MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > How exactly can a jury rule on a decades...

How exactly can a jury rule on a decades-old sexual misconduct claim with zero evidence?

The same type of accusations put Rolf Harris in jail. These alleged incidents were decades ago and there's zero proof of anything beyond people saying something happened. No audio, no video, no forensics... nothing. How do these kinds of incredibly weak claims even make court, let alone yield a jury ruling?


How exactly can a dumbass former POTUS continue to spew lies about a stolen election with zero evidence?


the same way dems can spew lies about Trump with zero evidence. although we found out later all their "evidence" was fake.

5 minutes of dems complaining about the 2016 election being stolen.



5 minutes of dems complaining about the 2016 election being stolen.



That's how we feel when you accuse Trump of bullshit and cry that he still gets support.


fake electors are fake?


fake yatzo is fake. have you filed a protest yet?


Are you a fake elector?


are you fake yatzo?


You didn't read about the case.

Why do you feel the need to defend one guy so much? Is your Messiah or something?


Why do you guys feel the need to persecute one guy so much? Did he steal your lunch money?


He tried to steal an election, he sexually assaulted someone and now he probably compromise our national security.

Now answer the question.


He tried to steal an election

No he didn't

he sexually assaulted someone

lol no he didn't

and now he probably compromise our national security.

No he probably didn't

Now answer the question.



Waiting for an answer.


That's nice.


Why do you have such a hard time answering a question? Is it a hard one?


Why do you have such a hard time not being a partisan knobjockey? Have you stopped beating your wife and wife's children yet?

If I respected you I might answer your question, but I don't respect you I think you're a faggot.


Good try, but I'm actually a centrist. The right is current just delusional and has become a cult desperate to destroy democracy. If Republicans had Nikki Haley, Mitt Rommney or someone similar as their front runner, I would seriously consider voting for them over Biden.


Good try, but I'm actually a centrist.

lol, 🤣
Claiming it means nothing without actions.

I have heard numerous claims from others that they are “centrist” or “independent”, yet, their comments and statements are 100% lefty.

I read two of your comments in this post where you are clearly and without a doubt a lefty, but nice try.


I'm happy to take it. It is an easy one.

We don't feel a "need" to defend "one guy". No, he is not our "messiah", he is a leader who is now the target of a commie witch hunt as a violation of his and our rights.

Which part of that do you need expanded on?


Where the classified documents and the sexual assault case were a "witch hunt"


Are you pretending to be unaware of the relentless investigations of him, since BEFORE he was elected, all just lefties throwing shit at this guy, looking for something that will give them an excuse to use the power of the state against him?


He's getting investigated because he probably did criminal things. He lost the sexual assault case and I doubt you read the Trump indictment.


No, he's not. That's the point. He's being investigated becasue you people have government power and are wiling to use it against your political enemies.

If you jail him, he will be a political prisoner.


Bill Clinton sexually assaulted someone underneath the desk in his Oval Office and you had 0 problem with that back in the day, right??


? No one was talking about Bill Clinton...


And that right there makes you a hypocrite that you're ok when Clinton did this, but have a boner against Trump.. Got it


Clinton had a huge boner for his 19 yr old plump intern. I would too. 🍆💦😍


Easy, they were paid under the table, regardless of how the court ruling would come out.


Any evidence of that Sherlock?


Oh, that’s right, because politicians, judges, and civilians are never compromised, or threatened, or blackmailed, or bought off. Those things would never occur, that would be ridiculously impossible.


Oh, so you have proven evidence of what you speak of?

Hey, there's crooked people on the take everywhere, but means absolutely nothing until we get the proof.


Crooked people on the take? lol 🤣🤣🤣

That is impossible, there is no such thing, that is just conspiracy theory.


Oh, so you have evidence that everyone but Trump is lying and accepting bribes?


Accepting bribes?

No one does that, that's Insane!


5 minutes of dems complaining about the 2016 election being stolen.


Question: Who's still complaining about the 2016 election?
Question: Who is currently complaining about the 2020 election?


1. dems
2. repubs


let me fix that,
1. No one
2. JoWill Q


JoWill Q?


5 minutes of dems complaining about the 2016 election being stolen.


Qanon JoWill
C'mon admit it,,,,. you're nutz


eh, sometimes....too many long island iced teas maybe.... :)


Question: Who's still complaining about the 2016 election?

JoWilli seems to be the only one!


I guess Killary is the only one...


and Hillary, she said the election was stolen from her.

5 minutes of dems complaining about the 2016 election being stolen.


Did you watch Community yet?


Well, I don't do streaming so I'll have to get the DVDs...They're on my to-get list, though!


No streaming? Ok Boomer. lol You might be able to get them on Ebay fairly cheap.


What can I say, I'm old school! I'm actually almost as old as one can be without being a boomer(born in 1966...) My only phone is a landline too! 😀


"there's zero proof of anything beyond people saying something happened"

What do you think most court evidence consists of?


you cant


They did in fact do so. The jury listens to both sides, they get instructions from the judge, then they deliberate and make a decision. You have never served on a jury have you?


Because this wasn't a criminal trial.


They don't care about any evidence, they just want to get Trump.


yup, their mission is destroy Trump because he is Pro-American


Have you noticed that your friend tvfan is no longer posting here? That's because I outed him that he isn't a US citizen though he pretended to be one. I busted him twice. At least you are an American.


I can understand why someone from another country would WANT to be or at least pretend to be an American citizen.

I'm fine with non-americans voicing their opinion on American policies or issues. Lord knows I am comfortable talking about or judging other countries and their politics.


I'm a citizen and I live here in the US, but robo the moron thinks I’m not an American because I used the word "centre."


Wow. That's stupid. And typical.

Lefties are always looking for "reasons" to discount someone so that they have a "reason" to not have to answer their points.

This is obvoiusly because lefties know that their positions and ideas are stupid and can only be defended, by tactics such as controlling the debate to not allow dissenting ideas of god forbid, actual facts.


Says the dumbass groomer who thinks a person is not an American over a word; how stupid can you be.


You're back. Did you just get released from the mental hospital?

You misspelled "center" as "centre" three times. When I corrected you then you claimed that you were taught to spell "center" as "centre" in America but everyone knows that's bullshit. "Center" is a very common word but you expect us to believe that not one person in your life didn't correct your misspelling of "center?" Then there is the issue when you told me that state governors directly control cities instead of mayors then you backtracked with pure bullshit.

You are not an American and you are the stupidist person here and that is some feat. You should be proud. I look forward to seeing you explode when Harris defeats Trump in November.


"You're back"

I never left. You should know by now that sometimes I don't post for days, weeks or months.

"You are not an American"

Keep telling yourself that since you're stupid enough to believe it over the use of a word.

"I look forward to seeing you explode when Harris defeats Trump in November."

Kamala is a whore and Tim is a pedo sympathizer. It's no surprise that a groomer like you supports them.


When are you going to release your evidence that you claim to have that the 2020 election was rigged so Trump can be reinstated as president? You made this claim again today in another one of your insipid posts so where is the proof?

You are so very stupid so have fun pretending to be an American. I just hope you will survive Harris' win in November but keep the number for the Suicide Hotline handy. Your going to need it.

Trump is now the oldest candidate to run for president so why aren't you holding Trump to the same standard as Biden? Trump is way too old to be president and his dementia is getting worse by the day. Have you seen Trump lately? He's not doing well. Oh! Don't forget that Trump is a 34 times convicted felon too. That's funny because MAGA claims they are the law and order party.

There is no path to Trump’s reelection. Maybe you morons (well not you because you're not an American) should have nominated a younger, smarter and more experienced candidate but now they are stuck with Trump. He will lose in November I promise you.


"his dementia is getting worse by the day."

Show me where you're getting this from.


His mouth


Just watch Trump at his latest rallies because he looks frail and speaks with nothing but word salad and his crowd size is declining. It's so obvious to everyone except you.

Need more proof, genius? Then watch this video. I dare you!

Trump's brain collapse explained by cognitive experts

Then read the comments to this video and you'll see how much Americans dislike Trump.

Trump is now the oldest candidate to run for president so why aren't you holding Trump to the same standard as Biden? Trump is way too old to be president and his dementia is getting worse by the day. Have you seen Trump lately? He's not doing well. Oh! Don't forget that Trump is a 34 times convicted felon too. That's funny because MAGA claims they are the law and order party. I repeated this because you are stupid. Answer these questions so maybe you won't look as much of a retard you are.


Because when you have the "Oprah #MeToo Movement Justice System" at work, you don't need evidence and only hearsay and if it involves Trump, you can make up this biggest bullshit story in the world and the Jury dumb enough will believe it.. Case in point: EJ Carroll also sued Les Moonves of CBS for the very same thing she accused Trump of and she is noted for this and if that's not bad enough, it's EJ Carroll going on Rachel Madcow's show after she won the Verdict on Trump and bragged and laughed hysterically about the shopping spree she was going on and sorry, but that completely blew her cover and the world saw it and now, this bitch is gone and nowhere to be found and why?? Because America saw FRAUD in EJ Carroll when she did that and truth be told, no legitimate rape survivor is laughing hysterically like she did. They're meek and timid and would rather be left alone. I hope Trump didn't give her one fucking dime
