MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Shocking : Donald Trump Followers Target...

Shocking : Donald Trump Followers Targeted by FBI as 2024 Election

The challenge for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the primary federal agency charged with law enforcement, is to pursue and prevent what it calls domestic terrorism without direct reference to political parties or affiliations—even though the vast majority of its current "anti-government" investigations are of Trump supporters, according to classified data obtained by Newsweek.

Arrests imminent if you follow President Trump


I follow him and all I can say is GOOD LUCK!!! You can't arrest someone because they support someone you don't, so stick this law up their ass


Nope, you can't arrest people for being republican . . . you CAN arrest them for being lunatics who want to burn down democracy.


When an election is clearly stolen and all evidence of this is covered up nice & neat, one has no other alternative but to put Democracy in it's place because if this is going to continue?? Then people will simply stop turning out for elections if they're as rigged as the Democrats have it going forward including trying their hand again at Covid 2.0 just in time for the 2024 Election so we can rinse & repeat and what worked for them before, will backfire this time because the American people aren't going to be duped anymore.. Sorry, but Biden and his inept corrupt Administration are done.. Put a fork in this bitch!!


But it wasn't stolen, even everyone of the groups hired by pro-Trump teams concluded that.


Well, they had no other choice but to say this, otherwise, you're a threat to Democracy like the Libs & Dems will have you believe?? If you question anything, ANYTHING this Administration fucks up and all of a sudden, you're a threat to Democracy and I'm sorry, but that's bogus.. Good luck on that


They had no choice? As in they were threatened or they had no backbone at all?

Why is that you and others like you are allowed to keep on posting? Why have you not been silenced?

Instead of being sorry, you could come up with actual evidence to support your claims?


Because you want us silenced when it doesn't fit your Narrative or agenda, so stick that idea in your ass.. Freedom of Speech.. Remember that??


Ssshhhh....they can hear you.


I'm telling ya.. Isn't that something?? Jesus




How am I supposed to be able to silence you? I'm not a forum administrator here.

Why are you imagining that anyone, at all, wants to silence you? What have you ever said on this forum that matters, at all, to anyone.

You are having delusions of grandeur.

delusion of grandeur
The false belief that one is important or powerful.


Man you guys should listen to our own pathetic fucking whining. Do you have any dignity or self respect at all?

Since when was people rioting inside the Capitol not a threat to democracy. If you had "threat to democracy" in Pictionary you would draw a bunch of assholes storming into the Capitol and trying to get a lawful election process stopped.

The only people who believe in a stolen election are the bootlicks who listen to Trump. Even Trump doesn't believe it. Your response to being told that everyone who matters agrees that it wasn't a stolen election "They have no choice to say that" What a fucking embarrassment. Elementary school kids have more guile and shame.


Go pound sand Lib


Aw... Did you get your feelings hurt again?


Another useful idiot with his mouth stuck to the Democratic rectum.

You are a clueless idiot that doesn't know what a riot is.

A Fedsurrection vs 275+ BLM/Antifa riots full of your pedo buddies.

We live in a Constitutional Republic, not a totalitarian fake Democracy, you imbecile.


Despite the MSM lies that 60+ election challenges found no evidence of wrongdoing, there were actually 92 cases, with only 30 decided on the merits, and of those 30, Trump and/or the GOP plaintiff prevailed in 22 of them.


what happened to the chicanery?


According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid.

Show your proof that the 2020 election was stolen because no one else has.


When an election is clearly stolen and all evidence of this is covered up nice & neat,

^ right there , thats the crazy in a nutshell

Zero evidence despite millions of magas looking for it , countless court cases dismissed as laughable , yet still the belief it was "clearly stolen" based purely on pathological liar DT saying so.


Did you forget to post the proof you have that the 2020 election was stolen by the Democrats? You repeatedly claim that the 2020 election was rigged so show everyone your proof. Quit being such a pussy!


Did you forget to take your meds pussyboy?


So you admit you have no proof that the 2020 election was stolen. Got it. Anyway, I take my meds everyday. Why would I forget them?


still waiting for proof the 2016 election was hijacked...


BKB........"Covid 2.0 won't really be a valid excuse for rigging an election. Covid is much more easily transmissible now but not nearly as virulent as it was pre-vaccines. The Covid virus is a kitten now.


Even Trump's fake electors claim the election was not stolen. Time to stop beating that dead horse.


BKB, you'd better lay low for awhile. There are probably tons of FBI agents on this very message board!!


Good.. I hope they are on this board because they're not going to get a great deal out of me, especially after I've done nothing other than voicing my opinion, you know?? My 1st Amendment Rights??


If you think the First Amendment has anything to do with MovieChat posts then you are more stupider than I thought. You really are a dumbass.


I will report your posts to Homeland security when Trump is President.


Personally I follow Trump relentlessly!
However many may fear the long prison sentence for people who follow in on Twitter or support him officially.
If you support Trump the FBI will get you. America is the only free country on the planet.


Don’t listen to him, they only want the criminal not the knucklehead fanboys


Considering a year of violence by BLM & Antifa (both left-wing groups), billions in damages, numerous dead or injured, how in hell can the myth of White Supremacists/MAGA Republicans being the greatest threat to National Security still exist?

let's not forget Jan6, where Capitol Hill Police, FBI/DOJ plants, and DNC supporters, all colluded to create an atmosphere of chaos, in a major false flag event.

The FBI must be dissolved.


That violence happened while Trump was president and he did nothing to try and stop those riots. The fact that you think that the Jan. 6 was some big conspiracy to make Trump look bad proves how stupid and gullible you are. I bet you think Trump is completely innocent of the 91 felony charges he's facing mostly for being a traitor too.


The thing is he made the national guard available where rioting was happening(blue cities). Those leaders refused his help and let their cities burn so they could pin the blame on him.


Yeah except repeatedly saying "peacefully protest."

Democrats called for literal violence against Trump supporters, more rioting, more burning, more looting, more murder, and nothing happened to them.


"FBI/DOJ plants, and DNC supporters, all colluded"

I'm lost for words to express how fucking retarded this mentality is ,
Yet its shared by millions of Trumpites
Its quite a phenomenon
A cult of stupid on a massive scale
America you should be embarrassed by this
I guess the proliferation of social media is why this scale is now possible.


In Order to defeat the Deep State I think Trump wants to downsize the federal government which would be the right move.


Is it really a myth when they appear on video rioting at the Capitol? Are you claiming that Ashli Babbett faked her own death?


bring it on m-fers


I’m scared. Voted for Trump and I wanted vote for him again. I have been vocal about my support for him. I have lost friends and work for granting him my support. If I’m sentenced to prison as a domestic terrorist, my support stops now.
From today, due to the FBI, I will proclaim my hatred for Trump and utter my divine, everlasting, love for Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. With every fiber in my being, I will support the Democratic Party.

If I go to prison my life is over.


is is what they're hoping for- for the individual to put him/herself above the good of the country and posterity. Selfishness is what they're counting n, and who knows it might work.


Don't be a chickensh*t. It is not illegal to support Trump. Just avoid planning any riots or attempts to overturn an election with him or his henchmen. You're be fine if you just not break any laws.


I think maybe you should all just try to keep your support for tRump on the down low. Maybe fewer hats, flags and t-shirts. Wear an N95 mask if you dare attend a rally.


But the absolute worst thing you can do is to post Pro-tRump stuff online. That makes it easiest for them to find you. However, you may be able to fool them into thinking you now support RFK Jr, and then they'll leave you alone.


It's stories like that make me think there could be government plants here following our every move.


The FBI is everywhere on the internet. And they are following your every move.


I think we are at a crossroad and I’m willing to face the consequences for my beliefs. I support Trump and fuck the FBI!


I think both Hillary Clinton and yes, even fat fonzie will agree...



That's what the Proud Boys said.


[–] Porsche911 (1736) 33 minutes ago
I think we are at a crossroad and I’m willing to face the consequences for my beliefs. I support Trump and fuck the FBI!
The cautionary phrase for you would be..

F**K around and Find out!!

Forwarned is Forearmed.👍


BOO!!! 🤣


Will following Trump yield months or years behind bars ? Hopefully people will think long and hard if they want to be in his corner. Federal Prison is no joke.


Not according to MAGAists. All prisons are hotels where the prisoners live in luxury.
