. Fuck yourself. Had I done that to you, you would drone on for days about it. So cut the bullshit and spare me your garbage. All I hear from you is wah the left did this to me wah! You are debating me I don't give a shit about your past experiences with other people. You do that to derail. You do it because it gives you in your mind justification to be an asshole. I have had bad experiences with conservatives but I don't put words in your mouth or hold you to stuff you never said. Your brain can't work without generalizing. I know for idiots it's easier to do that rather than analyze what's being said or judge things individually. You tell me to stop assuming but are free to do it yourself? No not how it works. So how about we both don't assume? Sound good? Not what we were discussing. If the drug war ended tomorrow it could lead into my cause. Oh and the law is the holdup bud. Drug abusers being locked up isn't due to doctors, it's due to them being busted by police and then incarcerated. Correct but you assumed I didn't want people be sent to an institution. That was an assumption and you were wrong. Oh kind of like you did? If you can assume then I can do it as well. Annoying isn't it? And our leaders could end the drug war tomorrow. You don't support that though. You want the law involved and to lock them in prison. Why is drug abuse treated different than being an alcoholic? View all replies >