MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Shocking : Donald Trump Followers Target...

Shocking : Donald Trump Followers Targeted by FBI as 2024 Election

The challenge for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the primary federal agency charged with law enforcement, is to pursue and prevent what it calls domestic terrorism without direct reference to political parties or affiliations—even though the vast majority of its current "anti-government" investigations are of Trump supporters, according to classified data obtained by Newsweek.

Arrests imminent if you follow President Trump


If you vote for Trump this is what the FBI will go after you with :


It is an established police state by the FBI to target Trump-MAGA supporters.

MAGA = 1 Protest

BLM/Antifa = 275+ Riots


Obvious fake news.

There clearly isn’t anything “shocking” or surprising about this story.

The FBI has been corrupt since the Clinton administration. Just see FBI file gate.


I now have a piece of duct tape over my Mac camera to prevent the FBI watching me!


The gold diggers at the top of the 'FIB' food chain are only trying to justify their existence to their global masters.

They know, we know they are part of the problem.


Considering it was Trump's supporters who staged an attempted insurrection in 2021, you would expect further reported incidence of domestic terrorism to be traced back to Trump supporters. That's just logic.


So logic is that Trump Supports from Carson City or Des Moines who never sat foot in the Swamp can be jailed as domestic terrorist?

If so, the conviction rates here in the US will be sky high and the FBI, due to this, will be deemed the most affective law enforcement entity on the planet!

Not one Trump Supporter will breathe free air, families behind bars where they belong.


Have the FBI started arresting people ? Under the terrorist act, if you follow Trump on X, they can charge you.


"Drilling further into the individual cases behind the numbers, nearly two-thirds of the FBI's current investigations are focused on Trump supporters and others suspected of violating what the FBI calls "anti-riot" laws."

This despite teh fact that MAGA had ONE riot, and antifa and blm had over 400.

The FBI needs to be eliminated. Everyone in it, needs to be banned from any position of authority for the rest of their lives.
