MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > How exactly can a jury rule on a decades...

How exactly can a jury rule on a decades-old sexual misconduct claim with zero evidence?

The same type of accusations put Rolf Harris in jail. These alleged incidents were decades ago and there's zero proof of anything beyond people saying something happened. No audio, no video, no forensics... nothing. How do these kinds of incredibly weak claims even make court, let alone yield a jury ruling?


sexual misconduct. its absolutely insane that someone could be found liable for this with no evidence whatsoever. this was a jury decision, and it will be overturned. it should not have reached this point.

fucking NY jury bitches.

the other thing is, and ive never heard of this before this case, all they have to do is decide that there is over a 50% chance. what kind of bullshit is that?


In the UK it's the differing burden of proof between criminal cases and civil cases. Criminal cases have to be beyond all reasonable doubt, civil cases have to be on a balance of probability. I'm guessing it's the same for the US?




its all made up anyways...


Even better, it was decades beyond the statute of limitations. Until the Democrat party changed the law specifically to get Trump.

Their corruption has no bounds.


Even the commie cheerleaders and their useful idiots know it's a complete farce, just another attempt to make Trump unelectable because they're shitting themselves he will win. E Jean Carroll is a fruitloop and her Twitter account exposes it.

I'm still wondering why someone would declare themselves a MASSIVE fan of the tv show made by their supposed abuser.

She has some very questionable Twitter posts.

Just a nutjob who leaped upon the MeToo bandwagon accusing Moonves and Trump. You need your head checked if you believe this hag.


Trump was elected by people who know that he enjoys sexually assaulting women as a perk of wealth. What makes you think this trial will change anything?


Biden has sexually assaulted and raped many women since 1973. Tara Reade was the only one with the courage to speak out.


Why do you suppose Biden has not been put on trial then? This has been known for a while. Trump bragged he could do anything as president, so it stands to reason (so Trump says) that he could have had Biden investigated and put on trial.

I guess Trump preferred to let a fellow rapist slide. I mean those perverts like to stick together, don't they?

There is another difference between them though. Biden denies raping women. Trump brags about how sexual assault is one of the perks of wealth he enjoys.


That's true , it's the rapist brotherhood of USA Presidents!


biden is a high ranking democrat and comes from a wealthy connected family. Clinton banged a 19 yr old intern in the Oral Office and no one cared, not even his wife. 99.9% of democrats are untouchable...


So Trump lied when he said he could do anything as president, including bringing Biden to justice?


no one can bring Cult 46 to justice.


So it is okay that Trump said he could?


he could try, but Cult 46 is untouchable.


You're being evasive. Was it acceptable to you that Trump lied about what he was willing and/or able to do in regards to Biden and Clinton?


he didnt lie. he tried to prosecute them but was probably threatened with death to him or his family so he had to back off. the Bidens and Clintons are untouchable.


Trump said he could, he didn't say he would try. It is a very bold and stupid claim to make that a person (even the president) can do anything they want per the Constitution.

It was obvious to the most casual observer that Trump was lying or had no clue about what he was talking about. But people like you swallowed his crap hook, line and sinker.

Why is it now that Trump is showing extreme weakness, that some of this supporters are claiming that Trump is so weak he has to back down from his promises?


he tried but failed. what would you do if your family was threatened?


I don't think Trump even tried. He made a promise to dupe his supporters; I doubt that he ever intended to keep most of his promises. Why should he after he duped enough voters to put him in office?

If Trump was threatened, he would have been crying like a baby, then the next minute talking about how he could defend them himself.

Where is your evidence that Trump was threatened?


at least he tried.


I have not found any evidence he tried to bring Biden or Clinton to justice, make Mexico pay for the wall and many other things he said he would actually do.


thats because you dont want to find out the truth...


Is there any evidence, at all, that Trump did anything to make Mexico pay for the wall or bring Biden or Clinton to justice? I have looked, and it is just not there.

Did you find out the truth? What did you find?


ever heard of the USMCA?


[–] JoWilli (11532) 6 minutes ago
ever heard of the USMCA?

Try again JoWilli!!
For their part, Mexican leaders have been adamant that Mexico will not pay for the wall.

The Trump campaign did issue a position paper outlining some of the ways Mexico might be made to pay for the wall, including increased fees on border-crossing cards, NAFTA worker visas and at ports of entry to the U.S.

Trump campaign position paper, 2015: Mexico must pay for the wall and, until they do, the United States will, among other things: impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards – of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options].

None of that came to pass, however. Instead, the president has asked Congress to fund a border wall, while promising that the U.S. will be “reimbursed at a later date from whatever transaction we make from Mexico.” Never happened.

Not One peso!


Yes. Explain how this paid for the wall?


its in the text

use google...


[–] JoWilli (11535) a few seconds ago
its in the text

use google...
I asked google, Siri, Cortana, Bixby, and Fox News.

They all said, "NOPE"!! Not one peso was paid by Mexico.

Try again!


You made the claim, you support it with evidence. Or I can just assume that you are lying, again.



Nice try, but it does not say anything about a wall or Mexico paying for it.


yeah it does, did you read the whole thing?


I don't believe you. Which link and can you quote the words that say so?



That document does not even contain the words, "wall", "immigration", "pay" etc.

Where does this link support your claim?


yeah it does, did you read the whole thing?


Wow. You just talk shit like no one's business. As I Trump supporter, with mostly trump supporter friends, I can assure you that none of us believe that shit.


Nobody cares what you and your trailer park buddies believe. Most Americans hate Trump, the MAGA party is about dead and the GOP wants nothing to do with him. Trump is through. Maybe you should support a different Republican candidate.


It is interesting that you don't care that the claim being made, a claim quite often made, is complete nonsense.

What does that say about your side, and your position, that you have to make up stupid shit to justify your position and your opposition to Trump and his supporters?

Why can't you be honest about what you oppose or hate?

What are you hiding?


Pay no attention to Corbell. He's one of those Trump ass kissers. I got your back buddy. Corbell is a trash human.


So? Millions of other people voted for Trump. I am also under no obligation to believe that you do not think like Trump.


So, you as a Trump HATER, are an AUTHORITY on what Trump SUPPORTERS, think, but I as an ACTUAL TRUMP supporter am NOT?

Wow. You know, I just realized, I have not met ONE trump hater able to talk sense about why they hate Trump and/or his supporters.... in years.

You are all so consumed by.... something, partisan rage? Ideological fevor? that you are utterly incapable of rational thought or coherent discussion.


You have now. I hate Trump in part for his anti-gun agenda and his constant lying.


So, instead you support the "pro-gun dems"?


What a load of SHIT!


I have supported some pro-gun democrats in the past. Who do you think got silencers legal to use in WA? How about SBR's in WA? Those were democrat prime sponsored bills.


Whoop Dee Freaking Do.

You seriously pretending that GUNS are the reasons you hate Trump?

Gaslighting bullshit.

And LYING? lol!!!


You should not be so fragile that a person telling you they don't like Trump's anti-gun agenda makes you believe that your perception of reality is undermined.

You can choose not to be gaslit; choose to not be the victim.


That's what I did. I dismissed and laughed at your claims.

Lefties hate Trump because not only was he willing to give a voice to those that they want to NOT have a voice, ie working class white males, but he was utterly unapologetic about it, and refused to be cowed by their cancel culture.

Pretending it is because of guns or LYING? lol. Bill Clinton lied his ass off, and you don't hate him with a fiery passion.


No. You're claiming to be gaslit.

I'm a working class white male. I have a voice. I don't need any politician "giving me a voice". That is what the sheep say. If you have no voice, then that is a personal problem.

When you start telling me how great Clinton was, then you will see me disagreeing with you. But Clinton does not have a cult like Trump where his supporters fly their freak flags everywhere.


It is not "sheep" to notice that my interests have not been represented in national policy for quite some time.

And it is wrong of you to claim it is.


You claimed that you need a politician to give you a voice. This makes you a sheep. Repeat after Trump, baaaaaaaaaaaa.


No. It doesn't. You are just saying stupid shit now.


I hate Trump for his utter lack of smarts and his constant lying.


Not only do you believe it, I think you and most people like you, wish you could be the kind of person who sexually assaults women as a perk of wealth. That is why your support for Trump is unconditional.


Nope. That is just you being too close minded to beleive that anyone can disagree with you, without being a bad person.

Standard willful blindness.

It makes you feel good about yourself, to play pretend that your enemies are TERRIBLE people.

After all, the worse teh people you fight against are, the better a person you must be, right?



I measure myself along side those who are not criminally awful. I measure myself along side my peers.


Trump clearly stated that women treat rich and famous men differently, ie "let you do anything".

In the old world, when America was a serious country, that would have been a yawn fest if it was reported at all.

In CLOWN WORLD, you guys pretended he admitted to "sexual assault".

Trump supporters didn't buy the line of shit you people tried to sell us.


Your position attacking us, claiming that we want to do the same as him, is based on your belief that we AGREE with you on what he said.



Many rapists claim that their victims "wanted it". Trump behaves no differently.

So your saying that rape and reporting rape was a yawn fest? What is this old world you're talking about?

Trump did more than admit to sexual assault, he bragged about it.

Naw, you're proud of Trump the rapist, you want to be like him or else you would condemn him.


Again, your conclusion is based on your belief that I agree with you, despite me explicitly stating that I disagree with you.

That is YOU being.... bat shit crazy.

Which, as you are too irrational to understand that I disagree with you, completely calls into questions your ability to judge more nuanced things, like, what did Trump mean, when he said, "they let you".

YOu have all the perceptiveness of a potted plant.

If that potted plant is dead.

Let me try again.

I DISAGREE WITH YOU ON WHAT HE MEANT. I took him to mean he was talking about how women treat rich and famous men, not speaking code for, sexual assault.

Thus, the bit where you somehow take my support of him as a sign of SUPPORT for sexual assault, makes no sense.

For you to make your point, you need to establish taht I am LYING ABOUT MY OWN THOUGHTS.

Good luck on that one. LOL.


unfuckingbelivable.......... fuck NY jury's and their DA


It really is such a joke what they're doing to him.


Makes you wonder why they’re so afraid of Trump. We know they think he’s a threat, but multiple fake impeachments with no evidence, rule changes to promote said impeachments, rule changes to rig elections, rule changes to the statute of limitations to get this clown show civil trial.

Who’s controlling these people that feel he is such a threat?

Why can’t these people control Trump?

Their actions to get Trump clearly display they are a much bigger threat to the American people than we can imagine.


Some of the evidence were Trump's statements in a deposition. So much for the claim of zero evidence.


Trump admitted to raping E. Jean Carroll? There was certainly no tangible evidence.


No, Trump did not claim rape. He has claimed sexual assault.


He mentioned that women are impressed by fame and fortune and thus will allow you to "do" stuff.

That the lefties pretended that this was him admitting sexual assault, is they being lying whores.


You just confirmed your own rapist mindset. Your days are over.


There is nothing "rapist" about talking about the way that women are impressed by fame and forture in a man.

That you pretend that there is, is you being a liar.

You are using the smear of "rapist" to destroy youre enemies, becuase you can't argue against them based on Truth.

Consider what that means. You know that to make the argument that those you hate are WORTHY of hatred, you have to LIE.

Why do you hate people that you know do not deserve it?

It's a long path, but at the end is the self realization that YOU ARE THE BAD GUY.


It’s easy when your entire thought process is emotion based.

Get a gran jury of 9 from Manhattan or DC where the public is 98% braindead Democrats and its mission accomplished.

Add to this a case whose statute of limitations expired decades ago and you have the trifecta.

It was also civil trial where all you need is reasonable possibility. A criminal court would have laughed at a prosecutor for even entertaining the obvious witch-hunt case.

The funny thing is you don’t need any trials to convince Democrat lemmings of something, just tell them to believe something and they will. They’re Democrat lemmings, Incapable of independent thought and logic.

Fun fact: she named her dog “vaginaaa” lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mental derangement confirmed.


Mostly agree - except it was her cat not dog, her cat is named Vagina T Fireball! She's a fruitloop!


I’ve heard both. Thank you for the clarification.


No worries, I'd heard both myself but then someone linked me her profile and there you go lol


You cant, but then again the jury was all democraps.


How do you know this? Any evidence at all? Of course not. You just think everyone else here is as foolish as you are.

New York City is about 56% democrat.


How many of the jurors were democrat?


I have no idea. How did you determine that they were all democrats? You didn't, it was just something stupid you made up.


If you dont know then you dont know. My job is history and facts.


Then you have neither of those. How did you come to the conclusion that all of the jurors were democrats?


The whole thing is completely bonkers and obviously made up to attack Trump. Anything who thinks this actually happened is a weapons grade retard.

I know people that have been raped. Do you know what they did, they went to the fucking police to report it and the rapist was dealt with. Well, "dealt with" to the limited extent of the shitty law. They didn't sit on it for 30 years and conveniently announce it...

No police report, no date. No ability for Trump to prove he's innocent by providing an alibi.

And now it's come out that the E Jean Carroll was a massive Apprentice fan. I'm pretty sure a rape victim wouldn't want to tune in each week and watch her rapist present a fucking TV show. So ridiculous.


Not only ridiculous but terrifying how our justice system can condone this and play along with what is so obviously a sick attack on Trump. I'm not necessarily a Trump fan, but I certainly don't like our justice system being used in such a perverse way!!


Absolutely. I wander onto Reddit every now again (I know, I know) and I stumbled upon a big thread about this and laid out why it was so terrifying and instantly got downvoted to hell. The people in support of this are so short sighted they can't comprehend the possible future ramifications. All they care about is orange man bad's political persecution.

The average person is no so unbelievably stupid, it's gone from amusing to terrifying. And people wonder how Hitler and his empire came to be.


I don't wonder at all. Trump and some of the GOP are trying to lead us in the same direction. Trump just sucks at it compared to Hitler.


The average person is no so unbelievably stupid, it's gone from amusing to terrifying.

There's also the issue of left-leaners (especially online) becoming addicted to the smell of their own farts, engaging in self-congratulatory worship of just about anything that falls out of a black, female, or trans person's mouth, regardless of how suspect it might be. "Look how empathetic/amazing I am."


she told her friends at the time it happened


Yup. The Trumpists conveniently forgot that.


Do we have emails from the time? Recorded phonecalls?

Perhaps something as definitive as Caroll's declaration of "MASSIVE" Apprentice fandom?


Oh I had a friend years ago that told us a couple of things. Really had us going! Turns out she was a liar.


Who did she tell? I assume they provided statements?


what would you do if 2 lovers from your past said that you raped them?


smack them upside the damn head


lol, good answer!
