Because when you have the "Oprah #MeToo Movement Justice System" at work, you don't need evidence and only hearsay and if it involves Trump, you can make up this biggest bullshit story in the world and the Jury dumb enough will believe it.. Case in point: EJ Carroll also sued Les Moonves of CBS for the very same thing she accused Trump of and she is noted for this and if that's not bad enough, it's EJ Carroll going on Rachel Madcow's show after she won the Verdict on Trump and bragged and laughed hysterically about the shopping spree she was going on and sorry, but that completely blew her cover and the world saw it and now, this bitch is gone and nowhere to be found and why?? Because America saw FRAUD in EJ Carroll when she did that and truth be told, no legitimate rape survivor is laughing hysterically like she did. They're meek and timid and would rather be left alone. I hope Trump didn't give her one fucking dime