When today's kids are grandparents.
They will have to explain to their grandkids, why people elected this fool!
shareThey will have to explain to their grandkids, why people elected this fool!
shareIf you don't understand by now why he was elected then you never will, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't have happened. Maybe explain to your grandkids what democracy means instead.
shareYeah, explain to them how it is that an 80 year old man sat in his home for 9 months without campaigning once ended up supposedly getting 81 Million votes, more than Barack Obama received, who was vastly more popular at the time than Biden ever dreamed of and also used Covid along with fraudulent mail in ballot voting and will most likely repeat this in time for the 2024 Election, which is already on schedule as predicted..
And for the record, this is all pure Grade A Liberal Bullshit and once again, I'm not vaccinated, workout daily and feel great.. I eat right, drink plenty of Vitamin C & D and feel Fantastic.. How is this possible for someone like me who's not vaccinated, didn't wear the mask and feels this good?? How so?? Explain how it is I'm not on a ventilator or dead??
"explain to them how ..."
I can explain that: Fear of the giant orange moronic ball of arrogance and ego getting in again motivated more people to vote .
... which is a lot more likely than bullshit midnight ballot stuffing pillow ninjas
Blueanon gaslighter has joined the chat.
Not even you believe the lies you spew.
I totally believe that.
If , as BKB says, there was an above average turn out , then my explanation seems a million times more likely than
"untraceable Chinese hackers dunnit"
If your postition is now that it's impossible after 4 years of crying that it is very possible then I won't believe another word you say about anything.
now that it's impossible after 4 years of crying that it is very possible
sorry I've lost track . which election and person are we talking about?
people saying shit like
" 80 year old man sat in his home for 9 months without campaigning" just leaves me guessing .
is that trump?
He did NO campaigining ???
I'm talking about prominent Democrats, computer scientists, and election security experts warning that America's election system is online, easily hackable, and often running on Windows 7 or older operating systems.
For 4 years we heard how Russia hacked the 2016 election now you are saying it's not possible in 2020 for the election to be hacked? What changed?
No , for a short period after the 2016 election we heard that Russia tried to influence it with an online bot campaign .
conclusion was they tried (for trump), but did not change the result (he won regardless)
There was no hysterical screaming , for years , that the actual counts had been altered.
Yawn, bye
shareRussian hackers are superior 😂🤣
share2000 Mules says otherwise, but as always, liberals will scoff at just about any evidence put in front of them and this is just another example..
As well as pretend like they didn't spend 4 years trying to convince people that the elections were not secure and could be tampered with. Here's prominent Democrats, computer scientists, and election security experts warning that America's election system is online, easily hackable, and often running on Windows 7 or older operating systems.
"China HACKED, Wiped Out Evidence "
riiiight .
Damn they're good!
covered all their footsteps so completley eh ?
hats off to them!
Any country that can do that and not leave a single trace , we may as well just surrender to now.
See above, shill.
shareStupid argument.
Just because of the persistence of 2 Washington Post guys you know about Watergate. Not hard to cover up something when only fools like you are watching.
Biden did campaign, and not from his basement.
Surely you understand that the USA had a population of 331 million in 2020? Of those, 168 million were registered voters. Biden got 81 million of those votes.
Is it so hard to believe that Trump turned people off with his rapey ways and anti-gun agenda? Who were disenchanted Trump supporters going to turn to? I did not vote for Trump or Biden. But lots of other people felt differently.
There was voter fraud, most of it by Republicans and none of it was enough to make a difference.
Trump would be very disappointed to learn how you are not supporting "his" vaccine.
It would probably go much easier on them when the time comes to actually have a History 101 book explaining how under Trump, we were oil independent, we had gas prices on an average at $2.39 a gallon and as low as $1.75, VS Under Joe Biden, gas prices were $5.00 a gallon, oil was sky high per barrel and there was a shortage of food and baby formula on the shelves, something that never happened under Trump's watch and the icing on the cake, is when Gen Z tells their Grandkids(Provided they leave there parent's home to even care to have kids) is how Joe Biden in 1993, which will seem like Prehistoric times when Gen Z has Grandkids, Biden referred to the African American Community as "Super Predators & Predators, along with a very young Hillary Clinton..
TRUMP 2024
There is nothing wrong with living with your parents considering the rent of even garage, attic, and basement apartments now. But then agaun, some young people are lazy slackers. But a roof is better than no roof. I don't recall either Hilary or Joe saying that.
shareI don't recall either Hilary or Joe saying that.
People who work for a living and like having property will remember why..
shareLet's all think that the Latino's will have a US that people will bring up this. I think most then will be trying to keep from getting to be hanging from a bridge.
shareWhew another hard hitting fact filled Democrat lemming post.
This is sure to keep pro Trumpers busy for days as they search for ways to craft a rebuttal.